Fellow Gregorians,
We want to commend our Sunday live streaming volunteers: Ron Balthazor, Anthony Barkdoll, Alec Nelson, Pete Nicholls, and Jeff Welch. Having trained with Anthony, then co-piloted with him, one of these faithful volunteers operates the cameras and microphones at every 10:30 service. They enable St. Gregory the Great to provide a Sunday service for shut-ins, the sick, parishioners who are out of town, and seekers of a church. Thanks, too, to Jonathan Klein, who every week prepares and posts the visual overlays and graphics that inform viewers what they need to know about where we are in the service, the words and music for the hymns we sing, and the lectionary.
The theme of this year’s Summer Vacation Bible School, July 18-21, is Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Lovingkindness. We’ve extended the nightly sessions by 15 minutes, beginning with supper at 5:30 and concluding at 7:45. In order to pull off a week of Vacation Bible School, we need volunteers! Specifically, we need volunteers in the following areas:
Supper. Needed: a team of 5-6 people. Possibilities for supper include Pizza Night, Spaghetti Night, Jason's Deli Sandwich Box Night, and Food Truck Night. Each night we’ll also have provisions for a "make your own salad" in addition to or as an option to these supper possibilities.
Gathering & Music. Needed: someone to lead us in singing a couple theme songs each night during our gathering time. That special someone can lead one or two nights or all four. Doug Adkins has the music.
Games & Movement. Alice Mohor will lead, but she needs a team to help her. See Alice if you can help with games and movement.
Bible Story/Scripts. Needed: 5-7 people to help present the Bible story each night. Doug has the scripts.
Create/Crafts: Needed: 3-4 people
If you can contribute your time and talents to insure the enjoyment and involvement of participants in Compassion Camp, contact Doug Adkins via email or (706) 474-4784 to let him know.
Working with Doug Adkins, our Director of Children’s Ministries, the Spiritual Formation Committee, which has brought you the Faith and Nature series and the Sunday morning study of the book of Luke, will offer an adult component of Summer Vacation Bible School about compassion during the children’s Compassion Camp. Nightly topics are All Around Me, For Myself, For My Neighbor, and With the World. Ellen Richardson, LeeAnne Krause, and Ron Balthazor will lead the nightly adult Compassion Camp July 18-21. Supper will be provided for adult campers, too.
If you’re coming to St. Gregory the Great for the 10:30 service anyway, please consider participating in the service as an acolyte or an usher. Both ministries can be rewarding for you and the rest of the congregation, and your help is needed for both. Contact Wade McGlamery via email or 770-624-4837, to volunteer to be an acolyte. Contact Anna Hiers via email or 706-340-9799, to volunteer to be an usher. C’mon!
Grace and peace,
Jane Hudson, Senior Warden
This evening we will be watching Black Panther (2017)! Join us in the parish hall and enjoy some popcorn and soft drinks- or bring a blanket and a picnic dinner! The movie begins promptly at 7pm.
We are in need of a few more acolytes to give a bit of relief to those in our current rotation. Never served before? That's fine- we will teach you! Acolyting is a great, low commitment, way to get involved in the life of the parish! Reach out to Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, if you would like to volunteer.
Confirmation Classes in June
June 5: we will meet
June 12: we will not meet
June 19: we will meet
June 26: we will not meet
The Cost of Following Jesus
Adult Spiritual Formation meets this Sunday to continue our exploration of the Gospel of Luke. All are welcome in the Parish Hall from 9:15 to 10:15 with no need to have attended earlier sessions. Bibles will be available but feel free to bring your own favorite.
Please join us for a Spiritual Formation series on the intersection of faith and nature. The series will have different presenters on an array of topics over 5 weeks on Sunday afternoons/evenings. The remaining session:
6/19, 7pm, Creation Care, Jason Roberts (@ St. G's)
This last session will feature Jason Roberts, a Senior Lecturer of Christian Theology at UGA. He will be discussing Creation Care.
Dates and Times: July 18-21, 5:30 - 7:45
We are about six weeks (July 18-21) from
"Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Lovingkindness."
