Arts Council~Haliburton Highlands 
May 2020 Newsletter
May 2020 - News from our members.
Rickie Woods at work

Haliburton Reads and Writes Cancellation Announcement

The Haliburton Reads & Writes committee, part of the Arts Council Haliburton Highlands, will regretfully reschedule their 2020 events due to the coronavirus pandemic. The June 14 hands-on writers' workshop with award-winning author Terry Fallis will be rescheduled for spring 2021. The committee also decided to cancel plans for the Big Book Club event this fall, moving this annual event to fall 2021. Keeping the health and safety of all participants as their focus for this year, the committee expects to be back to full strength for exciting programming next year. The committee will continue to keep our Haliburton Reads & Writes Facebook page updated and we invite you to post there as well.  

Lodgings wanted
Professional female artist in her mid-30's seeking private dwelling to rent. Looking for an affordable apartment with separate entrance, or small house within 15 minute drive of the village of Haliburton.
Hoping for flexible terms on length of stay. 
Can move in immediately. 
Call or email Tiffany. 705-457-6919 [email protected]
Highlands Summer Festival
cancels 2020 season

For details click here

The ART SQUARED committee has decided that, due to COVID 19, we'll be rescheduling our 2020 event. Once again, our sale of donated 12" square art will help support the Rails End Gallery & Arts Centre.
Many artists have already notified us that they've been creating hangable pieces to donate to this worthy community cause. We continue to be thrilled by your generosity, and we encourage all of you to continue to create. 
We look forward to a big fun 2021 event at the Gallery!
We'll be notifying artists via Facebook ('ART SQUARED Haliburton County'), the Rails End website  ( ), and other media re. when and how to contribute to our fundraiser. We'll also be posting our rescheduled 2021 event date, and will continue to add photos of new 'square' art to our 2021 Facebook photo browsing album. 
THANK YOU to everyone involved and interested! We can't wait to see everyone again sometime in 2021.

Due to current directives related to COVID-19 and the unknown factors in the coming months, the Haliburton Village BIA and the Haliburton Sculpture Forest have decided not to mount the Downtown Haliburton Sculpture Exhibition this year. Our thanks to the artists who have already sent in or are preparing submissions and our apologies for any inconvenience. We look forward to having the Downtown Haliburton Sculpture Exhibition return in 2021.

During the pandemic I have been writing a new fantasy novel (working title is, Ta'Lee, Queen of Nadia). Laurie O'Reilly and I created a new eBook cover for my newly published novel, from Blood and Magic, using a photo from a picture we took while we were pirating off the coast of Portugal. Both are available through Amazon.
Dave Skinner

Laurie O'Reilly has done some writing as well. Check this out Almost Alone
Janis Parker
Glossy Ibis at sunset
Whistling Dusck

"Luckily, as our insurance would allow, my husband, my mother and I have been isolating in Florida.
We are very lucky to have a remote location, and a beautiful wetland to explore."
Sharon Bell

My little studio is what's keeping me sane!  Sometimes I draw and sometimes I paint or, sometimes I just come and sit here. 
Sharon Bell
Mountain Lake
My Little Productions

During this time of Coronavirus I want to spread some cheer and joy and also support a food bank.
Help celebrate with me the opening of my new Etsy Shop - JanisCoxDesigns.
I have uploaded 14 photos of my watercolour paintings. 

Deborah Ann Morris
"Spring" encaustic 10x10
"Some Days You Just Gotta Paint Your Own Sunshine" 5x7 mixed media

molten lava hot
warm tingling clean golden rays
grace upon my skin

Deborah Ann Morris
Creative, Teacher, Student of Nature
Sole Proprietor Image'n'Thyme Studio & Gardens
(416) 571-6925
Hnrs B.A., B.Ed. Fine Arts+
OGC Expressive Arts+
O.C.T., Therapeutic Horticulture+
email:   [email protected]
Fashion Fallies Update

Fashion Fallies,  The Arts Council's signature wearable art and performance event will be returning in 2021 on October 29th.
 During  2020  the Fashion Fallies Committee will be taking time to plan a memorable event which will engage makers, creators and performers. Stay tuned on social media platforms and The Arts Council's newsletter for the Call for Entry and workshops and information sessions.
As We Find It Play Reading Group

For just over a month, the "As We Find It" Play Reading Group has  been meeting on Zoom every Wednesday evening. We started gathering to  commiserate about the postponement of Highlands Little Theatre's
spring show, Vintage Hitchcock, but the group has grown beyond that  cast. Over the last several weeks, we've revisited some old  favourites, but now we're heading into new territory and the group is  going to be helping to workshop a brand-new play, entitled "Too Much
Doubt", which takes its inspiration from an event in Haliburton's  history. Interested in joining us? Just send an email to
 [email protected] . Anyone with a love of theatre is welcome!  

