Impact 100 RC's $10,000 grant provided immediate relief in helping these SRJC Bear Club Scholars receive chromebooks for virtual classes during the COVID pandemic.
Women Transforming Sonoma County Through Collective Philanthropy - May 2020
To our generous Impact 100 RC members:
As we proceed thru this Corona virus pandemic, we recognize that your life has significantly changed. You are likely to be at home more, apart from friends and family members, and measuring each contact as if your health depends upon it, because it does.
We want you to know that in this changed environment we need you more than ever. Your dollars go to agencies that you have selected, that we have carefully evaluated and that have demonstrated needs that express the values of our community. We cherish your contributions in the fight to keep our community non-profits alive.
We can't be physically shoulder-to-shoulder to you but we can be heart-to- heart. In that capacity, we want to keep you informed and involved. Our Marketing Committee has been hard at work coming up with ideas to fit our current venues. We already have plans to reach you through our monthly newsletter, Social Media, and through Zoom, our new venue for continuing committee meetings, informational sessions, and opportunities to virtually meet each other. If you would like to contribute to building our virtual community with your ideas and/or time to volunteer, please let us know.
We encourage you to continue to spread the word about Impact 100 RC to friends and colleagues. Please bring them to Cocktails and Conversation or other virtual meetings open to our guests.
We will do our best to inform you about upcoming events through Email, but please check our Website as well: Impact100Redwoodcircle.org. If you have questions, don't hesitate to be in touch with us so that we may be of assistance to you.
We don't know when we will physically be together again. Until we do, we hope you are confident that we are working diligently to maintain Impact 100 RC as a vibrant, healthy organization that strives to support Sonoma County.
Jan Gilman & Suzy Marzalek, Co-Presidents
Impact 100 Redwood Circle
** 70 members attend May 13 Virtual
(Zoom) meeting!
While we all enjoy Impact 100 RC's face-to-face membership meetings, the "virtual" option is proving to be a great way to learn and stay connected. Liaison Committee
co-chairs Loretta Zweig and Cynthia Schmidt spent 45 minutes updating members on how are current Impact Grantees are doing. Kudos to them and to the Marketing and Technology committees for making this happen!
"So much useful information was imparted. You made if clear that our grants have been transformative for these organizations"
"Superb and inspiring presentation"
"Great teamwork & collaboration between committees"
"It's encouraging to see that our funding has created programs that have lasted beyond the grant"
Stay connected by attending these upcoming
Cocktails & Conversation
Tuesday, May 19
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Impact Grant Launch
Wednesday, May 27
4:30 - 4:15 pm
Hear about the 2020 Impact Grant nominating and selection process. Impact Grant committee co-chairs Vicki Groninga and Susan Milstein will lead a 15-minute presentation followed by 30 minutes for Q&A. You will be able to post your questions via the Zoom chat feature during the presentation.
Being a NonProfit in Challenging Times
Thursday, June 4
4:30 - 5:30 pm Registration info. coming
What does it take to be a nonprofit in times of challenge and adversity? Food for Thought, our 2017 Impact Grant recipient will share their journey through the HIV epidemic, HIV as a chronic condition, 2008 recession, wild fires, and now COVID-19. Ron Karp, Executive Director, and Nina Redman, Client Services Director, will share how continue to serve their clients by continually adapting their programs and delivery.
Cocktails & Conversation
Wednesday, June 10
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Community Grants Volunteers Needed!
The Community Grants committee is looking for a few new volunteers for the 2021 grant cycle.
If you are interested in helping in this area (especially if you have a financial background) this year's co-chairs will be happy to answer any questions:
Please welcome the newest member of our circle:
Frieda Ireland
Christy Pichel
Despite the cancellation of our C&C events, please continue to refer friends, business associates, etc. who may be a good fit for Impact 100 RC!
Community Grant Winners 2020!
The BIG announcement of our eight 2020 Community Grant winners came on April 21st. Below, we share a special letter or story from four of our grantees (the other four will be covered in our June Communique). A BIG thanks to the 2020 Community Grants committee for all your hard work!
