St. Benedict's is a welcoming community sharing and spreading
Christ's love through worship,education, fellowship, and outreach
Sunday Online Services are available at 10:30 am via our
Compline, a brief service of prayers and readings for the close of day,
Online Giving
Celebrate Holy Eucharist together in person every Sunday at 2:00 pm in the upper lot. Please register ahead of time. We are limited to 75 folks per service. If you are a musician of any variety, we'd love to have you offer some simple music for our outdoor worship. Please be in touch with Valerie or Mother Jenna.
Beginning this Sunday, a variety of informal in-person opportunities to connect with Mo. Jenna and reconnect with your St. B's community. Please, please come on out.
SUNDAY: 5/2, 5/16*, 6/6* 5:00-6:30 pm at St. Benedict's
MONDAY: 5/10, 5/24, 6/7 6:00-7:30 pm at homes in Smyrna
SATURDAY: 5/15, 5/22 11:00 am-1:00 pm drop-in at homes
THURSDAY: 5/20 5:30-7:30 pm home in Smyrna
*Children always welcome; the starred events are particularly geared towards families with kids
Sundays 9:30 a.m.
May 2: Those last 10 days of Easter: Ascension to Pentecost
Eastertide is 50 days, marking the period in God's holy story from Jesus's resurrection to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Come learn about the last 10 days-- "Ascensiontide"-- and what this little season-within-a-season might offer our lives of faith. P.S. This will be the last Sunday morning Formation Zoom for a while as we prepare to move back into the nave! Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities for formation.
Passcode: 223168
It was a beautiful day, and our golfers had fun. Congrats to Tom Alexander for wearing some really ugly pants, and to Rachel Oliver for winning the ladies longest drive. The winning foursome was Eric Handler, Mike Killimett, Ryan Turner and Bryce Godsey. Ugly Pants has always been about raising money for Mission and Outreach, and this year we expect to clear $14,500 to support programs that work with children and families. Thank you to those of you who bought a sponsorship to boost the proceeds.
It "takes a village" to run an event like this and we are especially thankful to parishioners Ann & Kent Canipe, Bob Drake, Jim Ell, Ellen Gaffney, Bill Monk, Rob Rhodes, & Karen Takada for their volunteer efforts.
Thank you to all of our Sponsors!
Nuestros Ninos
Center State Bank
Ann and Kent Canipe
ZAG Equipment Sales
Fair Banks
ECG Consulting
Carol & Michael Kirshner
Bill Monk
Thomas & Sheilah Davis
Jack & Gail Sickling
Saralee & Daniel Parker
Joe & Kerry Thomas
Nelson & Peggy Kessler
David & Rachel Oliver
Julie Savini
Christine Bradley
Thank you to Bill Monk for documenting the day in photos.
Celebrating our Graduates
St. Benedict's is celebrating graduates! If you are graduating from high school or college, please let Monty know by May 3! We'll ask you for a photo and to answer a couple of questions so we can celebrate with you.
Below is a report of the breakdown of pledges for 2021 by dollar amount. As you can see approximately half of our pledges fall in the $1,000-$5,000 range. We are grateful to all the people who pledged this year. Each pledge counts and is appreciated.
Many people have mentioned the sense of loss of not being able to put their offering in the collection plates. We are still not able to "Pass the Plate" but we will have a Collection Plate at all of our Outdoor Services. Please bring your offerings, cash or check, and place them in the plate. One more small step towards regathering for church.
The Women's Bible Study meets on Mondays at 10:30 am.
All women are welcome and may join us via the repeating Zoom link below. Currently we are studying the Gospel of John.
Passcode: biblestudy
St. Benedict’s Daughters of the King Chapter
Sisters of Sacred Peace
After Easter, we will be forming a new Discernment Class for 2021. This Discernment process requires a six-week preparation period for candidates to be able to learn and prayerfully consider what it means to become a Daughter of the King (DOK). Read more...
Learn more about the Daughters of the King.
Baptism is full initiation, by water and the Holy Spirit, into Christ's body the church. People of all ages are baptized at St. Benedict's. If you desire Holy Baptism for you or your child, or are even just curious about baptism, please reach out to Mo. Jenna. I am trying to get a sense of how many folks might be desiring baptism this Eastertide and beyond.
Your 2020 tax statement is ready for download on the
If you do not have or lost your login or need assistance,
Sam Belcher
Connor Jones
Kate Stackow
Ellie Stewart
Erin Palmertree
Oliver Brinson
Adrienne Wilson
Catherine Owens
Hilly Holcomb
Elden Grace, Jr
Huck Pietrusza
Brandon Beacher
Ryan Wentker
Lily Jones
Rob Rhodes, Jr
Raena Bennett
Be a part of making the nave beautiful for online worship. The Flower Guild is looking for volunteers to help with arranging flowers for the nave every week. If interested, contact Beth Tyler.
A reminder to all parishioners that St. Benedict's is committed to the various care needs of its member families. A dedicated group of volunteers are continuing to offer their time to serve our church community within various pastoral care capacities, including prayer requests, transportation, meal delivery, Eucharistic visits with Diocesan-approved safe protocols, and more. Mo. Jenna is also readily available for prayers, calls and/or visits for those in need.
Do not hesitate to reach out to Kerry Thomas or Anna Best about Pastoral care needs for yourself, your family, or your friends. We are here to help and serve!
Small Groups and Social Clubs
Small groups are a wonderful way to deepen connections within our St. B's community; strengthen, renew and nourish our faith; and grow closer to God.
Support El Refugio while shopping
Help at-risk students and families
Do you have St. Benedict's related news that needs to be communicated to your fellow parish members? Click here for an easy form to convey the needed information to the office.
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church | 678-272-4300 | 2160 Cooper Lake Rd. SE