Thursday, February 25, 2021


St. John's Mission Statement
St. John's is a Christian community that intentionally gathers 
to experience God's love through Episcopal worship, education, fellowship, and ministry to the wider community.

The Second Sunday of Lent

Confession is good for the soul. 
Here are several ways to go about it:

Private Self-Examination is a very appropriate conclusion to each day of life- and it usually leads to a better night's sleep.

General Confession is normative in our Communal Worship.  Here we reflect and pray together in recognition that corporately and individually we have missed the mark which is another way of saying that we have sinned.

Communal Reconciliation is a somewhat new phenomenon. It is not a public recitation of personal sins, but offers an opportunity to privately lay our specific sins before God and to receive the Laying on of Hands and Anointing for Spiritual Healing.

Private Confession (Reconciliation of a penitent) is the way of Sinners and Saints.  The Teaching of the Episcopal Church in regard to Private Confession is: "all may, some should, none must."  This is a means by which those who may be carrying some heavy burden of guilt might find True Freedom in the specific and personal declaration of the Good News of Jesus Christ: "Your sins are forgiven.  Go in Peace!"  It is also the means by which those who have embarked upon the Spiritual Journey pass onward and upward as growth toward the Light of Jesus Christ reveals more clearly the areas of darkness in their Spiritual Lives.         
          adapted from Lent: History and Practice by the Rev. William R. McCarthy

Readings for Sunday, February 28, 2021

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:22-30
Romans 4:13-25
Mark 8:31-38

Facebook Link for Services:  Saint John's Episcopal Church
St. John's website:

Collect for the Second Sunday of Lent

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: 
Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, 
and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith 
to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, 
Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit 
lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

Lenten Outreach
Forty Days-Forty Items
We have an Outreach challenge for you:
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 (Ash Wednesday) is the first day of Lent. Each day of Lent, think about someone less fortunate as you look in your closet.
Remove one item from your closet or dresser that you no longer wear or need and put it into a collection bag. 
At the end of the 40 Days, St. John's will collect and donate your 40 Items of clothing to the people in need who are served by Uptown Community Service Center, hosted at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, North Park.

If you have a full bag you, may drop it off at the church on Wednesdays and pick up a new bag.  Include with the bag(s) a list of the type and number of each article of clothing.

90% of their clients are men but only 5% of the clothing donations are for men! 
The following items are really needed:
  • Warm hoodie sweatshirts (men / women)
  • Sweatshirts
  • Sweatpants
  • Jeans
  • Pants
  • Gently used socks
  • Shoes (they are in great need of men's shoes!)
  • Blankets
  • Used towels (for the Showers Ministry)
  • Ball caps
  • Used backpacks
  • Heavy duty plastic grocery bags (for dispensing clothing to clients)
Items they need but which must be new:
  • Toiletries
  • Men's and Women's underwear
Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
Join us for Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
on Wednesdays at 9:30 am as a Zoom meeting. 

Please contact Rev. Cathey (
to be included in the Zoom meeting, or to update your info, if she does not have your current email.

The Morning Prayer guide can be found here:
Diocesan-wide Lenten Book Study 
Wednesdays, Feb. 24 - March 24, 7-8pm
More than ever before, people of faith are called to pray, 
learn, and act for Creation Care! The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego invites you to read Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change by Jim Antal along with others from across the Diocese and meet on Wednesday nights to discuss it - or watch the recorded discussions when you can. Together we will learn about our current reality, how our faith relates to stewardship of the environment, and what we can do to make a difference. 

"Jim Antal shows how the church can engage in the urgent moral crisis of climate change. This book will inspire both the courage and conviction people of faith need to provide the leadership necessary to realise God's dream of a just world in which humanity is reconciled to all creation." -Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus

Each participant is asked to buy a book, and a free study guide will be provided. Sessions will be facilitated by clergy and leaders from St. Paul's Cathedral, Camp Stevens, St. Luke's, St. Timothy's, and St. Margaret's.