How Carole's ZOOM ART Coaching Class works:
Kinds of Combinations for Classes depends on how much time you want to have
-Monday and Wednesday
- One-on-One hour sessions
Mentoring involves working with and analyzing pictures being painted by students in Photoshop in
preparation for personalized Zoom Meetings with Screen Sharing between the students and the
- Group Coaching Sessions- Beginning of day and End of day
Morning Group Session will be comprised of demonstrations of techniques for all the group.
Afternoon Group Sessions will be a group discussion about each students work.
- Friday Group Critique
Cost: - $90. A week( Payment by etransfer using [email protected] before start)
B-ONE HOUR APPOINTMENT-( Phone- 705 457 2404 or email [email protected]) Private
One of One Coaching for experienced painters- Appointment Required -1 hour Mentoring Period could
be divided if required to resolve problem but it will still be I hour on the same day
Cost: $25 ( Payment by etransfer using [email protected] before start)
How Carole's ZOOM ART Coaching Class works:
1- Download Zoom app. from Click Join Meeting
A unique ID and Password is required for entering a meeting This is sent out by the host. Enter the
unique password and ID about 5 minutes before the scheduled start time. Your host will admit you to
the meeting . Make sure your video and audio are turned on. You will be asked to Screen Sharing with
the host. Group and individual lessons are conducted on the screen using Photoshop with your work .
It is vital to send pictures as you progress with your painting at home to the host for a Photoshop
presentation ( Carole is a Graphic Designer and well trained in Photoshop.)
2- On Monday and Wednesday you be assigned a time for a 1-on1 meeting with your mentor. You will
continue to paint on your own and at your own pace. At the beginning and end of the day all come
together as a group either for a lesson or for comments on your progress. This interaction with
everyone makes this one of the best features of this kind of learning. Friday is a 1 hour class Critique
hopefully of your finished canvas.
A Session is from Monday to Friday as described above. Class sizes are small to allow for lots of
individual help. You may join as many sessions as you wish during this Pandemic. They will start anew
at the beginning of each week. Painting is done in your own home.
You will accomplish much if you set aside as much time as it takes to finish a piece of art in the week.
You must have a computer or device with Internet connection.
Here is some important information for our Artists: Additional Information below

The Artist Relief Fund provides financial assistance to visual artists for maintaining their current housing, health and art practice. 
Eligible items include:
* food * residential rent/mortgage * utilities * home care *telephone * transportation * emergency medical care
* emergency dental care * psychological services * exceptional circumstances (at discretion of committee)
For more information please check this website:

 photo by Jen Posti
Have you liked us on
You will find information on  upcoming events, good news about members and opportunities for artists, performers, writers and organizations.  
Click here to be sure you are connected to the Arts Council~Haliburton Highlands on Facebook.

Our Funders

Trillium Foundation
prov of ont


Our Donors


The Haliburton Forest Woodshop


Artists in the Schools 


Lions logo

The Haliburton & District Lions Club

The Minden & District Lions Club


Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Haliburton




Parker Pad & Printing Ltd. 

Jim Blake


Below are some heart felt words from Debbie Wales on her friend Rickie Woods

Rickie Woods died on a snowy April day, one of her own choosing as she had not much time left on this earth.  This news came as a shock to all who knew and loved her, as she was so active and fit, so full of life and always ready for a bit of fun.   You may know her as a long time potter, living and working from her home on The Blairhampton, or as a mother of 4 amazing kids. She was  a book lover, an avid gardener, a great conversationalist about any topic and was always ready for a good debate. She loved to talk...about her kids and grands, about her friends of whom she had many , about her latest firing or a new glaze she was trying and of course, about Tim, her amazing husband, who died a few years ago, much too young.

Yes, losing Rickie has been heart-breaking  for us but today I am going to try to get at least one thing done and that is to write something for the Arts Council newsletter to honour Rickie. And as I am jotting down words to remind myself of what I could say about her, my mind is stretching back probably 40 years and I realize that we take things for granted, people for granted... like I never expected in a million years that Rickie would die before me.  She is younger, for heaven sakes and always there, just a phone call away- do you have any silica or talc that I can borrow to finish making a glaze... or what are the next steps we need to do to get this darn Studio Tour brochure finished.. or do you want to carpool to Shout Sister choir, and  what books are you reading now in your three, yes, three book clubs, and should we go to the pottery conference in Toronto this spring.

