October 2021
God of Second Chances
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28

Greetings to all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray you are all doing well, and that God is working for His glory in your lives. Pandemic challenges have gone on for a long time around the world and, at times, it can be overwhelming and discouraging. It can be difficult to find “temporary” changes continuing on and to discern when it is time to find new and creative ways to sustain the vision that God has given me. Despite it all, it is evident that God is still working in Kamonkoli, and though our year has looked very different it has been equally good. We are feeding many of the poorest in the community as growing seasons have not been good and restrictions minimize transportation and market access. Our teachers are tutoring small groups in their homes as restrictions allow and we share Jesus as we deliver food and supplies to the children’s homes. I have been able to spend more time teaching the children in my home as we worship at home while our church is limited, and I can have more meaningful personal time with each of them.
Though many of our sponsored children and youth have leaned into Jesus and made the best of these circumstances, we have watched some lose hope as their lives remain on hold. Some have walked away from their faith and some even from their sponsorship opportunities. We ask for your prayers for these young people, that they would allow Jesus to work in their hearts and restore them to the hope that He brings.
In times like this I am encouraged to see how some of our young people who did not finish strong and struggled in their ventures into adulthood many years ago, have later allowed Jesus to work in their hearts and turn their lives around.

It reminds me, like I’m sure it does many of you who are parents, that we must lay our children at the foot of the cross and trust Him to care for them when we cannot. Let me share with you one recent story of redemption that brings me great joy and reminds me why I am here.
By the time she was just 6 years old, Beatrice had lost both of her parents and she and her 2 siblings were then cared for by their grandparents. The family lived in poverty and the children suffered from malnutrition. When their grandparents passed away, Beatrice’s two siblings went to live with an aunt who could only manage two, while Beatrice came to my home with the other orphans I had living there. She was 11 years old. Beatrice was a sweet, happy girl who quickly became active in our Awana and Sunday school, enjoyed singing in the children’s choir, and she loved Jesus. She was a big help at the children’s home as she got older. Later, she struggled in secretarial school and changed to cooking and catering after her first year. She then found work at a hotel in the capital city of Kampala.

Beatrice made some poor choices and soon found herself as a single mother in a big city. She always stayed in touch with me and visited from
time to time but wasn't ready to give up the things that kept her from a full life with Jesus. I prayed for her faithfully and slowly she opened her heart and accepted the restoration that Jesus had for her. About a year ago, Beatrice was laid off from her hotel job as business was very slow because of pandemic lockdowns. I was in need of another nanny/house worker and hired Beatrice for the position. It was the easiest training ever and no one pulls anything over on her. She genuinely cares for the children and keeps the house in tip top order. Though Beatrice may have taken the hard way around, it brings joy to my heart to see the loving young woman she has become. 
Thank you all for your faithful support and prayers for these children. You are making a difference!  
Making Christmas Special

Thank you to all who have already sent $35 for Christmas for your sponsored child. We also try to offer the food, clothing, and small toy to kids on the wait list or for those whose sponsors are unable to give more. You may write your child an electronic letter that we will print and place with your gifts here. You can send gifts to the field address, but please never send money or anything expensive that could get stolen along the way. 

We are so grateful to all of you who have, once again, been so generous throughout the year, helping us with continued community feeding, updating 4 classrooms and the latrine at our Genesis School, updating Katherine’s kitchen cabinets in the children’s home and funding picture Bibles, shoes and masks for the children. You boosted our clinic operations and helped kids with boarding school supplies for the 4 months schools were in session. We have had an amazing response for our major roof repairs for the children’s home and hope that we will have this fully funded and ready to begin soon. All this on top of keeping sponsorship and the ministry going. We are truly blessed to have you all as a part of God’s work in Kamonkoli. 
We humbly ask that you remember us as you prayerfully consider your year-end giving. Ministry funds keep the ministry going. Here are some needs if you like to give to a specific project:

*Continued emergency food baskets
*Approx. $7,000 remaining on the roof
*Solar security lighting  $4,000
*3 remaining classroom improvements $3,000 each.
*Ministry Outreach Center -please contact us.

If you prefer to give electronically, we recommend a Zelle gift which you can generate from your bank to giving@hineskids.org. This will eliminate credit card and processing fees.
Kathrine's remaining U.S. schedule
Oct. 20-Nov. 5 Denver, CO
Nov. 7 Christ Church, Fairview Heights, IL
Nov. 14 First United Presbyterian, Belleville, IL
Nov. 15-22 Florida
We accept
If you would like to set up a recurring gift or make a larger electronic donation without
credit card or bank fees for you or HUM, you can donate directly from your
bank account through Zelle. Set this up at your bank’s website. Zelle your gift to us at giving@hineskids.org
Email us at the same address if
you need to cancel a current
recurring gift first.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa