July 2022
Getting to Know You--Informal Conversations with Rev. Susan Ritchie
Join Rev. Susan for an hour's worth of informal conversation about North Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Unitarian Universalism, or whatever is on your heart and mind! This is an opportunity for those new to NUUC or considering membership to learn more, for anyone with questions to have them answered, or anyone wanting to get to know Rev. Ritchie or our congregation better.

Getting to Know You -- in person version, Sunday July 24, 2022, 11:45 AM, in the foyer of our church at 1574 Franklin Street, Lewis Center, OH. To register, click here.

Getting to Know You-- online version, Sunday July 31, 2022, Noon, online (Zoom). To register and to receive a Zoom link, click here.
Intergenerational Fun Planned for After Worship in July
Every Sunday in July, after the church service, there will be an "Intergen table" set up outside, weather permitting (indoors if not) where we’ll have a fun activity, such as a craft, a game or a sensory activity, in which persons of all ages can participate.

Summer Religious Education

Summer is officially here; kids are out of school and it’s time to PLAY!
Our free play and sensory activities are going to spill out into the yard with some fun new outdoor activities! Leave those good Sunday clothes at home and be prepared to get a little messy!
In addition to our indoor classroom, where we’ll continue to offer free-expression art, sensory tables, blocks and puzzles, we’re going to add some fun outdoor activities, (expect them to be a bit wet!)
We’ll be using our collective imaginations, the natural world and our fabulous recycled material collection to build boats that float, a fairy town and a rock garden

Intergen Sunday, July 17th

The kids go directly to the sanctuary and sit with their parents for the beginning of the service, then they’ll head over to the Neilsen House for the rest of the service.

Adults, need an excuse to come play? We still need adult chaperones. If you’re interested in spending a Sunday with us this summer, please contact Jacquie Zarley, Intern Minister and Interim Director of Religious Education at  Jacquie@nuuc.org.

Coffee Hosts Wanted!
Coffee hour hosts arrive at 10:15 AM to begin the preliminary coffee set up and leave at some point after noon when folks have drifted away.  Specific details for how to prepare, set up, and clean up from coffee are posted on the cabinets in the kitchen.  All coffee and coffee related supplies are stocked an on hand in the kitchen. The coffee host has the option of supplementing the coffee service with snacks as desired.

Ways to Connect

Brown Bag Books, July 19, noon at the church. The group will discuss Crying in H Mart, by Michelle Zauner

Mindful Writing: Share your written thoughts or simply listen. All are welcome! "Mindful Writing will meet EITHER on Monday, July 18 or July 27 at 7:00 pm via Zoom. (We are checking our summer schedules). Please let Marty Keith know it you are interested so that she can send you the Zoom link. She also will let people know which Monday we will be meeting. martykeith@zoho.com

Wednesday Noon Check In
Join us using the regular NUUC zoom connection at noon everyday Wednesday for informal check- ins and chat with your fellow members. Write minister@nuuc.org for a direct link.

Soul Matters Small Groups
We currently have three different Soul Matters Small Groups virtually meeting, for regular in depth check ins, and for exploring together different spiritual themes. New members are welcome at any time, write to minister@nuuc.org
Mowing at NUUC--We Need Some Help!
The mowing season is underway and the Building and Grounds Committee (B&G) again plans for NUUC to handle the mowing ourselves using the same approach as last year. Doing the mowing ourselves will save about $4,250 in the budget by avoiding having to contract out the mowing.
The B&G Committee will handle the mowing on a rotating basis with some help from the congregation. B&G Committee members will mow 3 weeks of each month, and the 4th week plus sometimes the 5th week will be handled by a different volunteer from the congregation. This approach will spread the work so each committee member will mow about once a month, and each congregational volunteer would mow just one time during the season. Our approach will keep everyone's work commitments reasonable. 
The areas to be mowed include the church yard (bounded by the driveway and the parking lot plus the yard around Nielsen House. In addition, part of the southern field at the rear of our property and the west side of the parking lot are included.
We have a zero-turn riding mower, which we use for almost all of the mowing. Having the zero-turn mower continues to make a big difference in our mowing efforts. It has cut our mowing time in half and some volunteers even say the mowing is now fun! 
If you are not familiar with using a zero-turn mower, we will give you some brief training for about 15 minutes that gets you familiar enough with the mower to comfortably mow the main parts of the yard. For a few small, tight areas, which the zero-turn mower cannot handle, you would finish up using a self-propelled push power mower. People who haven’t used a zero-turn or even a riding mower, have done well using the zero-turn mower. We also have had a few people who prefer to use the push mower to mow the entire yard instead of the zero-turn mower, which does provide one with more exercise. 
We would like to get 1 or 2 volunteers from the congregation each month to mow one time in the season. The mowing season runs from the end of April through early November. This year volunteers from the congregation only will be needed beginning in the last week of April through October. Three of those months will contain 5 weeks and require 2 volunteers, so we need a total of 10 volunteers.
Please consider volunteering to mow one time this season. If you would like to help the church handle the mowing, you can see the mowing sign-up schedule posted at this weblink: tiny.cc/NUUC-mowing . To get scheduled, contact Bob Keith at bobkeith@zoho.com or 740-815-2825. You also can contact Bob if you have questions or would like more information.