So what is her legacy? Rickie was a founding member of the Haliburton County Studio Tour in 1987.   and over the years she served on the executive in various capacities, often stepping in as Chairperson,  wanting to ensure its viability for all the artists and artisans in the county.  She had a strong vision of what needed to be done to draw both locals and visitors to our studios. She was a mentor to many and encouraged everyone to "put on the very best show that you can", with the intention of putting Haliburton County on the map as an Arts community and an Arts destination.  Over the years the Studio Tour grew and every year more and more artists hoped to become part of the Studio Tour. And the Studio tour flourished. A couple of years ago after Tim died, Rickie made the hard decision to leave the County to be closer to her children and her absence was greatly felt by those who knew and loved her.  Long time loyal customers who had become friends would often lament her leaving the area and talk about the pots that they had purchased years ago and that were still in use, perhaps with a small chip but still much loved.

Rickie recently  built her new house and studio on her daughter and son-in-law's farm near Lisle and was just gearing up to open her business doing what she loved- making pots for people to use in their daily lives.  Those of us who have some of her pots will cherish them and think of Rickie every time they are used. 

And so we collectively say farewell to our strong, forthright, funny and fun-loving, family oriented, smart and compassionate friend whom we will never forget.  Rickie, if you can hear us, we love you and miss you.

Thom Lambert also played tribute to Rickie with a song:
    In light of the current pandemic situation, the Haliburton County Folk Society has postponed upcoming Concerts and Open Stages are on hold.
Home Routes house concerts have also been cancelled.
The Haliburton County Folk Society would like to help support our local artists by hosting a live streaming concert series to take place while the current physical distancing and self isolation protocols are in effect.
All concerts are entirely free for the viewer but we will provide a donation process for the concert that will allow viewers to show their appreciation to the artist in the form of a tip.  All tips go directly to the artist. 

May 9: 7:30 -Carl Dixon

May 23: 7:30 -Salt Cellar Duo

Rose was featured in an HGTV show.   
"The cottage that is in the premiere episode is in Haliburton County. I painted the shutters for it in a folk art style as requested. My sister caught a glimpse of me in the advertisement - I am in the foreground while the designer has a go at putting some paint on the shutters!  I am glad for a little HGTV fun - and a reminder of the super sunny day that we filmed on the dock."
Nicki Brazier-Hagarty -L & N Beadworks                 
:  I have lots of time for beading since all my volunteer tasks are cancelled and we are physically distancing at home like everyone else.
I have started projects that are time consuming and learning new skills like making sea stars and I have better organized my beads according to colour so I can find just the right shade easily. 
I am watching the season transition into spring and look forward to all the colours that will emerge which will generate more ideas.  
The above necklace and pendant combo reminds me of the colour of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico where we spent some time this past winter before the pandemic struck.
Nicki Brazier-Hagarty - L & N Beadworks

"I've just released 2 new designs and we are selling kits for both online. Lots of "standard" choices available, but also a "surprise me!" colour option, where we play colour Tetris to make unique kits.

Kits for Scylla and Endorphins are here:"
Kim McBrien Evans
David Archibald

'I have five YouTube videos I've posted since the pandemic hit.  They are: St. Nora's Tower (about the Frost Centre's fire tower), Aznavour Prelude, Don't Get Used to Me (about the Great Storm of 1913), Rain on the Sand and In the Summer Fields (a gentle instrumental).  I'd be thrilled if you made them available to the members."
To see the remaining videos go to David's website:


Rossana Dewey:   

"My "Self" in isolation portraits have grown in number. Some days are easier than others to paint.  Most days it keeps me occupied and engaged.  Nevertheless, a fter having done quite a few (38 so far), I've decided to use different media, formats and styles to keep me inspired and to find new and interesting ways to represent myself and my situation.  With the lock down mandate being extended until mid May, my visual diary has evolved to reflect the "Self" ordered to stay at home. Using a concertina booklet to record myself each day, the width of the booklet will be determined by the length of the lock down.  How this will all unfold is t o be continued....
Covid-19 The Invisible Foe
By Irene Davidson Fisher

Each one of us must do our part
To fight against this foe.
So pay attention, yes you too!
And do what you are told.

There are those who think it's all a hoax
And cause us a lot of alarm.
But we can all do our part
To keep us safe from harm.

They say to keep our distance.
They say to please stay home.
That doing this will help us all fight against this foe.

And if you sneeze
Or if you cough
Please do so in your sleeve,
And if we all can do this
We will stop the spread of this disease.

So listen up one and all and do as you are told.
Stay at home and watch TV.
Play a game or work from home.
Learn at a distance or ride your bike.
But keep your distance - six feet - Right?

And if we all do what we're asked
All the need for this will pass
And then we'll sing and then we'll laugh
And go outside again. 
Albert Cote                
My name is Albert Cote from Niagara Falls.  Since all of my trunk shows and teaching has been cancelled until next year, I have had  plenty of time to "play" , finish up things, and experiment.
Being home and in the studio with no deadlines has been actually wonderful.
I have realized that my family are safe without me.  My friends have shown their true colours (all wonderful) and my artwork keeps me balanced.
My wife and I have separate studios in different parts of the house, so when we meet in the kitchen for coffee during the day, it is great to talk about what we are both working on.  
These are a few of the things I have done this week.
Hand dyed silk with paint rubbed on after sewn.

