Lammas-August 1st 2022 - 4th Quarterly from the Ziraat Council
Dear Friends,
Greetings to you at this time of Lammas, traditionally the time of the first harvests of wheat and grains in the northern hemisphere. For our family in the Southern Hemisphere, we honor the blessings of cold air and inner harvesting. Everywhere it is a time of nourishment.
What nourishes you? So much that is streaming at us today rises out of a confused state, which only contributes to our own confused states. Many invisible obstacles are placed on our paths, and only recognized after a stumble. A metaphor I find useful to delve into this confusion is the state of the processed food industry. Plants are harvested and then put through a process such that their unique taste, vitamins, and nutrients are entirely removed from the food. In order to make the food once again tasteful to the consumer, the flavor industry is called upon to do its thing. Thus we began with vitality-giving and nourishing plants, their essence then altered, and finally some human-crafted flavors from factories are added back in to make it palatable. We all know our bodies face great difficulty when processed food makes up a good portion of our diets. The taste of spirit is changed.
Might this process be similar to that which the news, media, and other content creators are utilizing when feeding our minds? The divine creates all the content we really need. Following the food industry’s ways, it might look something like this: The process begins with attempting to take out the divine wisdom and guidance (like the flavor/nutrients/vitamins of plants) present in and flowing to each sentient being. Constructed and artificial narratives must be placed into the news cycle to gain the consumers’ attention and trust. Like processed food, we are left with an altered narrative about what life is, as well as confused ideas about our individual and collective purposes. What comes directly from within, like the nourishment that comes directly through plants, is clouded. Like consuming too much processed food, we suffer from great dis-ease, as our awareness is redirected from the spirit that naturally illuminates our minds and hearts.
What if we each make an aspiration to better balance the amount of time we spend consuming narratives about the world through media with the amount of time we give to our spiritual practice? A complimentary aspiration is to spend more time being in and giving to the natural world, and less time consuming resources (parts of nature). How much do you consciously give to that which sustains you?
What nourishes us all? Shifting these balances of giving versus consuming will have a considerable impact on you and your relations. What if I reminded you right now that, as Inayat Khan said, the Holy Manuscript of Nature can enlighten you? Just by stepping outside with the wish to read this scripture?
Nature is always teaching. At my home, we allow our chickens to free range all day. They scratch, they eat, they wander away and then find their flock, and they take in and observe the world. As temporary chicken sitters now in New Mexico, we met chickens that live only in a coop. After two weeks, my little chicken caretaker companions decided to let this flock free range. The natural behaviors and instincts have come forth through these chickens. The nourishment these hens are finding is diverse, delicious, and definitely divine. Who are you when you step outside of the rectangular structure in which you reside or work? When you aren’t cooped up? What divine nourishment might you find when you leave behind the confining narratives? What is life when, as suggested by Rumi, you close the language door and open the love window? When you ask nature to come and press its face against yours? Generous nature is streaming its blessings to you, ready to cocreate the next moments of this unfolding life. So involve yourself. Plant. Walk. Study. Observe. Give. Nourish. Interact. Inter-be. Inspire others to see nature’s loveliness. What nourishment we receive when we step into the stream of giving!
Maitreya, on behalf of the Ziraat Council
By Anahata Iradah
Some of the clever birds will sneak in through my kitchen, to finish off any kibble left over from the breakfast of the cats. Then one particular threesome will parade through the house and ask to be let out of the front door where they will stay much of the day. They all have their favorite rituals and, from time to time, the rituals will progress and evolve.
Excerpts from Ziraat Reader
The Meaning of Ziraat
by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Rather than a mechanistic instrument that can be manipulated at our whim and for our gain, the Earth exhibits all the characteristics of a sensitive, conscious being endowed with her own will and emotion and tendencies. As a fellow being, she exalts in her interrelationship with humans. The magnetism of the human touch enhances the growth of plants from her soil (this is the meaning of “green fingers”). Her magnetism makes humans thrive, regenerates worn and run-down body tissue, and gives radiance to the mind. If our consciousness is high, we sanctify the earth as hierophants and shamans have done since the beginning of time. If we commune with her soul rather than extort her yield, she sanctifies us, making us whole, and therefore holy and healthy.
Michaelann is the leader of Earth and Sky Farm Community. A farm based spiritually inspired multigenerational community. Regularly scheduled and festival gatherings include song, circle, dance, and guided forest walks balanced by practical agricultural work and handwork. Fostering the qualities of a healthy community, such as compassion, generosity, reverence, gratitude, love, harmony and beauty.
Retreats are offered at Earth and Sky Farm in Dunstable Massachusetts, online, or at your location.
Here’s a preview of an upcoming retreat:
Opening to the Elements
Once we open to the sacred elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether we can begin to balance our relationship with ourselves and thus the outer world. Embrace the elemental beings and their beneficial role in Biodynamic Agriculture. Craft with natural materials handwork projects to enliven and strengthen your experience of the sacred elements. And much more! For more information email Michaelann at
It’s a path that localizes rather than globalizes, connects rather than separates, and shows us that human beings need not be the problem – we can be the solution.
The study of the heart is a significant part of our Sufi path, and here is a means to study the wings. Enjoy meeting passionate experts and conservationists in both Texas and Mexico who transmit their love of birds and the importance of preserving natural habitats. Available on Netflix.
Manuscript of Nature
“Let the ecosystem in which you live involve itself in you as you involve yourself in it. Don't be strangers any longer if you pay little attention to each other. Or, become closer friends if you are already acquainted.
Visit with a plant as you would a friend. Ask if you may sit down next to it. Settle in with a cup of tea, water, or coffee, and offer them some clean water. Take a slow sip together. Admire each other, noting what makes you each unique. Offer each other gratitude. Slow down and really be there as if you are with a child. Share a difficulty you each are having, as well as something you each rejoice in. Take turns sharing. Ask the plant how you can be of service to it, and what gift it offers to the world. Admire this gift. This takes deep listening and concentration on your part. Close the language door, and open the love window.
Florida Softshell Turtle just emerged from its underground nest in our backyard.