A new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.

Let the troubles of the past year be left behind as we look forward to a new year filled with love and fresh opportunities.

From all of us on the NWCA Board we wish you a warm, happy and prosperous 2021.

We are so excited to announce the launch of our new NWCA website - we will be going live in the coming weeks!!

Upcoming Events

Westshore Estates Fuel Management Project
The Okanagan Shuswap Natural Resource District has initiated the development of a Fuel Management prescription in the Westshore Estates area. The intent of this fuel management project is to reduce the threat of wildfire in the immediate Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) surrounding Westshore Estates and the OKIB community. This project will also contribute to a larger landscape-level fuel break to protect the communities, resources and infrastructure along Westside Road. Westside Road is a busy North/South corridor and is the main access road along the west side of Okanagan Lake.
The treatment will range from hand and mechanical thinning, manual pruning, and surface fuel removal including pile and burn, designed to open the existing dense stands to prevent the initiation and spread of crown fires. These treatments are anticipated to start January 2021.
A google earth file of the project are is available upon request.

Please direct any questions to Rhona Boyd rhona.boyd@gov.bc.ca or by phone at (778) 943-7088.
Make a real community impact by contributing your time & talents!

Director of Communications
We are looking for an energetic community member to join the NWCA.

You will be responsible for promoting a positive public image, gathering community related information and coordinating external communications through our community newsletters, website and Facebook.

You would chair the Communications Committee and could lessen the commitment time by encouraging other volunteers to join you.


We would love to hear from you!

Email us for more information.