RCHP November Newsletter
Dear Church Family,

October was a month of shocking reversals that positively impacted the life of this church (and the families that are part of it). I will reflect, very briefly, on three things.

I spent October13th-19th in Tucson, Arizona, representing Classis New Brunswick at the General Synod meeting. This is the setting where, together with representatives from all Classes around the country, the church gathers to ‘speak’ as one national voice. The last two decades have seen an unbelievable number of contentious, destructive meetings. I fully expected to go in, ready to battle for an open church, a more expansive reading of scripture and a fuller understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, against siblings in the faith that I expected would oppose such things. What I found, however, is that while there is a great level of diversity in terms of opinions on matters that are important to RCHP and to our regional Reformed Churches, it seems that the church has moved in a direction of unity—which, consequently, necessitates allowing more openness toward one another. I can say, definitively, that the meeting was a good meeting. In the meeting, there was a desire to ask those who cannot tolerate unity, to know there is an ‘easy way out’—a “generous exit’ as it was called. I think this, too, was a good thing. A framework, and a timeline, was set for churches to exit gracefully. We voted to restructure the denomination, and that new restructure isn’t totally defined yet, but I felt good about it.  

What does this mean for RCHP’s decision to ‘dual affiliate’ with the United Church of Christ? We put one foot in that denomination because, well, for decades it seems the RCA was sliding into a fundamentalist camp (and a byproduct of that view was negativity toward LGBTQ Christians and others). The Consistory will discuss this. It is my sense, however, that God led us to put ‘one foot in each denomination’ for a reason. We made the decision to dual affiliate very carefully and I’m sure these conversations will be careful and fruitful too.  

Secondly, and most importantly for our community, Harry and Yana and their family have finally won their asylum case! After 18 years of trying to resolve their status the day finally arrived, last Thursday, and we honestly couldn’t be more relieved. We have witnessed the wonderworking power of God—through the presence of the Holy Spirit, through the confidence that comes from the resurrection, and from the not-always-easy-to-name hand of God’s providence. Wellspring of tears—that is what so many of you have told me—about what happened to you as you received this good news. We’ve carried their burden, collectively, for a very long time now. Thanks be to God that a day of true shalom has arrived for them!

Finally, many of our efforts to care for refugees have resulted, very suddenly, in us being prepared (or at least close to it!) for the radical increase in arrivals from Afghanistan. We are experiencing a rate of arrival that is totally unprecedented. Many families a week are coming through our offices at the church. We have committed to 225 Afghans who received humanitarian parole coming out of the evacuation. We are renting dozens of apartments, collecting and moving furniture and just engaging at a very high level right now. This Sunday, at 2pm, join us in the afternoon for our annual Walk for Refugees. It’s important. It’s timely. We are participating, in a very local way, in what is the national story of 2021.  

Friends, in the middle of all of this we’ve had a wonderful Holiday Bazaar, Halloween Party, said goodbye to Ian Howells. What a month!

Let’s head into November with our eyes wide to the work that God will surely do. Who knows if November will have so many “peak” moments. Not every month is like that. But whether we have peaks or valleys, or long stretches of general peace, God is there, and we are with God, and there is no place we’d rather be.  

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!
Upcoming November Events & Happenings
November 5th: Congregational Center for Cancer Care holds its fall Steering Committee Meeting, at noon via zoom. We are seeking additional interested committee members!

November 6th: ServSafe Certified, 9am-5pm
Interfaith-RISE invites any RCHP member to its upcoming ServSafe Class that will be held TOMORROW! If you’d like to increase your marketability for jobs, get certified. It’s important for restaurant work! Official registration is over, but Fred might still be able to accommodate you so sign up by emailing Fred Kaiman at fred@interfaithrise.org
November 7th Interfaith-RISE Annual Walk for Refugees, 2pm-4pm
This event is always important, for the sake of raising awareness and funds. This year, more than ever, it HAS to be financially successful, in order for us to move forward with Afghan resettlement. Please encourage friends from other faith communities, from work, from everywhere…to join us on the 7th.

Join the RCHP Team!                              
Walk for Suicide Prevention Sunday, November 7th at 10am
Click on this link to find out more about how you can join Nicci and Renee to bring awareness to, and raise money for, the NJ Chapter of the American Foundation for the Prevention of Suicide (AFSP).
Meet & Greet (monthly every 2nd Saturday) - Saturday, November 13th at 11 a.m. in the parlor. Come on out for this informal gathering to catch up on what’s happening in the lives of your church family. All are welcome!

