Weekly Newsletter: February 2, 2020

W izard of Oz Play Practice


7:45PM - 8:45PM

Girls' 5th-8th Basketball Practice
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Boys' 3rd & 4th Basketball Practice
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Coffee with Mr. Cruess - 3rd & 4th Grade Parents Only (RSVP Here!)
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Cafeteria

W izard of Oz Play Practice



Boys' 3rd & 4th Basketball Game
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Highlights from Catholic Schools Week on Social Media!
We LOVE Our Comet Community!
And check out our video below to see all the fun we had at the
Pep Rally!
...And way to go to our All A and A-B Honor Roll!
Woo-hoo - that's a lot of Comets!
From Our Principal
As we come to the end of Catholic Schools Week, I think it is important to thank everyone who makes our school possible. We are grateful to the parishioners of St. Benedict for the support they provide and to Father John David for his spiritual guidance. We thank our parents for their commitment to a faith-filled education for their children. We thank our faculty and staff for their dedication and care. We thank our students for the joy and enthusiasm they bring to school each day. And finally, we thank God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon us.
Re-enrollment - Important Dates & Info
Contracts and Deposits - contracts for for next year were sent home and are due back this Friday, Feb. 7th. When returning your contract please be sure to include the $200 family deposit. The deposit cannot be charged to FACTS. Your space for next year is reserved through February 7. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Sean, Gretchen, or Elizabeth. When returning your contract by backpack please send an email to your child’s homeroom teacher alerting us to look for it.

Important Re-enrollment Dates:
Friday January 24, 2020 - re-enrollment contracts went home in backpacks

Friday February 7, 2020 - Last day to return contracts. After this date, your space is no longer reserved.

Friday February 14, 2020 - last day to return contracts without a late penalty

March 1, 2020 - last day to apply for tuition assistance unless you have business/self-employment income

Monday April 20, 2020 - last day to cancel contract without incurring full tuition obligation (or 2 weeks after you receive your tuition assistance notification, whichever is later)

June 1, 2020 - last day to apply for tuition assistance if you have business/self-employment income

If you have any questions, please reach out to Gretchen, Sean, or Elizabeth, so that we can work with you.

Refer a Friend! New Incentive!
Spread the word about our wonderful little school! Refer a friend and get a $75 tuition credit! How it works: You will receive a $75 (2020-21) tuition credit on the first day of school for every new family that starts the school year and who listed you as having referred them to Saint Benedict. Only one $75 referral credit will be awarded for each new family. If the new family mentions multiple families on their application, only the first family listed will get the credit.
This Week in ASE!
See our ASE schedule here for FEBRUARY !
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Feb. 21st!
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Friday, February 21st from 7:30am-12pm.  There will be NO SCHOOL for students on that day.  Since our conference time is limited, we ask that parents  only  sign up for a conference if there is an academic or classroom concern. If your child is making good progress, you do not need to schedule a conference. Specials (elective) teachers are not part of the Parent-Teacher Conference Day. Please contact them directly if you would like to set up a time to meet.  To schedule a time to meet with your child's teacher, use link below.  The scheduling system will close on Tuesday, February 18th at 12pm. Call Mrs. Autry in the office if you have any questions, (804) 254-8850. Thank you!
Tuition Assistance - The sooner you apply, the sooner you will know!
Returning Families
- If you don't file a tax return you have between now and March 1st to submit your application and provide documentation of income.
- If you file a tax return and have W-2 income you have between now and March 1st to submit your application and upload your 2018 Tax Return and 2019 W2s.
- If you file a tax return and have business income you have between now and June 1st to submit your application and upload your 2019 Tax Documents.

New this year - you will receive your tuition assistance letter within 3 weeks of submitting your application and uploading all required documents.

Questions? Contact Elizabeth Hanson at ehanson@saintbenedictschool.org .
Library Reading Challenge!
Remember, the library Reading Challenge is still going strong. Congratulations to our nine finishers so far, with Ambrose house in the lead. 


Honor your child's birthday (or any special occasion) with an act of charity that benefits the whole school. Select a sturdy, new book from our wish list and personalize it with a donor bookplate. Your child will receive the new book at school and can keep it as long as he likes. When it is returned, the book will go into circulation for everyone to check out!

All of the details can be found at this link:  https://www.btsb.com/sosl/saintbenedictcatholicschool/  . You can also find the link on the school website library page.

Please email  mclark@saintbenedictschool.org  if you have any questions.
Mass Schedule - February
Friday, February 7
Choir: 4th Grade
Servers: William Proctor, Noah Mikkelson, Jude O'Herron

Friday, February 14
Choir: 3rd Grade
Servers: Lemma Wheatley, Olivia Panchyshyn, Gabriel Bevc

Wednesday, February 26 at 1:30pm - Ash Wednesday
Choir: 8th Grade
Servers: Jack Bellaver, Max Brunner, Leo Mikkelson
Yay Lunch!
Yay Lunch! Starting the week of  Monday, 2/3  the Thursday vendor will be Ellwood Thompson's and the Friday vendor will be McAlister's Deli. This was based on customer feedback and some analytics that showed Chopt was the least popular vendor .

Click HERE for the full menu!
St. Benedict Parish Religious Education for grades Kindergarten through 5th takes place on Sunday mornings from 9:45am to 10:45am at St. Benedict Catholic School. The next several classes are February 2, 9, 16 and 23. 
Edge, St Benedict Parish Middle School Youth Ministry and Religious Education, takes place on Wednesday nights in St. Anselm Hall from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The next several meetings are February 5, 12, and 19.
Contact Rob Hamrick at  rhamrick@saintbenedictparish.org  for more information on K-5 Religious Education or Edge
Family Movie Night!
On Friday, February 21, there will be a parish family movie night starting at 6:00pm in St. Benedict Catholic School. A pizza dinner will be served and wine and beer will be provided. The movie will be in St. Anselm Hall while adults can relax in the cafeteria. The event will be free though donations will be accepted. Please RSVP by Tuesday, February 18 with how many are coming and your movie of choice between  The Incredibles  or  Monsters Inc.  to  kcorcoran@saintbenedictparish.org or (804) 254-8810 ex. 109 so we know how much food to order. 
Registration for SGHS middies is now open!
Both lacrosse and softball are offered this spring for girls in grades 5-8. Practices will begin the first week of March. 
Register your girls  HERE
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