You can check out our book study flyer here, and register here today! 

If you have questions, please contact Diane Lopez Hughes, Co-Leader of Simpler Living at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, at or Deann Rios, Co-Missioner of Peace & Justice for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, at

Stations of the Cross
For your private devotion, you are invited to walk the steps of Jesus on his journey to the cross.

Along with the prayers and reflections for each station, you will find artwork from former St. John's students.

Attached is the link to the prayer booklet:

 Stations of the Cross

Sunday Worship Services
At St. John's, we will continue to gather virtually for our worship service of the Word of God and Spiritual Communion.  Our service will be livestreamed on the internet.
You may access the livestreamed service and the worship booklet through our St. John's website:  www.saint-john'  
or our Facebook page:   Saint John's Episcopal Church. 

The vestry is currently considering an action plan to re-open for 
in-person worship, hopefully during Holy Week.
Altar Flowers

Our Altar Flower donations chart for 2021 is available in the parish office.  If you would like to donate altar flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion without coming to the office, please contact Maria at 619-422-4141 or

The suggested donation for altar flowers is $40.00.

After Easter, the following dates are available:

April 25
June 20 and 27
July 4 and 25
August 1, 8, 15 and 22 
September 5 and 19
October 3, 10, 24 and 31
November 7 and 21

St. John's Italian Cookbook

The St. John's Italian Cookbook is here!  Click on the following link:

You may still submit your favorite Italian recipes to Maria at the church office.


St. John's Outreach Committee has gathered to discuss 
our renewed Outreach activities.
We will continue our ongoing collections for:
  • Blankets - Coordinated by Denise Czer and Sarah Tolley
  • Pill Bottles - Coordinated by Sally Elliot
  • Eyeglasses - Norma Dunn
  • Magazines - Bob Dunn
  • Greeting Cards - Norma Dunn
  • Emergency Food Pantry - Coordinated by Maria and Joe Love
Our collection day will be Wednesdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm. (during this pandemic while we cannot gather)
Tables with labeled bins will be set up outside the church. You may drive up and drop off your items in the appropriate bins. If you do not feel comfortable driving, we will find a volunteer to pick up the items from your home.

Blanket Ministry 

New Start Blankets benefits domestic violence shelters in San Diego. The blankets we collect go to women and children who have escaped domestic violence.  Most of the time, women and children arrive at the shelters with only the clothes on their backs.  They are each given a new blanket, usually the only new thing they receive, and it is theirs to keep.  Blankets are multi purpose, providing comfort, warmth, and security.

Pill Bottle Ministry

Did you know that in developing countries, the pill bottle and cap is often more expensive than the medication inside? You can donate your empty prescription bottles by bringing them to the Parish Office. 

Matthew 25: Ministries accepts donations of empty plastic pill bottles for inclusion in shipments of medical supplies and for shredding and recycling. Their pill bottle program fulfills the dual needs of improving medical care in developing countries and caring for our environment.

If you would like to contribute your financial support as well as your pill bottles, we welcome your donations.

Eyeglass Recycling
If you buy new glasses, bring your old pair to St. Johns. They will be delivered  to LensCrafter, where they will be reground and used for those who can't afford to buy brand new glasses.
Magazine Collection

Your used magazines, paperback books and calendars will be delivered to the Seafarers Mission in National City. They will then be distributed to those whose sea journeys can last for many months.
Greeting Cards

Your greeting cards, stickers and other supplies will be delivered to our ECS Head Start program and to Mi Escuilita, a Head Start run by SBCS. All cards are accepted: free cards you have received from charitable organizations or greeting cards you were sent (you may cut off the back to remove any personal information).   The children use them in art projects and to identify objects and make up stories. 
Emergency Food Pantry

The South Bay Community Services "Emergency Food Pantry" needs donations every month. If you would like to donate, please bring your non-perishable food items to the Parish Office and they will be delivered to SBCS.