November 14th At 4pm, on November 14th, RCHP will ordain Amos Caley as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America. We are so grateful to have this opportunity, as a church family, to have seen Amos’ growth among us. We are richly blessed by his ministry and it is time, before God, to acknowledge his gifts for ministry and his calling to this ‘office’ of minister and this particular church.

November 20th: Nature Hike. All are encouraged to meet for a nature hike on November 6th, at 9am, in the back parking lot of church. We will determine the location for our hike based on the number of participants who arrive on Saturday, though we are planning on going to Thompson Park in Jamesburg.
November 21st, Interfaith-RISE Thanksgiving, 2pm, RCHP: Each year RCHP plans a beautiful service of thanksgiving, where participants from faith communities around our region join together to share words of gratitude to God from their traditions. This year’s service will be held outside at RCHP, so as to accommodate lots of people and to make sure that everyone feels safe. Please join us for this beautiful opportunity to grow in appreciation for our neighbor’s approach to almighty God.

November 28th: On Sunday night, November 28th, RCHP will hold its annual Advent Preparation Night. This will include a potluck dinner, Advent Wreath making, card writing and Christmas Caroling. Come and start the season together from 5pm-7pm.
Save the Date!
December 4th: On Saturday, December 4th, we will hold a new members and inquirers class from 9am-11am. While you can actively participate in RCHP without ever joining the church there is something important, and clarifying, for you and others, about actually putting down roots in a place. It creates an opportunity for you, and for the church, to make a covenant of connection together before God. Those who go through the new members class on the 4th will meet with the consistory on the 16th and we received at worship on December 19th. This is our last new member’s class of the year. Please join us.   
Worship and Education Opportunities
Sunday, November 7th - Celebrating Communion at 9am and 11:15am, Sunday School for all ages at 10:15. Nursery Care 9:00-12:30.

November 14th we will celebrate our healing liturgy at both services.
New RCHP Adult Education Course: Space for God

Based on the text, Space for God: Study and Practice of Spirituality and Prayer by Don Postema.
Through devotional reflections and readings, art, meditation and prayer, Space for God provides a joyous guide for spiritual living. Author Don Postema draws on his own rich experiences as a Christian pastor and on the writings of John Calvin, Thomas Merton, Henri J.M. Nouwen, C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle and others. The result is a rewarding spiritual journey that can lead to a fuller life.

All are Welcome. Three ways to participate. Choose the way that works best for you!

~Audit the course on the RCHP website. Free and flexible. A new chapter uploads to the RCHP Website every month, for ten months, beginning 10/15/2021. 
~Independent Self-Study. Purchase a copy of the text with a free will donation (up to $25 to cover costs). Dive deep.
  • Read one chapter of the text, ‘Space for God, each month.  
  • Complete the ‘At Home’ exercises at the end of each chapter.  
  • Reflect on your experiences in a personal journal. 
~Small Group Connections. Share your journal reflections with other participants in a monthly meeting on the second Monday of the month (lunch hour in person or 7-8pm on Zoom). 

RSVP and Questions: Contact Course Coordinator, Carol Turner at cjteddpc@mac.com
"Tricky Topics" Book Club Finishing this Month

We've had a wonderful first session of "Tricky Topics," in which we've met weekly to discuss readings from "How to Have an Enemy" by Melissa Florer-Bixler. We are concluding this session with a Zoom conversation with the author on November 18. Our next book study will begin in early January, with the book "Inspired" by Rachel Held Evans. Contact Pastor Amos if you would like to join this reading group amoscaley@gmail.com
The Table at 5:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Quilt room

Join your church family for a more intimate and informal version of worship which includes a simple meal + a time for thoughtful prayer and biblical contemplation.
Children and Youth
A Message from Wendy Jager
Sunday School for all ages, preschool through high school each week! Join us as we build community, hear the stories of our faith and respond in love, each Sunday from 10:15 a.m. - 11:05, between 1st and 2nd service. All are welcome.

This past month in Sunday school we heard stories of Jesus' teachings and healings from the gospel of Mark. We reflected on what it means to be given talents by God and called into community through service, how Bartimeaus' calling out to Jesus prompts us to call out for justice and how his healing and reinstatement into community calls us to build community. Mostly sunny weather allowed preschool through 5th grade to continue to meet in the side yard of the church for outdoor Sunday school. However, with wetter, colder weather now coming on, we will be moving indoors. Beginning this coming Sunday children will gather on the stage for our opening songs and prayers and then move into small groups with their lead teachers. Our awesome team of teachers are: Maria Ovando Palacios, Ashley Seita, Wendy Nussman, Justan Mitchell, Aidan Selmer, Wendy Jager, Jodi Bischoff, Amanda Bruehl, Liz Townley and Pastor Terry. Reach out to Wendy Jager if you would like to assist with Sunday school, have questions or would like to have your child join. wendyjager3@gmail.com We are making connections and putting our faith into practice each week; we would love to have all our kids experience this togetherness.
Jr High Youth Group, Sunday Nights at 7:00pm in the Cave

Children’s Choirs

We are getting back into the swing of things, and our children's choirs are meeting again on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:00. We are currently meeting outside the front of the church, and we are exploring a safe return to indoor rehearsals as the weather gets colder.

First Voices and Voices of Praise 5:30

High School Youth Group 7:00-8:15

The next meeting is November 16th at 7:00 - but this is no ordinary meeting!. It's the makeup for the postponed Halloween party and will be our "Thanksgiving Thriller Costume Party". LGBTQ+ kids are invited to bring a LGBTQ+ friend or a friend who's an ally. Supportive parents or guardians are also welcome. See flyer for details.

Questions? Email Austin at austin.lytgroup@gmail.com Sponsored by the RCHP Care Committee.
Connecting With God
Wednesday Bible Studies  

7:45am with Pastor Seth, 5:30pm with Student Minister Nkiru Menakaya. Both Bible Studies are either outside in the front yard of the church, or, with inclement weather, in the church parlor. 

Morning Prayer, Mon.-Sat. @ 9 am on zoom 

Take a few minutes in the morning to connect with your church family. You are invited to join by going to the link at rchighlandpark.org on our website.

Adult Choirs, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings

Come join one of the RCHP choirs for a season, or even just for an evening! Our Gospel Choir rehearses on Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 8:15pm (in the sanctuary). Our Chancel Choir meets on Wednesdays, from 7:00 to 8:15pm (in the parlor). Come and meet our new (but familiar) accompanist, Carl Phillips!
Connecting With One Another
NJIC3 Book Discussion
Starting in November, the New Jersey Interfaith Center for Cancer Care (NJIC3) will be running a weekly book discussion series. All are welcome to join in the discussion around the book “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi (read a description here). The meetings will bring together a range of experiences and perspectives as we reflect on some big questions about what makes life meaningful. 

We’ll be getting started on Tuesday the 9th November from 7:30-8:30 PM. Location TBD, with Zoom options available.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Liezl at Liezl.NJIC3@improvingnj.org

Prayer Shawl Group is Meeting In-Person!

The Prayer Shawl group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the parlor. If you are an experienced crafter or are looking for guidance, feel free to drop in and spend time with this caring community. Masks are required and all are welcome.
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. Contact our co-hosts, Deb Convery at deborah.convery@gmail.com or Carol Turner at cjteddpc@mac.com for more information and for a Zoom link.
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Thursday Sewing Circle

Each Thursday, from 10am-1pm, there is a wonderful opportunity to gather folks together for crafts and conversation. Please come to the Quilt Rm on Thursdays and check this out!
Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community
Rally for Climate Action and Climate Justice November 6 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Join Montclair Climate Action, Blue Wave NJ, Clean Water Action, the Northeast Earth Coalition, the Sierra Club Gateway Group, Sunrise Montclair, 350 NJ-R, and more as we rally for Climate Action and Climate Justice. The rally will take place in the Wellmont Arts Plaza (off Bloomfield Avenue, in front of the Wellmont Theater) on Saturday, November 6 from 10:30 am to noon. Let’s make our voices heard, from the COP26 climate conference in Scotland to our state capital in Trenton, demanding climate action and a more just and sustainable society. Join us for speakers, music, activities for kids, and more!

November 11th DIRE holds its monthly meeting at Noon.

