From the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce :


As you may know, the Congress is on the verge of adopting a new round of funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

During the last funding for the PPP, these loans were forgivable if used for maintaining payroll and other specific, limited uses. It is expected that the same process will be in place this time. Businesses will fill out an application and bring it to financial institutions with whom they have an existing relationship.

In order to get a head start on the process, we are pleased to provide you with the Application for the PPP  HERE . You will also find a list of all approve US Small Business Administration (SBA) lenders in Connecticut  HERE .

If you are planning to apply for the PPP, it makes sense to contact your lender now, let them know you will be applying for the PPP and complete the application in advance.
Information of the EIDL is not yet available.

Please visit  for more information


Effective at 8:00 p.m. on April 21, 2020 anyone going out it public where they will be in close contact with others is REQUIRED to wear a face mask or other PPE. If you cannot maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others you must cover your mouth and nose with a mask or cloth. This includes taxis, public transportation, livery, and the transit waiting areas. This order does not apply to anyone “for whom doing so would be contrary to his or her health or safety because of a medical condition, anyone under the age of 2 years, or by an older child if the parent, guardian or person responsible for the child is unable to place the mask safely on the child’s face.” You will NOT be required to produce medical documentation for your condition.
Customers going into stores must also wear cloth face coverings while on premises. Businesses may provide face coverings to customers and visitors. The medical exemption applies for customers, with additional guidance for children. The state also revised its rules for Connecticut retail stores, and now requires masks or face coverings for employees and customers. 


The 3 Governors of CT, NY, NJ have agreed to allow marinas, boatyards and marine manufacturers to open in their state for personal use as long as strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed. Chartered watercraft services or rentals will not be allowed, and restaurant activity at these sites must be limited to take-out or delivery only, like anywhere else in the three states.


Access helpful and very important information developed by the CT Department of Labor which contains frequently asked questions about COVID-19 for employers and workers. 


The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) has created a COVID-19 Business Emergency Response Unit dedicated to assisting businesses navigate resources and develop new resources. A dedicated phone line is available at  860-500-2333  to provide assistance to Connecticut's small businesses for this purpose. 


April 10, 2020 - HEDCO, Inc. has partnered with Governor Lamont, State of Connecticut, the CT Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) and the CT Minority Business Initiative to provide financial relief to minority-owned and women-owned small businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.   Click Here  for more information.


In an  Executive Order  signed by Gov. Lamont last evening, beginning on Friday, April 3, every retail establishment in the state will take additional protective measures to limit the risk of transmitting COVID-19. Some of the new protocols include an occupancy cap of only up to 50% of store capacity, clearly marked 6' spaces at checkout lines, and the installation of plexiglass shields at the cash registers. 
To review all of the new store safety rules,  click here .  

 IRS issues warning about Coronavirus-related scams

The Internal Revenue Service has urged taxpayers to be on the lookout for
a surge of calls and email phishing attempts about the Coronavirus, or COVID-19. These
contacts can lead to tax-related fraud and identity theft.  Click here  for information on these scams.


A business interruption insurance policy should list or describe the types of events it covers. Events that are not described in the policy are typically not covered. It is important to review the policy exclusions, coverage limits, and applicable deductibles with your agent, broker or insurer.  The Connecticut Insurance Department has an FAQ that provides more information.


The coronavirus pandemic is affecting small businesses in a variety of ways. From loss of business to remote work, things are changing fast during the COVID-19 outbreak and businesses are being forced to adapt. CO— is working to bring you the best resources and information to help you navigate this challenging time.


brought to you by Workforce Alliance

Workforce Alliance currently offers several work-based learning wage reimbursements (i.e. subsidized employment, on the job training, customized training and incumbent work training - WBL). For details on these WBL programs and who we are go to .  

That said, during these unprecedented times of COVID-19, we are looking at ways to be poised to support you as you re-engage your employees or former employees. Help us help you. Please take time to answer the following  survey. 


The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) has responded quickly to the COVID-19 outbreak in order to protect our employees and the taxpayers we serve. We have followed directives from Governor Lamont as well as guidance from the CDC. Although there is no good time for a crisis, these events are unfolding during income tax filing season, making it much more challenging. Public service is at the heart of the DRS mission, and our team of tax professionals remains ready to serve during these difficult times.


The executive order establishes a  “Stay Safe, Stay Home”  policy that orders the shutdown of all non-essential businesses in the state effective at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, March 23rd.

General information for additional resources that both employers and employees may find helpful can be accessed by  clicking here .


Notice: Lapse in Appropriations

SBA is unable to accept new applications at this time for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)-COVID-19 related assistance program (including EIDL Advances) based on available appropriations funding.

Applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.


As of March 27, 2020, the initial round of funding for this program is closed for applications to ensure that those that have been received so far can be processed efficiently and money distributed as quickly as possible. For those that have already submitted an application, additional documentation can be sent within seven days of submittal.


As a reminder, we have created a page on our website titled the  Coronavirus Tool-Kit which we will be updating on a regular basis as more information becomes available. Included in that tool kit are tips and best practices for the employer community and the community at large. 

Dear Chester,

I am moved by all of the wonderful ways that you are finding to give to our community. Here are some of the things you will see happening around town:

-- Mask making everywhere. There are at least 8 or 9 folks making cloth masks by the dozens. Some are being sold, most are being donated to home health care aides, nursing homes, group homes and individuals.

-- Food donation. We asked, you responded. Hundreds of pounds of non perishable food have been donated to the Chester food pantry in the past two weeks. Some has come in individual bags picked up while grocery shopping for the family; some has been delivered by not for profits by the truckload. Thank you to Veterans Response and all of the individual donors who have dropped off food. (Bags are prepacked with a variety of food for pick up at Town Hall or can be delivered to residents - please let Rosie, Jenny or myself know if you know of someone who needs some)

-- Stars and hearts forever! Christopher Owens has been working with the Chester Historical Society to raise money for various causes over the winter and spring, making bright lighted stars and now hearts to be put up all over town. The stars began with a desire to light up the dark winter, and now represent hope during this health crisis. The newer hearts are thank yous to the first responders and health care professionals working long hours to keep our friends and families alive. What beautiful additions to Chester!

This is not a complete list - therapist are donating their services to help where needed, neighbors are surprising each other with special gestures and gifts, volunteers are checking on folks and shopping for vulnerable residents, and much more.

In this crazy and difficult time, it is hard to keep our regular lives on pause. Thank you for your patience and your diligence with hand washing, mask wearing and physical distancing.

On the plus side, the air is clear in smoggy cities all over the world, people of all ages have rediscovered how great it is to walk in the woods, and there is much more participation in board and commission meetings, since it is obviously easier to attend when you can sit home in your slippers and not find a sitter for the kids or have to drive after dark. If you can, enjoy your zoom call bingo, gardening, tv show binge watching, and the many many walks with the dog. The jigsaw puzzle makers must be pretty happy right about now!

Be well,
