Above: Mr. Ryan took 1st graders outdoors to create snow sculptures during art class.
Hello, friends.

As we near the end of what has been a challenging year, it is less the difficulties we faced that stand out than the ways in which we came together to rise above them. Over the last nine months, Willowwind’s faculty and staff have been creating opportunities out of challenges, fostering connection within isolation, and providing structure and security amid uncertainty. Through the endless ups and downs of 2020, Willowwind has continually provided meaningful and engaging learning experiences; that is something we can be immensely proud of. 

In March, Willowwind moved to a 100% distance learning model and remained in this model through the end of the 2019-20 school year. During these months the faculty continued to ensure that children were supported in both their academic and emotional needs. In May we held end-of-year traditions and celebrations, including the annual talent show and 6th-grade graduation, via Zoom. The summer months brought a mix of uncertainty and innovation as we canceled much of our 10-week long Summer Program and looked for new ways to connect with the wider community.

We began the 2020-21 school year on-site but with many changes. Classrooms were restructured and in some cases moved in order to maximize safety and distancing. Specials instruction like art, music, and S.E.L went mobile to minimize contact between classroom cohorts, and mentorships across grade groups and K-6 Group Discussions were modified for safety. One thing didn't change, Willowwind continues to provide individualized and child-led learning experiences that promote both academic and social-emotional development. We are here today, with the first half of the school year under our belts. This too is something we can be immensely proud of. 

We have a lot of important work ahead of us in the new year; work that will strengthen and grow our school community through professional development, facilities improvements, curricular enhancements, and much more. Like others, Willowwind will surely continue to feel the impact of the pandemic for many months to come so now more than ever we must focus our energy on the work ahead and begin to write a new story for 2021. May the new year bring you and yours health and happiness.

In friendship and gratitude,

Dana Smith
Director of Advancement

P.S. Take a peek below to learn more about our fundraising efforts and see how you can help your Willowwind community thrive.

Fundraising is one of the most important sources of non-tuition income. Donations cover approximately 25% of Willowwind's costs each year. The Annual Fund helps faculty and staff accomplish their daily work by supporting both planned expenditures and unexpected costs.

Like many other non-profits, Willowwind has been hugely impacted by COVID-19 and continues to feel the impact of months of lost revenue and canceled community events. Thanks to the generosity and unwavering support of our school community, namely donors like yourself, Willowwind has been able to navigate this year’s choppy and ever-changing waters with greater flexibility, strength, and perseverance.

While we understand that circumstances have changed for many, we still ask you to join us, at whatever level you are able, in building a tomorrow full of greater possibilities. We need your help to reach our ambitious $50,000 fundraising goal for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Together we have already raised $10,929.97! Whether you are able to give $5 or $500, know that your gift will have an immediate impact on the work we do at Willowwind each and every day.

We look back at 2020 with great pride for all that we accomplished and the many hurdles we overcame as a school community. We now look toward 2021 knowing that we will continue to innovate and face challenges to provide our families with the child-focused education they love and expect from Willowwind School.

Thank you for helping to ensure that Willowwind has the resources to bring its mission and vision to fruition.
Your Annual Fund Gift Supports:
From the classrooms:

Monarchs are gaining more in-depth knowledge of the universe. They have finished learning about each of the planets in our solar system and have now begun a deep dive into the layers of the Earth. Preschool students also learned about and celebrated Winter Solstice which marks the first day of winter and has the fewest hours of daylight. During specials, preschool friends have been doing watercolor with Mr. Ryan in Art, learning about dynamics with Mr. Sam in Music, and practicing hand-eye coordination with Ms. Susan in P.E.

This month, Cottontail friends learned about different world religions that take place during the month of December-Kwanza, Hanukkah, and Christmas. They learned a bit of history and discovered some important traditions surrounding each religion. Students also enjoyed learning some traditional songs and games. During S.E.L (Social-Emotional Learning), Kindergarteners are studying kindness and how being helpful can make us feel great and have a positive impact on others. Students have finished glazing their ceramic work in art and have been loving badminton in P.E.!
Prairie Racerunners
(1st grade)

First-graders just finished up their project-based math games. Students have been working in small groups to think up and create a math-related board game. This is a project that is completed over many weeks allowing students ample time to plan, come up with rules, instructions, and make game boards. This type of project not only teaches and reinforces math concepts but also presents opportunities for the students to become leaders in their classrooms and practice public speaking as they present their projects and teach math concepts to their peers. Racerunners also enjoyed some extra time outside when Mr. Ryan did a lesson on snow sculpture!
Painted Turtles
(2nd-3rd grade)

In addition to their usual studies, the Turtles have been working hard on producing their first-ever newspaper, Turtle Times. Students have been closely observing, interviewing, and keeping their ears to the ground for all the big stories on campus. The Turtles wrote, edited, and illustrated the entire paper with the support of their incredible teacher, Ms. Lisa. We are so proud of all their hard work and are excited to share Turtle Times. We hope you will enjoy this peek into our community through the eyes of these young friends.
Burrowing Owls
(3rd-4th grade)

The Owls have just finished recording their poetry readings for Authors' Cocoa. We'll be sharing a prerecorded version of this annual event next month. Students have also begun their Road Trip projects. Utilizing all of the math, literacy, and geography skills they have mastered this year, students will spend the next several weeks in small groups creating detailed road trips through a region of our country. We can't wait to see where they take us! A peek at specials shows the Owls are learning about conflict resolution during S.E.L. with Ms. Rachel and are exploring the pentatonic scale and trying out composition in music with Mr. Sam.
Red Foxes
(5th-6th grade)

The Foxes are diving deeper into many complex aspects of the Revolutionary War. During this unit, students have studied our country's history, learning about our founding fathers and the role they each played in our break from England and the shaping of our government. They have also finished reading Chains, by Laurie Halse. This novel follows the story of thirteen- year- old Isabel, an African American slave fighting for her and her younger sister's freedom during the war. Students made mandalas to represent a character in the novel and certain aspects of the story they found impactful. This month, Ms. Susan has introduced the Foxes to badminton in P.E., while Mr. Ryan has them busy glazing their ceramic work.
Alumni News
Once a Willowwinder, always a Willowwinder!
We would love to grow our alumni community and reconnect with friends we haven't heard from in a while. If you're an alumnus, former student, faculty, or staff drop us a note and we'll be sure to share it with other Willowwinders! We welcome your updates, and memories or photos from your WW days. We look forward to hearing from you!