November 18th, Interfaith-RISE in-person monthly meeting, noon. Interfaith-RISE Zoom meeting, 1:30pm (reach out to Pastor Seth for zoom details)
HP Food Pantry

During COVID our community is in need of the food pantry more than ever. The HP Food Pantry is collecting donations via an Amazon Wishlist. To donate badly needed items, click on https://tinyurl.com/s7pxpzn Contact Kathi Lombardi with questions: foxyrox18@gmail.com The items needed most this month are:

Food Pantry needs for November:
Tomato/Pasta Sauce
Canned Tuna, Salmon, Chicken 
Femine Hygiene products 

The HP Food Pantry is making "help your neighbors celebrate the holiday " boxes that are filled with essential extras. 
Needs for these boxes are:
Cornbread Mix
Cranberry Sauce 

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details.
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times
RCHP Holiday Grief Support Group

The holidays are times spent with our loved ones. This has been imprinted on our souls from a young age. Holidays mark the passage of time in our lives. But since holidays are for being with those we love the most, how can anyone be expected to cope with them when a loved one has died? For many people, this is the hardest part of grieving, when we miss our loved ones even more than usual. The sadness deepens and the loneliness can feel isolating. The need for support may be the greatest during the holidays. But you can – and will – get through the holidays. Rather than avoiding the feelings of grief, lean into them with us. 
If interested please contact Pastor Stephanie at stephanie.kaperdale@gmail.com Our group will meet November 8th, December 10th, and January 10th.
The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com

Church Based Mental Health

Asking for help is a sign of strength. Call our bilingual (nosotras hablamos Espanol!) Warmline for free non-crisis confidential mental health care (866) 777-2380 Email: ayuda@improvingNJ.org www.NJCommunityMentalHealth.org
Bereavement Calendar

RCHP remembers all those who died in November and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in November 2021: 

Ruth Epstein, Beloved Mother of Carla Epstein-Teliha

Charles Jackson, Beloved Father of Gail Green

Mary and Stefhan Horyn, Beloved Parents of Terrance Horyn

Walter Koscienski, Beloved ‘Uncle Wally’ of Carrie and Paul Hudak

Pat Rockman, Beloved Friend of Pat Kaufman

Harold and Ruth Thornton, Beloved Parents and
Patricia Snyder and Mary Alice Heinemann, Beloved Sisters, and 
John Thornton, Beloved Brother of Janet Peterson

Bossila, Beloved Mother and Todor Timev, Beloved Brother-in-law of
Vessa Timeva

Ralph Voorhees, Beloved Elder of RCHP

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
Hallelujah! In a world where bad news is never in short supply, the Pangemanan family received “shout for joy” news on Oct. 28th when the judge delivered the decision that they have been granted asylum. We give thanks that this case will provide good news for other Indonesian families who have been waiting an eternity to hear the same magic words. Blessings all around!
Yes, even hot dogs are welcome in church! Timmy gets a head start on Halloween with this awesome costume and winning smile.
A Fond Farewell - what a gift it’s been to have Ian Howells as our music minister for five-and-a-half years! We send him out with blessings as he expands his horizons and shares his talents with a wider audience!
And a Welcome Back to Carl Phillips! - Carl left us five-and-a-half years ago to do Peace Corps work in Zambia. As luck would have it, he was available to return to his post as Music Director for RCHP. We are so happy for his return!
Constant Vigilance - the need for Christ-like vigilance is never ceasing. Pastor Seth reminds us that the “wall” on the US/Mexico border has not disappeared, during his visit to Tucson AZ for General Synod. And our friends at People’s Organization for Progress stopped at RCHP last month on their Long March for Justice from north Jersey to Trenton to bring awareness to the continued need for police accountability via civilian review boards.
A Heartfelt “Thank You” from the Bazaar Committee 
On behalf of the Bazaar Committee, thanks go to all the members of our church for
their help before, during and after the Holiday Bazaar. Thank you to all the chefs
whose contribution made it a successful day, the home bakers, the crafters and the
family members and friends who are always there. Thank you to our entire church family who comes out to support this wonderful church event. Thank you to everyone who spread the word, far and wide, to bring people to see the wonderful handmade creations of all our church members, especially the “Ladies Sewing Circle” tables and our generous church community. So many people do things that are not readily seen or recognized. We’d like to offer you an especially appreciative thanks. Looking forward to seeing everyone next year.
Gratefully, The Bazaar Planning Team
Halloween Scene: Kids and kids-at-heart turned out for a day of games, treats and fun. Thanks to all who helped make this special day a success!