Bird Rescue Center, Environment
Baby Golden Eagle Returns to the Wild!
On April 24, BRC received a call about a baby eagle who had tumbled to the ground when its nest fell apart. After determining that the two-week old eaglet had suffered a mid-shaft ulna (wing) fracture, avian specialist Dr. David Rupiper set the bone and recommended supplements to help the bird heal.
Enter the Raptor Team!
Baby eaglet recovering at BRC |
In an effort to safely return the eaglet to its nest as quickly as possible, BRC's highly-trained te
am visited the property where the baby was found. They accessed the nest situation, height a
nd species of tree, parent activity, presence of other babies and the condition of surrounding area. While the baby healed at BRC, the Raptor Team discovered that re-nesting was possible within a week, but that it could take over 24 hours for the parents to return.
The re-nest was planned for April 30th. At 7:00 a.m., a new nest was installed using a Papasan chair and materials from the fallen nest. At 9:00 a.m. the baby eaglet was placed inside. By 6:30 p.m. the people who found the baby reported that the parents returned and were feeding their little one! Seeing birds back in nature - especially babies reunited with their families - makes all BRC's hard work and long hour's worthwhile!
Follow the BRC at:
Jewish Community Free Clinic, Health
Dear Members of Impact 100 RC:
The Jewish Community Free Clinic is so grateful for the generous donation from Impac
t 100 RC. Monies from the grant will be used to cover the cost of free lab testing for our vulnerable clients and pay for much-needed medical supplies, as well as to cover the cost of additional outreach to our clients so that they can learn more about our completely free-of-charge safety net services.
With an expected significant increase in the number of local unemployed (and thereby uninsured) clients due to the coronavirus pandemic, these funds will allow us to continue to provide care to our vulnerable patients and will provide much needed resources to keep our services fully operational. As we are seeing, since disease knows no boundaries, ensuring care for all individuals helps to boost the overall public health of the community.
Thank you Impact 100 RC for your support for our organization!
Donna Waldman, Executive Director
Follow the JCFC at:
Reach for Home, Health
Housing for People, Skills for Life
Reach for Home's vision is to end homelessness in North Sonoma County.
The purpose of the Reach for Home programs is to provide opportunities and support for clients to work toward self-sufficiency, independence and permanent housing. Clients team with a case manager to help access resources and services that will help them make necessary changes in their lives. Furthermore, our program offers clients the opportunity to gain self-confidence and to become self-sufficient. We assist clients that live in Windsor, Healdsburg, Cloverdale and Geyserville.
Street Team in Action |
Our agency offers the only Street Medicine Team in Sonoma county. We provide medical/mental health support to approximately 250 of the most vulnerable people in the north county. Our team goes directly to the encampments to provide critical care and build relationships with people who are distrustful of institutionalized medicine. We track our progress through the county's information software and are required to report achievement of goals on a quarterly basis. We use a 22-year-old van with 175,000 miles on it. Your grant (in conjunction with other funds) will purchase a van we can use as an offsite medical/mental health office to provide confidentiality and a safe place for medication management and medically assisted treatments. If we provide this type of care, more people will seek housing. Without it, more people will die. Simply stated, your grant will save lives.
Follow Reach for Home at:
SRJC Foundation, Education
Impact 100 RC Grant Provides Immediate Relief
Hello Impact friends,
I am writing to you full of emotion. I nominated SRJC Foundation (Foster youth programming) for the Impact 100 RC community grant. Today it was announced that they were, in fact, going to be awarded $10,000.
Rebecca Levelle (SRJC NextUP & Bear Cub Scholar Coordinator) called me with tears in her eyes. She said she was so stressed last week, because they needed to grant gift cards to many of their students for groceries. In addition, they had over $1,000 in fees to ship out Chromebooks and cell phones to students who qualified for these resources through a national organization called iFoster. (iFoster shipped to SRJC, but they needed to ship to the students).