We have extended the nightly sessions by 15 minutes, beginning with supper at 5:30 and concluding at 7:45. As is the case every year, in order to pull off a week of Bible School, we need several volunteers. Please notice the needs listed below, and contact Doug Adkins to let him know in which area you would like to serve.
Supper: We need a team of 5-6 people to organize the suppers each night. Nothing is set in stone as of yet, but we had discussed: Pizza Night; Spaghetti Night; Jason's Deli Sandwich Box Night; and a Food Truck Night (tacos and burritos?) Also - each night we will have a "make your own salad" option.
Gathering & Music: We need someone to lead us in singing a couple theme songs each night for our gathering time. If you cannot be there each night, you can lead one or two nights. Doug has the music and scripts.
Below are the three rotations for each night. Volunteers will be doing the same lesson for three different groups of kids as they rotate through Compassion Camp.
Games & Movement: Alice Mohor will be leading this rotation, and will be recruiting her team. See Alice if you would like to assist.
Bible Story/Scripts: We need 5-7 people to assist with presenting the Bible story for each night.
Create/Crafts: We need 3-4 people to assist with this rotation.
Doug Adkins has the curriculum for each group. Please let him know as soon as you can regarding the area you can serve. How exciting it is to finally be back in person for a week of Bible School!
St. Gregory's Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) week is July 3-10 (we help 3 weeks a year). We belong to this organization of churches in Athens which provides temporarily homeless families with a place to stay for up to several months, giving them and their children stability. The breadwinners in the family get rides to work if needed. Those who don't have a job have the support to find one. Meals are provided. Family Promise also works to prevent homelessness by helping families who might need a rent payment or a utility payment to be able to continue living in their home. They have helped some families find and purchase a used vehicle. We have this chance to put our faith into action, to walk by faith into a role we maybe haven't experienced yet, but which God is calling us to, like Mother Nikki told us in last week's sermon. To feed the hungry and house the homeless, to give hope to those who need it. Contact Annette Bates via email or 706-255-5839 to learn more.
Calling all those in their 20s/30s- join us at the Rook and Pawn in Downtown Athens on Saturday, July 9th at 7pm for a night of games, drinks, and fellowship!
We need 8 more! If you would like to volunteer, and/or coordinate, please contact Anna Hiers, vestry liaison to the Worship Committee, via email or @ 706-340-9799. Training will be provided.
On July 8th at 7pm all 6th-12th graders are invited to see Thor: Love and Thunder at B&B Theaters. If your child would like to attend please let Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, know ASAP so that we can order the appropriate number of tickets.
If you have a child that will be in the 6th-12th grades as of August 2022, please come by our Parent Info meeting in the Parish Hall on July 10 at 1pm, immediately following Mother Nikki's confirmation class.
Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, if you have any questions.
a shift of air
on a hot day
to gently make
small branches sway
a toddler’s screech
down a store aisle
that brings to all
a knowing smile
a dinosaur
lumbering high
across a blue
white clouded sky
a chorus of
bullfrogs at night
their presence sure
but out of sight
alice mohor
If you're in your 20s or 30s and would like to stay up to date on events for your age group please reach out to Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, to join our group chat.
Following Athens First Pride Parade on June 12, 430 individuals visited our church's booth at the Athens Pride Community Resource Festival!
Thanks to all those who braved the heat and helped make our presence possible, Melissa Hamlin, Jude Red Bear, Anna Streeter, Joshua Heard, Gail Eilers, Anna Heirs, Kelly and Sara Black, Deborah Garner, Terri Tillman, Ellen Richardson and Stacie and David Court (and Vicky Tavernier (pictured), who stopped by to say hi!).
Alice Mohor, welcoming committee
Wright House Open House - June 11
Coffee Hour!
Due to the lack of volunteers, there may or may not be coffee hour on any given Sunday. If you are able to host or bring a baked item for a future coffee hour, contact Melissa or Catrina to sign up. A sign up sheet will also be posted at the event.
Instructions for Live Streaming
- Just go to the St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church
Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:
If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it. To ‘refresh’ go up to the top of your screen and on the left or right of the web address you will see this image (little curvy arrow to the right -->). Click on it to ‘refresh.’
When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it.
Welcome to worship!
Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
*Threads of Prayer will meet only the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM for June and July, and likely August! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
* group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: