St John the Evangelist Parish
April 25, 2020
St John the Evangelist
Third Sunday of Easter 
Vigil 5 pm - 4/25
Father Crispin Okoth - Presider
Click here to watch the Masses
 (Masses will be live streamed via Facebook)
Click here for the worship Aid.

Click here to view the bulletin for
The Weekend of April 25 & 26, 2020

St John Rosary for those affected by Covid-19
Join the St John Parish community in praying the rosary every week for all those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. 
We will pray together (from our individual homes) on 
Saturday, April 25, at 8pm or you can pray at a time that works better for your family. 

Pray together via Zoom
Click here to connect 

Join us for a bible study...on Zoom! 
"The Life and early Letters of St. Paul"
Ron Ryan  will be leading St. John parish on a study of The Life of Paul on 4 consecutive Thursdays at 7:00 pm, starting April 30.  
Paul's letters of 1 Thessalonians, Galatians,
1 & 2 Corinthians, Philippians and Philemon-the earliest writings of the New Testament-offer a glimpse into the church in its first decades. They show us what it meant to be a Christian-and to be a Christian community-in the midst of a culture diametrically opposed to the Gospel message. Join Ron Ryan in this exploration of how Paul's thoughts and writings have spoken to the church and the world for two thousand years, and how they speak to us today.
Everyone is welcome. There is no registration or fee.