MAY 1st is an International holiday for all workers!

The wealthy class and corporate rulers know that we workers make and produce all the wealth that they enjoy while most of us struggle and suffer.

The "World's Wealth" belongs to us workers. US WORKERS MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND! So why is it that "this profit before people" capitalist economy doesn't grant us all the human rights to safe healthy food, clean water, a safe community, and planet...Free Universal Health Care Universal Care, living wages and secured financial being for the elderly, disabled and ill...safe unionized workplaces...a world without systemic racism, age and gender discrimination and more? When we raise up "Immigrant rights are workers rights", it brings up the global rulers' historic white supremacist and racist roots out in the clear... their imperialistic and colonial exploitation/oppression/stealing of indigenous world peoples land and resources all over the world! 
All over the world May 1st, since 1917, has been a celebration of workers, their hard-won human rights, victories, and ongoing struggles! From the African nations, Cuba, Azania South Africa, Venezuela, Peoples Republic of China, India, Asia, European nations and others its a national holiday!

America's rulers (Trump and his supporters included) have done everything to hide the fact this holiday has origins right here in America! 

With the recent Amazon Corporation effort to undermine workers' rights and the union election in Bessemer, AL ( these 6,000 workers were mostly...85% Black & Women), it's no wonder! !!! Please take the time to read or google more on "May Day....our International Workers Day" and learn of historic and current workers' struggles for human rights and our many victories.

Celebrate with the world the most important dynamic sector of society! It's workers like us that keep our society and economies meeting our daily and worldly needs!
May 6, 2021, at 7:30 PM
"Wilmington on Fire" Panel Discussion
You're invited!

Wilmington on Fire is a heavy and enlightening documentary on the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 - the springboard for the White Supremacy movement and Jim Crow segregation throughout North Carolina and the American South. 

Our Democracy NC friends are hosting a new panel discussion about this acclaimed documentary featuring Sean Palmer, the Director of UNCW's Upperman African American Cultural Center, and local activists Reverend John J. Kirkpatrick IV & Dominique Ashely. We invite you to watch the movie on your own time and then join us for the panel discussion on how Wilmington, White Supremacy culture, and our democracy have changed (or not) since 1898. 

FREE Brunch Workshop on May 8, 2021, at 11 AM - 12 PM
by "Simply Wills" Lawyers Group. Bring your family!

Do you have a will? Creating yours will help plan for & protect your future.
Social Justice Fundraiser: Fish, Hushpuppies, Collards & More!
May 22, 2021
12:00 - 5:00 PM
(or until the food runs out)

Call ahead ordering and curbside pickup will be available.
Call (919) 876-7187 or email us at fruitoflaborwcc@netscape.com
to place your order.
Interested in learning about and growing your own healthy food?
Have you always been interested in learning how to quilt? 

Click below or call (919) 876-7187 to register for the Gardening By The Bucket New Gardener Project and/or the Beginners Quilting Class
feat. Divinity Roxx by Pierce Freelon
Daddy Daughter Day
feat. J Gunn by Pierce Freelon