Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
Spotlight On: Mother's Day

A Celebration of Mothers  | Sunday May 10 | Beginning at 9 AM
This Sunday, starting at 9 AM, you can join in a Virtual Walk to support the Louis D Brown Peace Institute.  The Walk will be Livestreamed and will be found on our website, on Sunday at 9 AM.  This is their major fundraiser of the year, and King's Chapel is one of the major teams highlighted this year.  We are proud to be a sponsor, and hope that you will help to support them too.  Donations to the King's Chapel team can be made here. 

Also at 9 AM we will offer our Morning Light service via Zoom.  Join us for a brief service; we will offer prayers for loved ones, and Skip Lewan will be with us to offer music.  Contact to receive the Zoom access code. 

Our worship service will be found on our website at 11 AM, and will offer prayers and music in honor of mothers. Read more below in From the Minister, and From the Bench.

As you may recall from ancient calendar drafts, we had planned a May 10 benefit recital at 2 PM for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute as a complement to our involvement in the Mother's Day Walk for Peace. 
The concert has now moved to the virtual realm, and will take the form of a YouTube playlist that will be available for you to listen to at your convenience anytime. It will be curated by the choir members who were slated to sing, in collaboration with Heinrich. The theme is "Women's Voices" - we are aiming for a broad swath of beautiful music by women on the topics of motherhood, peace, and much more. You will find this on Sunday afternoon on the King's Chapel YouTube channel. 

Leading up to Mother's Day, o n Thursday May 7, the weekly "Conversations with the Educators" focused on Mother's Day as well. History Program Director Faye Charpentier not only shared the stories of two generations of mothers in King's Chapel history, but also discussed the history behind the holiday itself and how the roots of Mother's Day as we know it today emerged from community organizers and activists. Boston's own roots of Mother's Day, linked with poet and abolitionist Julia Ward Howe, urged women to unite to advocate for peace, aligning the historic roots of this holiday with the actions taken today by participants in the Louis D. Brown Institute's Mother's Day Walk for Peace
From the Minister
For Mother's Day, Please Pray for Tina Chery's Mother
This Mother's Day, we especially hold in our prayers Tina Chery, the mother of Louis D. Brown, who was killed at age 15 by gun violence in Boston. Adding to that burden, Tina's own mother has COVID-19 and is in critical condition.
Let's join in prayer and in action to support Tina Chery, one of our community partners, who founded the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute after Louis' death. Tina's goal is to support the surviving family of murder victims, and to transform how society responds to homicide. She is determined to teach peace, and to stop the ongoing cycle of fear and revenge that so often follows violence. City leaders say she has made a difference.
This year, thought, I was afraid the Peace Institute wouldn't be able to raise enough money to support its staff because their annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace must be "virtual". Rather than the thousands of us who march and raise funds, I feared many fewer might participate. Tina said the "human" part of her was also worried, but the "spiritual" part trusts God. That doesn't mean Tina sits passively by - rather, she invites in more and more people to be God's hands at work. So we at King's Chapel are more determined than ever to pitch in with our support. At this Sunday Mother's Day Worship Service we'll show a parade of photos of any of you with a sign - as if you were virtually marching.
My sign's above: "the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute Teaches Me How to Forgive.," because every time I come closer to the LDBPI, I learn a lot and grow spiritually. Other lessons for me have been about Courage and Faith. For Amanda Pickett, it's about Hope. For Carol Genovese, about Justice. And you? The principles of the LDBPI for transforming how society responds to homicide are: Love, Unity, Faith, Hope, Courage, Justice, and Forgiveness.
Our scripture lesson this week is about Stephen, a Greek-speaking disciple in the early church who asked God to forgive those stoning him to death. Stephen seems like an anachronistic, unreachable model. But Tina Chery has forgiven her son's murderer, and that man now speaks to youth about choices they can make. Tina believes God can transform any of us, maybe even me.
This is the 7th year in which King's Chapel will march to support Tina's work. Pray for her and their work, and that we might continue to learn from them, and for her mother, on this Mother's Day.  And show us your sign!
SCAM ALERT: If you have recently received an email from Rev. Joy Fallon with "Stay Blessed" in the subject line: DO NOT OPEN. 

