Virtual Coffee Hour
The Rev. Kim Seidman
February 28, 10:00 AM

St. Michael's is excited to welcome The Rev. Kim Seidman, Vicar and Executive Director of Cathedral Ridge Camp and Retreat Center. Kim will be assisting with the 9:00 AM Worship Service and joining us for Virtual Coffee Hour at 10:00 AM. In a season of Lent where we traditionally give things up, learn how we can set our busy lifestyle aside for just a bit to take advantage of the rest and restoration of the sabbath, reflecting and reconnecting with God. CLICK HERE to join the Virtual Coffee Hour.
Lent Soup Supper
March 3, 6:00 PM
With Mary Parmer

Join us every Wednesday in Lent for fellowship from 6:00 - 6:30 PM followed by a special guest speaker from 6:30 - 7:15 PM. This Wednesday we welcome Mary Parmer to St. Michael's. Mary is the founder of Invite Welcome Connect, a program designed to empower Episcopal Churches and congregations to reach out and welcome newcomers, creating a space of belonging and engagement. CLICK HERE to join via Zoom for these interactive conversations and opportunities to grow your faith.
Family Lenten Calendar

To help you and your family "Give up Lent for Lent" St. Michael's prepared a special Lenten Calendar. Each day you are encouraged to add something into your day to help you grow closer to God, serve others, and love your neighbor. A copy was in your Lent-to-Go Bag or you can Download a copy here!
February 28, This Sunday
The Second Sunday in Lent
9:00 AM - ONLINE Holy Eucharist Rite II
-Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
-Facebook Live @stmikeschurchCOS
-Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
10:00 AM Virtual Coffee Hour CLICK HERE
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Drive thru Communion
11:00 AM- Children's Chapel Family Service Online CLICK HERE
Lent at St. Michael's

Visit the dedicated Lent webpage for more information about Lent services, offerings, and ways to get involved and stay connected. Click the below button for more information.
This week at a glance ... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, February 26

Saturday, February 27

Sunday, February 28
*9:00 AM - Holy Eucharist Online Worship
Watch the service here:
Watch the service here:
Watch on YouTube CLICK HERE
View & Download the Digital Bulletin CLICK HERE
10:00 AM Virtual Coffee Hour
10:30 AM - Drive by Communion this Sunday
6:30 PM - Sacred Ground - Circle 1 (See Group Schedule)

Monday, March 1
7:30 AM - The Bible Journey

Tuesday, March 2
6:00 PM - Sacred Ground - Circle 6 (See Group Schedule)
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, March 3
1:00 PM - Sacred Ground - Circle 5 (See Group Schedule)
4:30 PM - Sacred Ground - Circle 2 (See Group Schedule)
6:30 PM - Sacred Ground - Circle 3 (See Group Schedule)

Thursday, March 4
6:30 PM - Sacred Ground - Circle 4 (See Group Schedule)
*8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, March 5

Saturday, March 6
*Opportunities for Worship
Pen-Pal Program

Last year St. Michael’s began building a relationship with St. Matthias Episcopal Church and School in Haiti. In addition to providing food and scholarships for the school, we are also embarking on a new pen-pal ministry. CLICK HERE to sign up to be a Pen-Pal for children in Haiti! Many children in developing countries face different struggles everyday, but that never dampens their joy. By writing a letter to a child in need you are engaging in the work of God. People of all ages are invited to join in this new ministry!
Children's Chapel
Sunday 11:00 AM

We welcome children and families to join us this week at 11:00 AM for a short 20 minute family and children focused worship experience. If you have an elementary school aged child or younger, this service is designed for your family. Services will be online and live. Invite friends and we will see you online! This will be a ZOOM call, so CLICK HERE to join us. Don't worry about getting dressed up and loading up the car. Join us from your kitchen, living room, or backyard. We can't wait to see you! Bring your Journey Bag for the sermon time! This Sunday, February 28, you will need the ROCK from your Journey Bag!
Easter Candy Donation

We are gearing up for a safe, outdoor, and socially distanced Easter Egg Hunt at St. Michael's on Sunday, April 4 at 1:00 PM! Keep an eye out for a sign up to reserve a time for your kids to hunt for Easter eggs. As we prepare for this festive celebration, we are now collecting donations of any individually wrapped Easter candy. Please drop donated Easter candy at St. Michael's by leaving it in one of the empty tubs outside the office door (up the red wooden ramp to the left of our main entrance). Thank you for your generosity as we are excited to bring this tradition back for our families!
Mission Medical UPDATE

At this point Mission Medical no longer has a pharmacist and therefore is no longer taking donation of empty pill bottles. Thank you for your donations of empty pill bottles, as this has made a large impact for this ministry and we will let you know if anything changes. Big thanks to Michele Nesbitt for her leadership in this ministry!
Subscribe Now!

St. Michael's now has our own YouTube channel to stream online live worship services. You can use Roku, Chromecast, Xfinity, or any Smart TV to watch our livestreamed services. Go to the YouTube app on your TV and search for "St. Michael's Episcopal Church Colorado Springs." As always, we strive to have a glitch free technology Sunday (every Sunday) but have back up ways to watch the service when problems occur. CLICK HERE to check out our YouTube channel! As soon as we have 100 subscribers we will be able to update and upgrade our Youtube Channel. Help us today!
Birthdays This Week:

March 1 Jim Dennison
March 2 Allan Creely
March 3 Russ Howell
March 3 Pam Kellen
March 3 Katie Trevillian
March 3 Peter Wilson
March 5 Doug Swanson
March 6 Kristy Callihan
March 6 Brittany Pachter
March 6 Jackson Sears

Anniversaries This Week:
March 1 Donald & Lania Bryant
March 5 Chad Adox
March 5 Richard & Kelsey Mason

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road Colorado Springs, CO 80919