Captured in Cape Horn_ Chile by graduate student Steven Kenworthy_ _My Peace_ Your Quiet_ named Honorable Mention in the Places category of the 2017 International Photography Exhibition
Captured in Cape Horn, Chile by graduate student Steven Kenworthy,  "My Peace, Your Quiet", named Honorable Mention in the Places category of the 2017 International Photography Exhibition
NEWSLETTER: January 8, 2018
Global May Education Abroad Opportunity: 
"Hotspots" of the Early Modern World: Argentina
This program will highlight one of the "Global Hotspots" of the Early Modern World, Buenos Aires. Hotspot cities such as Buenos Aires served as key centers of economic exchange, imperial expansion and culture influence that shaped the emerging modern world we live in.

Participants will learn how indigenous groups shaped colonial society, how global forces pushed Argentina toward revolution, and how race, class, and immigration affected politics and nation-building, past and present.

This program is open to students of all majors and academic rank. Application deadline is January 15, 2018. Contact Tiffany Pierskalla with questions.
Ohio State's Andean Music Ensemble featured in El Sol de Ohio
Ohio State's  Andean Music Ensemble was recently featured in the January 5th edition of  El Sol de Ohio, which covered last semester's performance during the World Music Ensembles Performance in Hale Hall. 

To read the article, please visit the El Sol de Ohio website.
Save the Date: Guest Lecture by Dr. Eduardo Mendieta
Date: Friday, February 2, 2018
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Place: TBA 


Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Eduardo Mendieta, faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at Penn State University, will  discuss why we need to think of philosophy as a temporalizing / detemporalizing-spatializing / de-spacializing device; what Dr. Mendieta calls a chronotopological dispositif. He will present arguments for why before we begin the practice of decolonizing philosophy, we need to think of philosophy as a site of colonization, the moraine of a sedimented history of colonial practices and imaginaries. This calls for new ways of doing both the history of philosophy and expanding the repertoire of what are considered 'philosophical questions.' Mendieta will take a step back and offer two genealogies of philosophy that illustrate the contaminated origins of philosophy, and will discuss briefly what he would take to be the praxis of decolonial thinking and philosophizing from a Latinx perspective.

Sponsors to date: Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Center for Latin American Studies, Geography, & Philosophy 
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Applications open until February 1
The Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for its Academic Year 2018-2019 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Competitions.The deadline for application submission is  Thursday, February 1, 2018, 4:30 pm EST. For more information on the fellowship and application, please visit: .

Questions? Contact Megan Hasting at
Call for Papers: University of Pittsburgh 22nd Latin American Social and Public Policy Conference
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at the University of Pittsburgh welcomes faculty and students to the 22nd Latin American Social and Public Policy (LASPP) Conference, to be held March 23-24, 2018. It is a student-organized event where researchers can present their scholarly work involving social and public policy in Latin America.
  • Deadline for abstract submission: January 12, 2018
  • Deadline for full paper submission: February 15, 2018
Call for Papers: Diálogo Journal
A special issue of  Di álogo, a journal published by the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University, is calling for papers. The theme is "Keepers of Minerals, Forests, and Waters: Cinema, Literature, and Art against Extractivism in Latin America," and will bring together articles, interviews, poems, stories, and comics which dialogue with the work of visual artists, writers, and indigenous movements concerned with extractivism in their ancestral land. 

Diálogo invites everyone interested in contributing to this issue to send their articles of research and essays (6-9000 words), reflection notes (3500 words), interviews (3000 words), and book and film reviews (1200 words). Unpublished pieces of creative writing by indigenous writers (maximum of 6 poems, 10 pages of fiction, or testimony) in Spanish, English or native languages (with translation into English or Spanish) are also welcome. Please follow the submission guidelines at: Guidelines.aspx

Please send your manuscript  before February 1, 2018 to the invited editors, Andrea Echeverría: ; Juan G. Sánchez M.: ; And Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar: .
Office of International Affairs Academic Enrichment Research Grants
The Office of International Affairs is seeking applications for its Academic Enrichment Research Grants, which supports activities with lasting impact across the globe. The grant competition is open to faculty, graduate and undergraduates whose applications focus on research projects that address global issues, connect discipline-specific research to programs in diverse cultural settings, explores the languages, cultures, arts, social sciences and area studies and/or promotes active collaborations with institutional partners.  Deadline to apply is February 9. Contact: .
Puente Cultural 
Service and Teaching Abroad Grant Opportunity
This year-long commitment involves volunteering at Fundación El Arenal, an alternative education center for children and adolescents of Cuenca, and teaching English at CEDEI, a popular language school in Cuenca, Ecuador.
The "Puente Cultural" Grant has two primary objectives:
  1. to facilitate a cross cultural experience for OSU undergraduates (or recently graduated students) with high Spanish proficiency who demonstrates financial need. 
  2. to support El Arenal Foundation and its programs for children of working families.
Interested students should complete the Google Form Application by January 31, 2018 for program to begin June, 2018.
Please direct questions to Mark Raderstof at .
University of Florida: Assistant Professor - Human Rights, Peace, and Justice in Latin America
The Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor with a teaching and research focus on questions of human rights, transitional justice, peace and conflict/post-conflict, and related fields. 

Applications must be submitted on-line at and must include a letter of application, CV, a writing sample, a research statement, evidence of teaching excellence and accomplishments, and samples of peer or student teaching evaluations (as available). The committee will begin reviewing applications February 15, 2018. 
Mershon Center Scholarships and Research Grants
Each year, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies holds a competition for Ohio State faculty and students to apply for research grants and scholarship funds. The deadline for all applications is 5 p.m. on  Wednesday, February 28, 2018 .

Applications for Faculty Research and Seed Grants and Graduate Student Research Grants must be for projects related to the study of national security in a global context.  In recent years the center has funded several dozen faculty and graduate student research projects with grants for travel, seminars, conferences, interviews, experiments, surveys, library costs, and more.

The Mershon Center has also established International Security Scholarships for Undergraduate Theses and Study Abroad to support undergraduates whose professional career plans lie in the field of international security and who would benefit doing research for an undergraduate thesis or studying in a foreign country. 
Tulane University: CIPR Post-Doctoral Fellowships
The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) invites applications for four  (4) research fellowships for the Academic Year of 2018-2019, two with program
administration duties and two with light teaching. Applications from the social sciences
in the fields of international relations, international political economy, comparative
politics, political sociology, and policy studies are encouraged.  Latin American expertise  and Spanish or Portuguese fluency required. 

Applicants must plan to complete their Ph.D. no later than May 2018. Recent graduates  with no longer than three years since receiving their Ph.D. are especially encouraged to  apply.

Application must be submitted via Interfolio by visiting  and must include (1) a curriculum vitae; (2) a cover letter describing research interests  and intended research at CIPR if selected, fit to the program and teaching experience;  (3) a graduate transcript; (4) two recommendation letters; (5) a writing sample; and (6)  teaching evaluations if available. 
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