May 6, 2021
Nearly eight months ago we resumed in-person gatherings in the form of a weekly outdoor worship service at Frederica Academy. We were not quite sure what to expect at first. Would it feel like worship? Would people be comfortable outside? Would it rain every Sunday?* Looking back now, the results have been nothing short of extraordinary. In a time when many churches and organizations have not been able to physically gather in any form, we have been able to safely come together outside each week to worship God in prayer, song, and proclamation. Not only have we seen strong in-person attendance nearly every Sunday, but more importantly we have found that the outdoor services do indeed feel worship-full

We are now poised to begin the next phase in our gradual resumption of in-person offerings. Beginning two Sundays from now on May 16 both the 8:30A and 10:30A Sunday worship services** will take place inside in the sanctuary. You will not need to pre-register to attend either indoor service, however, please note that we will continue requiring all attendees at both indoor services to wear a mask and practice safe distancing while inside the building. We are also excited to re-open the nursery on May 16 so that our families with young children can more easily attend either worship.  Additionally, we remain committed to offering a high-quality livestream that allows those who are not yet able or ready to gather in-person a way to remain fully connected to the life and ministry of SSPC online. 

All of that means that this Sunday, May 9 will be our final outdoor worship service on the Ashantilly Lawn. To that end, I want to take a moment to say a special thank you to everyone – ushers, church officers, choir, volunteers – who have helped make that service happen nearly every Sunday for these past eight months. An extra special thank you to Mike and Nardis Kellar, Tate and Terri Simpson, Nicole Campbell, Anne Marie Stirewalt, Hal and Suzanne Morrison, Sean Hidalgo, AnnMarie Morrsion, and Nat Scott who have been near constant presences every single week helping to setup, teardown, and make sure everything runs smoothly. Thank you all!

This week’s newsletter includes information about all of these happenings and more. You will also see in the “Joys and Concerns” that we have experienced several recent deaths in the life of our congregation. Please join me in keeping those families and their loved ones in your prayers. Blessings to you all and see you soon!

Rev. Alan Dyer

*Most amazing to me is the fact that we have only had to cancel outdoor worship two times on account of rain over the course of those entire eight months!

**We intend to maintain the 8:30A and 10:30A worship schedule each Sunday through the summer. The Worship and Music Council will reassess in August and make recommendations about any changes to the worship schedule for the fall.
Summer Events
Upcoming Events
Arvin Family Meal Train
Signup To Take The Arvin Family A Meal

One way to offer our Christian love and care is by providing a warm meal to our family and friends in Christ during their time of need.

Members of our congregation who could use a meal this week include: Thomas, Annie, and Molly Claire Arvin.

If you or someone you know could use some help with meals, don't hesitate to reach out! We're here for you. 
Contact Molly Macaulay for assistance: 
Sunday Worship
May 2, 2021
Musical Notes
Things that I will miss about being outside for worship: The birds singing along during hymns and other music, jets taking off just as the anthem ends or the sermon begins (the ultimate fly-over), the cool breezes and sunshine of early spring, singing without masks with fellow vaccinated choir members, and just the different feel of being together under a “green cathedral.” Being outdoors is good for us all, however, being indoors will be less labor for those who actually joyfully set up every Sunday. I think of David Keen every time I roll something outside – the piano, speakers, etc. – because he made it easier for that to happen. AnnMarie Morrison has helped the congregation to hear preachers, the piano, and the choir outside, which is no easy feat. Hal and Suzanne, her parents, are right by her side each week to move items and decorate the table. There are many others, but those are the ones come to mind that really help the musicians get going for a short rehearsal and anthem singing. It really has been fine. In fact, it’s been interesting to change it up.  I’m just grateful that we are able to meet and worship in person!   
This Sunday, the Chancel Choir takes a break and the children will sing two songs arranged by Amy Bishop and directed by Phoebe Roland.   
The hymn for this Sunday is Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.  It will be the last time for a while that we sing outside, so “Sing loud! It’s a big world! “- LaMotte 
I will be playing for choir member Mark Propst who will be singing at Marsh’s Edge for the 4:30 Sunday Ecumenical Service. Alan will be preaching. Residents and their friends are invited to attend.   
Save the date – May 23rd is Pentecost – we will need people to carry streamers and fly doves through the sanctuary at the beginning of the service. Children, Youth, and anyone interested - please let us (Suzanne or Rhonda) know and we will fill you in on details.   
Love & Gratitude,  
The Week Ahead
Sunday, May 9
8:30 am Indoor/Livestream Worship - Sanctuary
9:00 am Combined Sunday School - Zoom
9:00 am Britt Class - Online
10:30 am Outdoor Worship - Ashantilly Lawn
4:30 pm Marsh's Edge Worship - Marsh's Edge

Monday, May 10
10:00 am Chancel Ensemble - Location Varies
6:30 pm Ladies of the Night PW Circle- Zoom

Tuesday, May 11
9:30 am Staff Meeting - Upper Room
10:00 am - Wonderful Morning Glories - Zoom
12:00 pm Lunch Bunch - Zoom

Wednesday, May 12
10:00 am Men's Bible Study - Zoom
6:00pm Chancel Choir - Sanctuary
7:00pm Chancel Ringers - Social Hall

Thursday, May 13
10:00am Ladies Bible Study - Sanctuary
10:00am Grief Group - Upper Room
1:00pm Hospice Grief Group - John Law

Friday, May 14
10:00 am Endowment Committee Meeting - Upper Room
Joys and Concerns
Sunday School
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