April 2021
The United Way of Charlotte County
Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.
Hear Ye Here Ye, Your Monthly Newsletter Has Arrived
Housewarming Donations
Collecting household items for homeless youth and families.

Charlotte County has a hidden homeless population that deserves a chance at having a stable place to call home.

United Way of Charlotte County is mobilizing the power of our community to household donations. Drop items off at our office on Murdock Circle by April 30, 2021. If you would prefer to donate laundromat, grocery and gas gift cards, UWCC will purchase and provide them. Simply click here or text 41444 and enter keyword: helpthehomeless.
Thank you VITA Team
Our free tax assistance program volunteers have been working tirelessly since January. They have logged in over 1,450 volunteer hours! You have truly put your heart into serving our ALICE population by preparing taxes for free.

A new and successful "valet" program was introduced this year by our certified volunteers. The home stretch is near and you all deserve a big "virtual" hug as you wrap up the season by certifying almost 700 tax returns for our residents in Charlotte County! You are making an impact! To volunteer next year, click here.
Pacesetters on the Roof
Pacesetters were invited to a private VIP reception at the Wyvern Hotel this year sponsored by Peace River Distributing. These are the folks that set the pace for our 2020-2021 campaign.

You can be a pacesetter for our next campaign year of 2021-2022, by making your individual pledge of $500 or more, corporate pledge of $1,000 or more or hosting an employee campaign of $1,000 or more. Pacesetters are those who make their pledge early from 4/1/21-9/30/21.

Click here to view the Crucible of Practice video. – Featuring the great work happening in Charlotte County, including our collaborations (Scroll to view the last 4 videos for Charlotte County)

Click here to view Women United Presents Manic Moms – A fantastic conversation on time management and goal setting with Kids Thrive.
Mobilizers United