Just a jotting from Credo's artist on
coping with the "new normal"
As I struggle coping with the "New Normal", I am trying to slow down, be calm, breathe and remember that life WILL go on and this too shall pass.

But this is easier said than done. I am easily distracted and easily bored. I am used to a crazy, fast-paced world! So I've made my list of coping skills.
 Maybe something will be helpful to you.
And I would love to hear how YOU are coping!

  1. Read a Psalm in the morning BEFORE turning on the news
  2. Keep a prayer journal in these unprecedented times
  3. Send a card to encourage someone when they come to mind
  4. Go for a walk & look for hints of Spring
  5. Clean a closet or drawer every day
  6. Freshen up a room with a new color of paint
  7. Listen to music or play an instrument
  8. Make healthy soup & drop at someone's door
  9. Plan some day trips ~ pack a lunch & explore a new area
  10. Call and actually talk to a good friend (instead of texting)

And when this passes, perhaps we will be grateful,
re-energized and maybe even wiser ...
I hope so!
Stay well and get some rest,
Marva Sheriff
If you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions,
call or email at