Janet Bradley                
I have been doing portraits of my grandkids because I miss them. I have done 3 out of 4. 
I also did a puffin from our trip to Nfld last summer. 
This is called 'Chapters 1 - 30'. It is created from tea bag envelopes that have been mono printed with acrylics. Inside each one is a mini book created from a sheet of cardstock with simple encaustic. It's been on my work table waiting for me for over a year! Now it's done! 
It is with deep regret that we announce that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Haliburton School of Art + Design summer program is cancelled.
This cancellation includes the weeklong courses and Saturday workshops, from May to November, listed in the summer calendar.
Our courses are designed for small groups of people to come together to create and collaborate in intimate studio environments and, unfortunately, cancellation is the only option available to us right now. We hold the health and safety of our community as our highest priority.
We have offered summer courses in Haliburton for more than 50 years. Our love of art and passion for creativity endures. We are now working on alternative options and opportunities to offer online this summer and will have more information available here in the weeks ahead.
In the meantime, fees paid will be fully refunded.
Thank you for your interest in our school, your patience and understanding. Stay safe.
Thowing clay on the wheel
Wedging the Clay

Out of the kiln.
Sharon Lynch: Stone Garden Pottery             

Sharon has been busy in her studio.  She has shared some of her process with us.

Marie Gage 

Marie Gage is launching a free ebook aimed at helping children to understand what is happening with respect to Covid -19. She hopes it will empower them to do their part in stopping the spread of this virus while at the same time providing a message of hope for the future. Check out link on  her author facebook page to download a copy. Please share with everyone you know who has children or grandchildren. Or www... (click on newletters) 

Working From Home                
I would like to thank everyone who sent me material for this newsletter.  Working from home is a challenge.  I am used to the super fast internet at the Incubator.  I am spoiled working in the bright office with the greatest internet.
Lets keep in touch.
If you know someone who would like to receive these listings, please have them forward their contact information to: [email protected] and we will put them on the list.    

This information is provided to individuals interested in the arts in Haliburton County. Arts Council ~ Haliburton Highlands members may list news, events, funding, competitions, employment and volunteer opportunities, and services related to the arts in Haliburton County. Submission of materials to be distributed should be sent to [email protected]. Publication of materials will be made at the discretion of the editor.

Although every effort is made to ensure that information is accurately presented, the Arts Council shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur. Individuals or organizations who submit information are responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted to the Arts Council for publication. If you wish to removed from this mailing list please click on the SafeUnsubscribe link that appears at the bottom of this newsletter.

Benefits of Membership
As a member of the Arts Council~Haliburton Highlands you receive:   
  • FREE listing of your artist/studio/business/organization details in the Arts Council's online Directory and in the annual printed Arts Directory (25,000+ distribution) with your BRONZE level membership.
  • Ability to purchase an enhanced listing in the annual Arts Directory (GOLD & SILVER level memberships).
  • Exclusive events listing in monthly newsletter e-blast to approximately 1,000 recipients AND free listing of your events on the Arts Council website.
  • Participation in promotional material mailing to Ontario Tourism Centres.
  • FREE classified ads in monthly newsletter and on the Arts Council website.
  • Ability to purchase your own e-blast to the Arts Council's database ($25 + HST per).
  • Access to Arts Council credit card program (7.5% fee on sales) and wine glass rental ($4.20 per dozen + HST).
  • Participation in the Artists in the Schools program.
  • Use of Arts Council Membership logo on your promotional material.
  • A vote at the Arts Council Annual General Meeting.
  • Opportunity to be a Featured Artist on the Arts Council web site.
  • Access to the Haliburton School of the Arts extensive resource library.
  • Paid opportunities to participate/exhibit at Arts Council-sponsored community events. 
What does the Arts Council do on members' behalf?
  • Compiles information for members about funding, resources, competitions, requests for proposals for artists and arts organizations and businesses.
  • Acts a voice for arts, culture and heritage in Haliburton County. The Arts Council has representation on the Haliburton County Tourism Coalition and is involved in provincial and national arts organizations.
  • Provides an information service to the public about the services, skills and products provided by members of the Arts Council. The Arts Council responds to requests for information by the public received by phone, mail or e-mail.
  • Facilitates business-to-business connections among Arts Council members
  • Collaborates with other organizations to promote the arts, culture and heritage. 
If you are interested in donating to the Artists in the Schools program, donors receive a charitable tax receipt. Cheques can be made out to the Friends of the Arts in Haliburton Highlands and mailed to PO Box 931, Haliburton ON K0M 1S0. Alternatively, you may donate via PayPal.