These items are always welcome:
Dry and canned beans, boxed potatoes
Rice, pasta, Mac & Cheese
Canned meat or fish and can openers
Cereals, powdered and canned milk
Peanut butter and jelly
Canned fruit and vegetables
Soup, ramen noodles and crackers
Canned stews and Spaghetti-o's
Becoming a Church for Military Members and Families
Ministry to military members and their families is an 
important outreach ministry, therefore, Bishop Susan 
Brown Snook recently appointed The Rev. Frank Munoz, retired Navy chaplain and Priest-in-Charge at Grace Episcopal Church in Menifee, as our first military missioner-and the first known diocesan military missioner in The Episcopal Church.
Men and women of the military have chosen to give of themselves in order to serve and defend the freedoms and liberties of our country. We have an opportunity to serve them in return. The most obvious reason to minister to the military is that they are our neighbors, and as neighbors some are in need of pastoral care.
Some of us have come from military families and others of us have had the experience of a military family coming to our churches while they live near us and fitting in quickly, until they are deployed to another base. While they are with us, they want what many of us want from a church community: fellowship, education, prayer, sacraments, and pastoral care. The problem is that not all military families find churches easily.
That's where we come in. We have an opportunity to become more intentional about reaching out to the military and inviting them in.
The Vestry of St. John's has agreed that we will register our parish with the Military Chaplains Association as Veterans/Military Friendly Congregations so that chaplains can send people our way. We also can advertise our military ministry on our websites and in our E-Newsletter
Bishop Susan has identified this coming year, 2021, as the Year of Evangelism. Ministry to the military offers us a way to tell the Good News to our many neighbors in the military and to give the opportunities to use their spiritual gifts while they are with us.
If you would like to me a part of this Outreach ministry to our military members and their families, please contact Rev. Roger at the parish office.
Need to Receive Your Vaccine?

St. Paul's Senior Service - PACE Center
invites members of St. John's who qualify for the COVID vaccine to schedule an appointment - call Maribel at:

St. Paul's PACE Akaloa Center
630 L Street,  Chula Vista, CA  91911
Should I Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine?

As your Priest, and also a nursing instructor of Public Health, I encourage
everyone to get vaccinated. It is the right thing to do! Let's all demonstrate
love for our neighbor by protecting everyone in our community and setting
an example of caring for others.

Being vaccinated provides a person with immunity. Immunity gives
significant protection against contracting the COVID-19 virus, which also
reduces the possibility of spreading the virus to anyone else.

The COVID-19 vaccine is a safe and effective way to minimize the spread
of the disease.
  • Clinical trials have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines
  • Scientists agree that it is safe to receive a FDA approved vaccine rather than to risk becoming infected with the COVID-19 virus
  • Allergic reactions are very rare and vaccine recipients are closely monitored for any reactions
  • Vaccine technology (mRNA) is not new . . .under development for the last 10 years
  • The Vaccine will not give you the COVID-19 disease; you may experience temporary side effects.  Side effects are a good thing - it means your immune system is helping your body to create antibodies against the virus
  • Immunity from the vaccine is more effective at lessening the chance of contracting the disease as compared to the immunity from being infected the virus
  • Immunity from the vaccine lasts longer than natural (virus) immunity
  • Immunity from the vaccine lessen the severity of illness -                      ie. hospitalization and death
  • Immunity through being infected the COVID-19 virus may result in future long term health problems.  Researchers are studying the long term affects of being infected with the disease - Heart and lung complications, blood clotting disorders, and neurological conditions
The long term benefits outweigh the temporary inconvenience or side effects.
If we all work together to prevent further spread of the disease,
here are some benefits to all of us:
  • our community will return to normalcy
  • we will be able to return to in person events such as worship and fellowship
  • freedom from wearing masks
  • our businesses and economy will be strengthened
  • we will be able to socially gather with families, grandchildren, and friends
The County of San Diego's website has information about scheduling

