Town Board Meeting April 7, 2020 7:30 p.m.
Due to the public health concerns related to COVID 19 and as authorized by Governor Cuomo’s executive order 202.1 dated March 12, 2020, there will be no in person public access to the Town Board meeting of April 7, 2020.
In accordance with Executive Order 202.1, this Meeting will be held remotely by videoconference which will be accessible by the public both via telephone and online, and which shall be recorded and later transcribed. The public will be able to see and hear the meeting live
The meeting will be available live to the public on Cable TV, Channel 30 on Verizon Fios and Channel 78 on Cablevision and will be livestreamed on YouTube, which can be accessed at
. The public may also view or listen in to the videoconference through GoToMeeting or by calling in (instructions below).
For this meeting, the usual public comment portion of the agenda will not be held.
However, anyone wishing to comment or pose a question is encouraged to submit comments or questions via email prior to the meeting and the Board will address such comments or questions during the meeting. Please email comments or questions to
prior to the meeting or call the Supervisor’s office at (845) 359 5100 Ext. 2293.
Instructions for persons wishing to access the meeting via telephone or videoconferencing through GoToMeeting are below:
Town of Orangetown Town Board Meetings
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone by cutting and pasting the link below to your browser:
You can also dial in using your phone:
Access Code:
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
On the evening of the meeting date, 5 minutes before the scheduled start time, it is recommended that you log in through your computer, smartphone or telephone. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. Questions about accessing the GoToMeeting videoconference should be emailed to