April 10, 2020
COVID-19 Impact on Marine Corps Activities and Base Access

We are constantly updating our sections with COVID-19 and how it affects each stage in the Marine Corps. We have links to the most recent press releases from the Department of Defense and the most up to date information from the Marine Corps. We will continue to update our pages as the Marine Corps makes the information available. 

Please be aware, the Marine Corps doesn't have a road-map for the COVID-19 pandemic either, but they have to keep our troops safe. When the USMC provides answers and additional information, we will publish it on these pages of our website. Our take on this will be that the military will exercise more caution and keep civilians off the bases longer than what other populations and communities do in our country.

Chat Room

Now you can chat in real-time with other Marine and recruit family members! Chat is open each evening. Volunteers will moderate and answer questions. Our 10 Posting Rules apply to the chat room. Read the new “Chat Room” page on our website to view the schedule and posting rules. 

We're Here For Every Stage of Your Marine's Career in the Corps
This section of our newsletter includes new weekly articles related to YOUR recruit or Marine's career in the Corps. For additional reference in each newsletter, we include links to our Outreach Program articles, to the EGA Shop, to our Volunteer Spotlight, and to our Official Facebook Groups. a Place to Connect & Share ® is a registered trademark of the United States Marine Corps. Used with permission. Content and graphics copyright to, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. For additional informtion on legal use, visit the legal page of our website . is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity .