January/February 2021
Self-Storage News Magazine
Post-Pandemic Marketing Response
Have you adapted your marketing practices?
by Raheem Amer, Devon Self Storage

As the world begins to open back up, there’s no doubt that life as we knew it has changed. This is also true for the consumer. The way we buy, the things we buy and the mindset with which we buy them have been altered forever. This means how self-storage operators present their products and communicates with their customers also needs to change.
Just When You Think You've Seen It All—Now What?
by Connie Heyer, TSSA Legal Counsel

When the shock wears off, how do you deal with the unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary tenant issues that occasionally arise?

From amputated legs found inside barbecue grills (if you don’t know this story, Google it!) to cremation urns, self-storage units occasionally produce surprises. This article will explore what to do when certain off-the-beaten-path items are found.
From Start to Finish: Understanding the Self-Storage Customer Journey
by Tyler Anthony, StoragePug

As a self-storage operator, getting and keeping customers is probably what keeps you up at night. If you want to keep your facility full and your tenants happy, you need to understand how your customer makes decisions. You need to put yourself in their shoes.

From start to finish, we want to evaluate what experience a potential customer would have...

2021 Social Media Marketing 101
Refresher for Self-Storage Businesses
by Dan Manco, Live Oak Consulting

Whether you're introducing social media to your marketing plan or boosting your reach, stop to evaluate your goals and consider how to best connect to your market in 2021 with meaningful and valuable content.

In 2019, 72%—or more than 238 million Americans used social media to connect with friends and family, read news, share information and entertain themselves...
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