This email is not from Joy and should not be opened. 
Keep those pledges coming!  We are getting closer to our goal of $206,000 in our pledge drive, which ends next Sunday May 17, at our Annual Meeting.  Look for more emails to follow!
Join the King's Chapel  Zoom"Block Party" | Friday  May 8, 5-6 PM
David and Joy are hosting an informal virtual gathering for King's Chapel members and friends on Friday night, May 8, 5-6 PM. We'll meet by Zoom (each of us in our own zoom "block", hence the name). This is a fun way to catch up with one another, see old friends, meet new ones, and ask your questions about the goings-on around the church. We'd love to provide you with the famous King's Chapel party hospitality, but in the circumstances, you'll need to bring your own drink and snacks.
For log-in information, via either your computer or phone, contact Laura at   

For those less familiar with Zoom, David and I will log in ten minutes early so you can test out the system, adjust your picture and voice volume, etc. Why not give it a try?
Poetry Discussion Group | Monday May 11 | 5:15 - 6:30 PM
Join Kent Wittenburg and Cynthia Perkins as we explore the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke in the Book of Hours, Love Poems to God.  These poems of spiritual yearning and discovery have had a major influence on many, including our own senior minister and the environmental activist and spiritual leader Joanna Macy.  In his poems Rilke offers a doorway into our relationship with God as we know God, whether hidden, fleeting, distant, compelling, or near to us.  We hope you will join us.

The final sessions is this Monday  5:15 - 6:30 PM.  Please contact Kent-  or Cynthia- . Participants will receive the poems for the evening's discussion in advance; a Zoom video conference invitation to join the meeting is necessary and will be sent prior to the sessions.
Bible Study by Teleconference | Wednesday May 13 | 6:15 PM

On Wednesday, May 13th at 6:15-7:30 PM, we will gather virtually to study Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 66:8-20, 1 Peter 3:13-22, and John 14:15-21.

Bible Study regular Dorothy Waldron says: "It is a highlight of my Wednesdays now!  I think we have really interesting discussions which manage very well to include everyone's thoughts and it is a wonderful respite from the usual!"

If you are interested in joining in on our ongoing discussions, please email Tim Nelson-Hoy at
Coffee with the Ministers| Thursdays 10-11 AM, Weekly
Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join Joy and David for an informal conversation by Zoom every Thursday morning from 10-11 AM. You can join either by phone or by your computer (which lets you see others). It's not as good as being together, but it's close. Drop in anytime during the hour. Contact Gretchen at for login information.
Conversations with the Educators | Thursday May 14 | 12 PM
Join staff from the History Program on Thursday May 14 at 12pm for the next installment of "Conversations with the Educators." This week, the presentation and discussion will celebrate National Preservation Month by highlighting aspects of King's Chapel's right architecture and material culture. Discover what you see on Sundays is original, what's not, and why King's Chapel is a National Landmark!
From our Community Action Committee
Our unhoused neighbors are in need during these uncertain times. You can help!  common cathedral invites us to donate items out of which their staff will then build "to-go" bag lunches. Sign up to donate HERE .  They are still in need of donations in May. 

You can sign up to donate 50 sandwiches, 50 pieces of fruit, and/or 50 granola bars. Drop-off is 8AM-9AM at Emmanuel Episcopal Church - 15 Newbury Street on the day for which you sign up. The bag lunches will be used every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next few weeks.
In This Issue
Sunday Services| May 10

Morning Light 9 AM via Zoom
Morning Prayer 11 AM via YouTube
Rev. Joy Fallon, Preaching
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director 
  • Alison LaRosa, soloist
  • Amanda Pickett, Jim Power and Gregg Sorensen, Lectors
  • Acts 7:55-60
Did you miss last week's sermon or want to hear it again? Listen HERE
From the Bench
Our choral anthem this week celebrates Massachusetts native pioneer composer and arranger Alice Parker, 95 years young this year! Her vivacious setting of I Want Two Wings will be the musical underscoring of our virtual Walk for Peace pictures in our service video. We will also sing Joyful, Joyful together. And please check out our Voices of Women playlist (read much more about this elsewhere in this week's Between Sundays).
Contemplative Communion Service
I f you have been yearning for the quiet, intimate candlelit service of Wednesday nights, you can find the video HERE
Staying Connected
with King's Chapel
While we are physically closed we are spiritually open and are working to find ways to continue our connection with you, our beloved members and friends.  We are learning new technologies so that we can continue social distancing while being here for you, as best we can. 

Ways in which you can reach us are:

Our  worship services are posted on our website: go to or to King's Chapel on Facebook to see videos of 9 AM Morning Light, 11 AM Morning Prayer, and Wednesday Evening  Contemplative Communion. 

Prayer Connection
For those in need of a prayer, or a virtual pastoral call, please reach out to Joy  at 617-227-2155 x109 or email  , or you can reach David at 617-227-2155 x 105 or email
Want to know what's 
going on at  King's Chapel?

Click HERE  to view the King's
Chapel Calendar at our website
Giving to King's Chapel
While we do not gather weekly for worship, we continue to offer you this newsletter, virtual services,  and more.  Bringing online content to you comes at a cost, and we no longer have the collection plate to pass each Sunday.

Additionally,  10% of the plate collection is designated for our Community Action partners. 

Please consider a weekly donation to the plate, and donate  HERE.
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary was designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754.   To make our services and programs more accessible, one of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those wheelchair users to that pew.  Additionally, we have installed an accessible bathroom on our main floor. An usher can direct you to the vestry. 

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.