Rebecca said they incurred the fees but did not know how they would ultimately cover the cost. She explained that this grant could not have come at a better time, to relieve the stress of how they would pay for their costs incurred to forward these resources for their students.
I wanted to share this news with you all, my Impact 100 RC friends. It so, so heartwarming to hear of the immediate relief and benefit our organization has provided to an integral part of our community. I am so honored and proud to be a part of this amazing organization that you all work so hard toward making so impactful for Sonoma County!! I hope this expresses my overwhelming gratitude!
Laura Robertson, Impact 100 RC Member
Follow SRJC Foundation at:
Look for articles about our four other 2020 Community Grant winners in the June edition of the
Impact Grant Committee
Attend a Virtual "Kick-off" on May 27th
It's time to start thinking about nominating nonprofits for the 2020 Impact Grant. Who would have guessed that our 2020 nominations would coincide with an explosion of need in our community due to the coronavirus pandemic? Nonprofit organizations are all besieged with increased demand for services while their resources are decreasing. Now, more than ever, we have the opportunity to make an impact on how Sonoma County responds to those who are most vulnerable during this time.
On Monday, May 18th, each member will receive an email from the Impact Grant Committee with a link to a nomination form. Nominations are due Tuesday, June 2 by 6 p.m.
Curious about the grant application process? Questions about nominations? Please mark your calendars to attend our Virtual Information Meeting on Wednesday, May 27, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. We will briefly outline this year's grant application process and reserve plenty of time for Q&A. Reply to the event invitation or click here to register. Guests are welcome. Your emailed confirmation will contain the Zoom information.
Vicki Groninga & Susan Milstein, Co-Chairs
Updates From Our Impact Grant Recipients
Liaison Committee
to see a list of ways we can support our Impact Grant recipients as they continue to serve their clients during these challenging times.
Catholic Charities
Children's Resource Manager Offers Children Education and Fun During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Toni with Easter baskets |
Long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Toni Abraham, Children's Resources Manager at Catholic Charities, has been a leader for the children residing at the Catholic Charities Family Support Center. In all matters pertaining to children's enrichment, Toni stands tall for the children who are at risk.
Throughout the public health emergency, Toni has continued her role as a mentor, tutor, counselor, and friend to children whose education has been significantly disrupted. In addition to attending to educational needs, Toni hid Easter Eggs across the across the Support Center's community garden for the children to find. Following social distancing guidelines, only one family was allowed to enter the garden at a time. After the egg hunt, children were individually given the chance to garden with their parents. Thank you, Toni, for your dedication and kindness to our community's vulnerable children and their families.
Loretta Zweig & Cynthia Schmidt, Co-Chairs
Membership Committee Update
Outreach continues via "virtual" channels
The current number of members is 236 and 42 of those are Dyads.
Our First Try at a ZOOM Cocktails and Conversation get together will be on May 19th from 4:30-5:45 PM. At present, it is full and there is a waiting list.
Our Second Virtual Cocktails and Conversation will be June 10th from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The Cocktails and Conversation events are open to all members however capacity is limited. If you know of someone who may be interested in joining, please share this information. A guest may be registered by you or they may register on their own. These events are a great opportunity to learn more about Impact 100 Redwood Circle, our grant nomination and selection processes and the lasting impact for our grant recipients. Use this link to register yourself, and/or your guest.
New Member Orientations are currently on HOLD. We would like to wait until we can gather in person, but may reconsider if this remains unattainable for a long period of time.
Please continue to watch for email Communiques, email blasts, and posted dates on the website calendar, so you can stay in touch with current Impact 100 RC news and upcoming events.
Membership Committee members are currently making personal phone calls to membership to foster interconnection and involvement within our organization. Our hope is that we can maximize our membership renewals and encourage recruitment at a time when the grant money Impact 100 RC is giving to our community organizations is so needed.
Charlene Staples & Bev Curry, Co-Chairs
Contact our Newsletter Editor:
If you have questions or suggestions for The Impact 100 Redwood Circle Communique, please contact Editor, Jan Houts at impact100newsletter@gmail.com