To experience our path is to acknowledge the possibility
that "something greater" is attempting
to live itself out through our lives.
Lauren Artress
Dear Fellow Creatives,

I would love you to join me in Chartres this year. This will be an opportunity to deepen your SoulCollage ® and Labyrinth practice and open to possibility as you walk the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral by candlelight during our time together.

During this week of self-discovery The Rev Dr Lauren Artress, a spiritual pioneer of our time, and I will be your guides as you deepen your experience of both of these intuitive soul languages.

I consider both the labyrinth and the SoulCollage ® process to be pathways to transformation that can help us navigate the uncertainty of life and its many challenges. They both give us ways to access our own inner resources and intuition. Using one of them alone will make a difference in your life, but used together they will amplify and reinforce each other because they are both languages of the soul, both processes to access our inner world and deepen our understanding of ourselves as we journey on this path called life.

Both processes allow us to create a sense of order out of the information that bombards us from all directions, and both encourage us to develop a higher level of awareness that enables us to thrive in the complex and ever-changing world in which we live. In addition, I have found that both processes nurture patience and expansion in us which allows us to, as Rainer Maria Rilke said, "learn to love the questions themselves."

Your SoulCollage ® cards are doorways to your inner wisdom and the labyrinth supports you on your journey reminding you to trust your path.

The journey before each of us is to know our own soul
and to become our own oracle.
Mark Nepo

Entrance to the Crypt of Chartres Cathedral
Retreats in North Carolina

And if 2020 is not your year to travel to France, but you want to find ways to access soul language, consider joining me in North Carolina for one of these retreats which focus on combining creativity and the labyrinth and SoulCollage ® and the labyrinth

August 2-6: Visual Journals as Creative Thresholds at St Francis Springs, NC

August 21-25: A Spiral Journey - at St Francis Springs Retreat Center, NC

November 8-12: Pathways and Portals of Creativity - at St Francis Springs, NC
And if you feel called to share SoulCollage ® with others, p erhaps this is your year to train as a SoulCollage ® Facilitator

March 5th to 8th, 2020
at St Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC
Two spaces still available, as well as a space for a Facilitator who would like to refresh her skills and assist at the Training.

July 23rd to 26th, 2020
at St Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC

October 22nd to 25th, 2020
in Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Anyone is welcome to join me in South Africa for this Training!
If you need travel information please contact me.

SoulCollage ® is a doorways to your inner wisdom.
It invites you to give visual and poetic expression to the unique tapestry
of your life experiences, and to discover and nourish the seeds of your destiny.
Mariabruna Sirabella
Hope our journeys intersect on the path this year.
Love and blessings,

We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire
next to a moon that moves the sea ...
And you don't believe in miracles?