Pastoral Care
We Are Available in Your Time of Need

If you have a pastoral emergency when the parish offices are closed, 
please call 619-301-0724 or email

Parish Prayer Lists

Birthday and Anniversary Prayers

We would like to acknowledge and pray for anyone celebrating a birthday and/or anniversary in the coming week.  Please let us know by Thursday of the prior week so that we can get it in the Sunday liturgy.  If you have a picture of you that we could post for your birthday and/or a wedding photo or current photo for those celebrating an anniversary, please email it to us - it would be great to allow everyone to see you.

Our Parish Prayer Intentions
Today and every day include some time for prayer, for yourself,
for your church family, and for those in need.  

For our Military
Matt, Drew, Cody, Cameron, Chariti, 
Mark, Sean, Jonathan, TK, Christopher, 
Timothy, Jeremy, David, Jonathan, Nick, 
Jamal, Matt, Daniel, Jocelyn, Devon, Taylor, 
Jorge, Katherine, Sebastian, Richie and Roberto.

For Strength in Time of Need

Scott, Betty, Steve, Gary and Shirley, Cyd and Paige, 
Andrew and Jillian, Don, Freddie and Andrea, Ann and Jim,
and for all first responders, medical professionals, 
essential workers and their families.

For the repose of the souls of Dorothy Zirkle, the Rev. Ben Bachmeier, 
Barbara Glenski and Filipinas Antonio.
May light perpetual shine on them.

Cycle of Prayers for the Church

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for our full communion partners, especially the ECLA on the World Day of Prayer, March 5.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America.

Prayer Quilt Ministry
The leaders of the Prayer Quilt Ministry would like to remind 
you that there are many quilts available for anyone in need of prayer and support.  This important ministry brings comfort and healing to many people who are suffering with illness. Please contact Diane Gustafson directly ( or through the office ( 

The Vestry

David Dennehy, Senior Warden
Lynn Young, Junior Warden
Bill Cheney, Treasurer
Terry Farrelly, Assistant Treasurer
Diane Gustafson, Clerk
Pamela Brittain
Tom Brzeczek
Ray Contreras
Jane Ferguson
Muriel Kulikowski
Alejandra Valdez-Beer

Parish Office Hours

Updated Diocesan COVID Guidelines -Church Offices:
  • Ensure that to the extent possible, church staff are working remotely rather than coming together in person.
  • If staff and/or volunteers must come into the office for necessary activities, they should remain masked and distanced, with outdoor windows open and doors shut between people, to minimize exposure.
The Parish Office will be open 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.  Please call before coming into the office, as our hours of availability may change.

Rev. Roger's Office Hours
Rev. Roger will be in the office Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and all day Wednesday and Friday.  He will be available by appointment.  Please call the office (619-422-4141) to schedule an appointment.

In case of a pastoral emergency, Rev. Roger may be reached on his cell phone at 619-301-0724.

Upcoming Events at St. John's

Daylight Savings Time Begins

Sunday, March 14

Sunday of the Passion: 
Palm Sunday

9:00 am

Sunday, March 28

Maundy Thursday

7:00 pm

Thursday, April 1

Good Friday

12 noon

7:00 pm

Friday, April 2

The Great Vigil of Easter:
Easter Eve

7:00 pm

Saturday, April 3

Sunday of the Resurrection:
Easter Day

9:00 am

Sunday, April 4

Your weekly newsletter highlights important events at St. John's Episcopal Church.  You can also find news about St. John's at

We welcome your feedback, photos, and news items. Contact Maria Love at 619-422-4141 or

Please submit your announcements by Tuesday of each week for inclusion in the Enews.

Transformation Academy
All are invited to join the people of the diocese for an exciting, new virtual learning and enrichment series. Together, we'll dive deeper into four diocesan priority areas: Peace & Justice, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Leadership. 

