December, 12th 2020 
Happy New Year! 

At Loisaida, we are working on a lot of big things for 2021. We've begun planning this years Loisaida Festival. We are working on creative ways to celebrate our heritage and neighborhood in these unprecedented times. 

Last year ended with a lot of goodbyes. We lost two crucial figures from our community. Miguel Algarín: Poet and co-founder of the Nuyorican Poets Café,  and "Rabbit/Conejo" Nazario: Activist and long time Social Justice advocate, co-founder of CHARAS and The Real Great Society.

Looking forward, we are going into 2021 with resilience and innovative strategies for helping our community during the COVID-19 Pandemic. See our opportunities, events and programs that we're working on in the near future:


Loisaida Inc. accept applications for our residency on a rolling basis. We are currently accepting applications with variable starting dates. Apply here
In collaboration with the Whitney Museum of American Art, Loisaida Center will be hosting a virtual printmaking workshop on Wednesday, January 27, at 7pm. Join artist and Whitney educator Oscar Cornejo as he leads a workshop that will highlight how you can use everyday materials from the home to create innovative works of art through printmaking. Oscar will demonstrate how to make prints using various techniques like rubbings, stamps, relief, monotype, and collagraph. The workshop takes inspiration from the exhibition, Nothing is So Humble: Prints from Everyday Objects, which is currently on view at the Whitney. The printmaking demo will be followed by a Q&A and open discussion that talks more in-depth about experimental printmaking and Oscar's artistic practice

The demo portion of this event will be captioned in English and Spanish. 

If you'd like to follow along with the workshop or practice the techniques afterwards in your own time here is a broad list of some of the materials that you could use. It is not necessary to have all of these materials. We encourage participants to get creative with anything they have available to them at home! RSVP and more info here

Lower East Side Sports Academy (LESSA) is conducting an educational program that supports our youth and provides assistance through mentoring, tutoring, counseling and introducing additional options of next level educational programs. The program dedicates one hour per week to working with the students to ensure educational consistency, support families regarding DOE High Schools and Middle Schools application process. At Loisaida, we are providing LESSA with technical needs and plan to provide our space for in person teaching as soon as our COVID precautions are cleared.

We really hope you can join us!


The Loisaida, Inc. Team

Loisaida Inc. | 646-726-4715 | [email protected] | http://www.loisaida.org
710 E. 9th Street New York, NY 10009
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