KITCHEN ANGELS | 1222 Siler Rd Santa Fe, NM 87507 | 505.471.7780
MAY 2021
Volunteering with pets

We have noticed many more pets coming along for the ride with their owners during meal delivery. This shouldn't be an issue if volunteers take measures to ensure dogs are restrained while on location and can't access the meal bags while in the car. If your dog is in the back seat, place the meals in the back hatch or trunk. We need to adhere to best food-safety practices, which includes keeping animals out of the meal bags.

We love our pets, but nobody wants puppy drool or pet hair on their dinner. Thanks for your understanding!
Delivery volunteer John with his very good boy Cisco in the passenger seat.

In mid-April Lauren surveyed volunteers to see how many have received either one or two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. We were hoping to see the majority of you had accessed vaccinations. We were blown away with the results. Turns out, 95% of our volunteers have some level of immunity thanks to the vaccines. New Mexico is doing better than most states when it comes to vaccinating its citizens. Seeing such a large percentage of our organization vaccinated is a testament to the conscientious nature of our volunteers. Thank you for suffering through the discomfort for the greater good.
Tasty Tidbits
We are celebrating two slightly competing foods this month: it is both National Hamburger Month and National Salad Month. Although they might seem like polar opposites on the nutrition scale, pairing a delicious hamburger with a fresh salad might just be the best way to start off the summer.
For burger purists (beef only please), Simply Recipes has the go-to guide for grilling burgers in the backyard, from the kind of beef to use (80/20), to the age-old question of charcoal versus gas. Plus, there are several burger recipes to try at the end of the article. One is a chipotle burger where chipotle peppers in adobo are added to the ground beef mixture. Would work with red chile? Someone give this a try and let us know back at KA headquarters.
Still, lots of people aren’t into beef burgers these days for many reasons (dietary restrictions, veganism, environmental impact). Serious Eats tested out the best (and worst) plant-based burgers on the market. A three-part series, the first article ranks the best supermarket veggie burgers, best supermarket black bean burgers, and best meat-imitation burgers like Impossible and Beyond Meat. You could try a different burger on their list every weekend this summer and still not taste them all. There is also a startling selection of plant-based cheeses to top those plant-based burgers.
While this writer is not a hamburger and French Fry devotee (here’s a recipe just in case), pairing a crisp salad with a warm burger just sounds delicious right now. Epicurious, as always, has a huge list of salads for every season, but a few sound just right for pairing with a burger: the radish rainbow salad, which would add serious sweetness and crunch, and the spicy and creamy slaw are this writer’s picks.
Volunteer Opportunities
Many of our volunteers have spring fever and are taking trips right now. We need a good, long list of substitute volunteers. Here's the list of our current needs:
Delivery Volunteers (3:30-5:30)
  • Monday, Route #20 (Santa Fe Suites)
  • Tuesday, Route #2 (Downtown)
  • Friday, Route #1 (S. Rufina St.)
  • Friday, Route #20 (Santa Fe Suites)

Substitute Delivery Volunteers
  • Monday - Friday (3:30-5:30)

Substitute Kitchen Volunteers
  • Monday - Friday AM shift (10-12)
  • Monday - Friday PM shift (1-3)

Substitute Delivery Prep Volunteers
  • Monday - Friday AM shift (1-4:15)
Continuing Education
May is National Bike Month. Biking is a great low-impact and fun way to get in your weekly exercise. Whether you’re going out to lunch or meeting up with (vaccinated) friends, a bicycle can probably get you there. Especially in a small city like Santa Fe, or even in a bigger city, you might even have the option to bike to work. The Washington Post has an article from a few years ago that highlights the health benefits of cycling to work and how to get started. You don’t have to bike a long way and even using an electric bike to get up hills can jump start your health. One of the best things about starting your bicycling journey in Santa Fe is that we have several excellent local bike shops that will help get you outfitted. The right sized bike and helmet are musts.

Speaking of electric bikes, have you heard about the new "Borrow a Bike" program at Ft. Marcy Recreation Complex? This initiative provides the opportunity to borrow a hybrid bike for the day without a fee! A waiver, safety orientation, and a deposit will allow any City of Santa Fe resident 18 and older to utilize the program. Helmets and locks are also available. Bikes can be "borrowed" from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Simply call to make a reservation: (505) 955-2500.
And for all of you bikers out there who want to ride to Kitchen Angels, we just installed a new bike rack out in front of our building! Your bikes will be safe and sound while working a shift. Thank you Tony, for accommodating our biking commuters.
If biking is a little too much movement for our winter-worn bodies, there are lots of easy ways to get moving. In this article from The Guardian, an exercise specialist says “use fitness to nourish you, not punish you.” In other words, exercise doesn’t have to be grueling to be effective. She recommends stretching or getting outside if you’re feeling tired during the day. Even just a little bit of movement can propel to us to good exercise habits.
Our diet, as we know, is also an extremely important part of feeling good in our own bodies. Lack of vitamin D or an iron deficiency can also make people feel sluggish during the day. Good carbohydrates (like all the pandemic bread we’ve made) can give us a better energy boost than a sugary snack or another cup of coffee. When we pair these things with some home-grown vegetables from the small garden we’re all going to plant this spring, then we’ll shake off these pandemic winter blues in no time.
Fully Vaccinated Means More Safe Choices
Few of us like being told what to do. And, when it comes to getting vaccinated against COVID-19, many of us still don't trust the science. Much about the disease remains unknown and we're still learning about the possible side effects of the vaccines. So it's understandable that some people remain "vaccine hesitant."

Once enough people are vaccinated, we'll all be able to celebrate birthdays and holidays together again. We'll be able to travel, dine out, go to shows and regain our lives.

People's hesitancy most likely comes from doubt and their doubt most likely comes from fear. Fear isn't always logical and it isn't always fact-based.

Kitchen Angels volunteers are role models for our community, whether we realize it or not. One of the best things we can do is to role model thoughtfulness and common sense. That, alone, may be all that someone needs to see to overcome their hesitancy.
Thank You
Joe wants to say a word of thanks to two kitchen volunteers who go above and beyond to do whatever is asked of them: Dallas Rhodes, Wednesday PM volunteer and Linda Williams, Tuesday PM volunteer. Both Dallas and Linda are on the substitute list and willing to work AM or PM shifts. They see what needs to be done and jump right in. Thank you both for being the "Swiss-army knife" of volunteering!

We are relying heavily on our team of substitute volunteers at this time. Many of our volunteers are fully vaccinated and are, once again, traveling. This leaves quite a few holes in the schedule. We have over thirty delivery volunteers on the substitute list, and Lauren calls on many of them each week. If it weren't for our flexible subs, we wouldn't be able to get the work done.

Our delivery prep substitute list is short, but we're always happy to see your faces. If you want to train as a delivery prep volunteer, please let Lauren know.

All of our substitutes deserve a tip of the hat for being there when we need them most, and standing by when the schedule is flush.
Finally, a special word of thanks for our volunteer Dan Knobeloch. Dan works with the delivery prep team on Tuesdays AND delivers for Route #9 on Thursdays. Affectionately known as Dan the Man, Dan is kind, caring, and makes everyone feel very seen and heard with his excellent listening skills. Dan's good nature and positivity are a pleasure to be around.

A few weeks back, Dan was delivering to one of his clients when she fell on her way to the door. Dan called the client's emergency contact who decided it was best to call 911. Dan waited with the client until the EMTs showed up. He called Kitchen Angels and described the situation so we could document the incident. All the while, Dan maintained his calmness and clarity.

Thank you, Dan, for everything you do for Kitchen Angels.

15 Years
Carmon McCumbee

5 Years
Fran Trabosh

1 Year
Joe Haggard
Timothy Hallford

Celebrating the lives of our volunteers and clients

Antonio L.
Margaret S.
Audrey G.
Thank you for your on-going dedication and support of Kitchen Angels and the community of Santa Fe. Please forward this email to a friend. It's a great way to share our mission with new folks who may want to join our group.