Wilkes County FCS 
"I am thankful that in a troubled world no calamity can prevent the return of spring." - Helen Keller

Happy Spring and happy April friends! The past few weeks have brought many unexpected changes to our lives. It can be easy to get caught up on the things that are out of our control, so today's newsletter will be about the things we can. What we can do to maintain some balance and stay healthy during this time.

Health and Wellness
Physical Activity 

While there's less opportunity to be active in our regular settings, there are a lot of new opportunities to be active at home. Many fitness companies are offering free virtual workouts. More details can be found on the ESMMWW blog, some include...

All of these activities will help keep your body moving. But never underestimate the benefits of a simple walk outdoors for an energy boost, fresh air, and to get your blood flowing. 

Family Life & Self Care
A variety of resources are available from NCSU regarding strategies for coping with stress during COVID-19. Two key strategies include having healthy relationships and practicing mindfulness or meditation. Additional strategies are available specifically for families with children. 

Apps can also be a great resource for practicing mindfulness or medication. Try Headspace, Calm, or Insight Meditation to name a few.

Additional Resources...
Stress Management - Mayo Clinic
6 Relaxation Techniques - Harvard Health
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Eat Local for Spring!
Here in North Carolina and Wilkes County, our farmers are working hard to provide food to the community. Spring is a great time to begin enjoying this seasons availability!
While the Wilkes County Farmers Market is not currently open, farms are working to provide alternative options. Many are making special no-contact deliveries to customers. Download the Visit NC Farms App for updates. 

Local food can also be found through ASAP and the High Country Food Hub.

Need recipe ideas? Check out these recipes featuring seasonal ingredients. 

Cleaning and Food Safety
For the latest research-based updates on cleaning and food safety the NCSU Food Safety Portal for COVID-19 has your answers. The Safe Plates Food Safety Information Center is also a great way to stay up to date with changes. 

Some useful info-sheets for home and community are.. 

*This information is constantly evolving, so check the main portal for updates*