Transformation Academy is offered over four months and features national speakers and local leaders from our diocese discussing issues that transform the way we serve the Church's mission.

Get ready to "be transformed by the renewing of your minds" (Rom 12:2) as we learn together at the Transformation Academy!

Transformation Academy is an exciting series of keynote presentations coupled with two different breakout groups to dive deeper into transformational ministry. Please register for both the keynote presentation and a breakout group.

Peace & Justice Academy - Thursday, March 18, 6-7:30pm
Peace, Justice, and Local Church Ministries

Rev. Traci Blackmon, Minister of Justice & Local Church Ministries for the United Church of Christ

Breakout 1: Rev. Rebecca Dinovo
Pursuing Peace & Justice in EDSD

Breakout 2: Deann Rios
Pursuing Peace & Justice in EDSD

Discipleship Academy - Thursday, April 15, 6-7:30pm
Formed for Relationship-Discipleship in the Episcopal Church

Rev. Canon Dawn Davis, Assistant Professor of Contextual Theology and Director of Leadership for Ministry Programs at Huron University College

Breakout 1: Dawn Davis
Let us Pray: Learning the formational practice of praying out loud

Breakout 2: Charlette Preslar -Youth Ministry
"What is Youth Group?" How to create and sustain a dynamic youth ministry

Leadership Academy - Thursday, May 20, 6-7:30pm
Pivoting to New Realities:
Adaptive Leadership for a Post-Pandemic Church

Donald Romanik, President of the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF)

Breakout 1: Davey Gerhard
Year-round Stewardship

Breakout 2: Rev. Canon Gwynn Lynch
Vestry 101

Evangelism Academy - Thursday, June 17, 6-7:30pm
Joining God in Mission

Dwight Zscheile, vice president of innovation and associate professor of congregational mission and leadership at Luther Seminary

Breakout 1: Rev. Frank Munoz
Military Missions: Welcoming our Military Neighbors

Breakout 2: Rev. Darin Johnson
Campus Missions: Welcoming our College Student Neighbors
RefugeeNet Virtual Benefit

RefugeeNet invites you to register today by clicking here 
for a live show from 5 to 6:30 pm on February 27 that will include cooking and dancing lessons, African music, and life-changing testimonials that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. Pre-order a reheatable meal prepared by our new Mama Africa catering project and we'll deliver it to your doorstep the night of the event! And keep your eyes out for a range of auction items in the weeks ahead. Questions? Contact Colin at
EDSD Statement of Commitment
As part of the Jesus Movement and the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, we pledge to love our neighbors and protect the most vulnerable among us, remembering our baptismal vows to "strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being." We live these pledges out by actively engaging in dismantling racism. For many of us, this will mean learning more about our racial identity, listening to those who have experienced racial prejudice, speaking out against racism, and showing up alongside those in our community working to change unjust systems in our society. We also live out this pledge at worship during this pandemic, by wearing face-coverings, respecting distancing guidelines, foregoing the common cup and refraining from congregational singing.
Episcopal Relief and Development
What Would Love Do: 1000 Days of Love

Love calls us to care for our neighbors and for our enemies. Love calls us to attend to those in prison, to those who are homeless, to those in poverty, to children, immigrants and refugees.

What would love do? To you, who so generously support the transformative work of Episcopal Relief & Development, love calls you to continue to sow seeds of lasting change

Visit Episcopal Relief and Development: One Thousand Days of Love to see how you can help.

Reporting Misconduct
As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe haven for everyone, our diocese trains people in the prevention of misconduct and encourages all to report misconduct. All reported incidences are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly and confidentially. If you believe you have experienced misconduct of any kind, please contact Mr. John Seitman, (, 858-793-4555 or Ms. Equilla Luke, (, 760-583-0485.

Safeguarding God's People
In this issue
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Contact Information
phone: 619/422-4141
pastoral care: 619/301-0724
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