DCAN Update | Apr. 9, 2020
Let's get to work.
Dear friends and partners:

As we navigate the new college-bound world together, DCAN is excited to launch several solutions for counselors and students that address our current challenges.

  • Counselor COVID Support: Friday Webinars
  • Student COVID Support: Weekly Webinars and Virtual One-on-One Sessions
  • Addressing High School Seniors’ Concerns: Partnership with the Skillman Foundation
You’ll find details, links and other resources following for your use and distribution. We appreciate your support and look forward to your help in amplifying these opportunities! Please share the graphics and sample content with your counselors, advisers, students, parents and other relevant partners via the social media resources provided below.

With hope,

Dr. Ashley Johnson
Executive Director, DCAN
Counselor COVID Support: Friday Webinars
Do you work with high school seniors? Having trouble answering all of the questions that COVID-19 has raised? Join DCAN each Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to find the answers.

DCAN is here to support advisers, counselors and other college champions as they support Detroit-area seniors in navigating a new world of college-readiness. Free and open to the public! 

Webinars: Will be live from 10 a.m to 12 p.m. every Friday in April and May , and registration and recordings/resources are available at .

Topics Include: 

Let’s get the word out to advisers, counselors and other college champions. Please share the following materials with your social and digital networks.

Social Media Resources: 
Student COVID Support: Weekly Webinars and Virtual One-on-One Sessions
Detroit Drives Degrees and the Detroit College Access Network have teamed up to host a series of webinars to guide students through the remaining steps in the college-going process. Additionally, Detroit Drives Degrees will be offering virtual office hours with trained coaches who can answer students’ questions and provide advising on an individual basis. 

Webinars: Will be live from 1:30 to 2 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in April . Registration and recordings will be available at .

Topics Include: 
One-on-One Sessions: Expert college advisers will be available from 1 to 3 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in April to speak to students about various topics ranging from financial aid, scholarships, admissions/enrollment, college majors, career planning and more. Students can reserve a session to speak with a college advising corps alumnus who can answer questions and direct them to proper channels when their questions are student-specific. 

Below you’ll find links to information about the Student COVID Support: Weekly Webinars and Virtual One-on-One Sessions for you to share with your networks via social and digital media to support your students in this difficult time. We encourage you to share this information widely with school staff, school partners and parents of high school seniors in Southeast Michigan. 

Social Media Resources: 

Key Links:

Addressing High School Seniors’ Concerns: Partnership with the Skillman Foundation
Together with the Skillman Foundation , we have published a blog and digital media kit for you to share through your online platforms to answer some initial questions high school seniors are struggling with as they look to their future during this uncertain time.

Blog: Detroit High School Seniors, We’ve Got You! Quick Answers to Your FAQs , where we hope to answer initial questions high school seniors are struggling with. Together, we address concerns they may have regarding graduation, college/postsecondary applications, and more.

Digital Media Kit:   Click here to access the media kit .
In it, you have access to: 
  • Images with common questions surrounding graduation, college acceptance, and more
  • A list of questions and answers to use for social media post text 
  • Instructions on how to use the kit and construct social media posts 
Media kit resources are currently available in English and Spanish (thanks to our partners at the Michigan Hispanic Collaborative ). We are working on Arabic translation and will update you when it is available. If you would like assistance on how to leverage and distribute the kit, Skillman Communications Fellow Mark Navarro (313-393-1247, ) can assist you.

Please share the senior FAQ blog and materials from the digital media kit widely to get these answers in the hands of the youth who need them.  
Connect with Detroit College Access Network