The small business COVID Relief Grant has extended the deadline to 11:59 pm on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
Instructional webinars have also been extended. Each webinar will be held at 11:00 am on the following days:
- Tuesday, January 6
- Wednesday, January 7
- Thursday, January 8
- Monday, January 11
- Tuesday, January 12
- Wednesday, January 13
You must apply through a "Partner." See list of Partners Here.
Help will be available, in person, this Saturday, January 9th, between the hours of 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Please call to reserve your space. In order to provide appropriate social distancing and adhere to COVID requirements, we can only see 5 people at a time.
Please call the Chamber to reserve your time and to obtain a list of what you will need to bring in for your appointment.