Easter Sunday
Photo by Christ Church member Leslie Everheart. It is the last of her Stations of the Cross.
Dear beloved community,

Tomorrow we celebrate the resurrection. I will miss being with you in person, hearing the choir, singing with gusto, and looking in your eyes as we celebrate communion. I'll miss the children racing to find eggs hidden cleverly around the garden by our awesome teens. And yes, I'll miss those killer deviled eggs & heavenly coffee cake in a laughter filled parish hall.

It helps me to remember that this year we have more in common with the first disciples. On that first resurrection day, there was no trumpet fanfare, no choirs sang, and no one looked their best. In Matthew's account of that morning when the women found the tomb empty, they were "filled with fear and great joy." In Mark, all were amazed and terrified. In John, Mary mistook Jesus for the gardener. They encountered the risen Christ in unexpected places, in unexpected ways.

The story of the resurrection begins in the dark, with an empty tomb. But it never ends there. That's the mystery and gift of resurrection faith. I pray for all of us that we encounter God in unexpected ways - in the glory of a Spring day, in a loving word from a friend, in the inspired work of healthcare professionals, in the amazing ways that we continue to meet together, in glimpses of the transformative Love that knows no bounds. Not even death. Alleluia!

A blessed Easter to each of you.

Easter Sunday at Christ Church

Please join us to celebrate this holy day!
9:30 am Children’s Chapel Easter Egg Homily on YouTube
please email Ann Enkiri at sundayschool@ccpk.org for the link.

10:00 am Christ Church Service of the Resurrection

Password: 20895

or watch

The Service Bulletin can be found here.

You do not have to have a Facebook page to watch.
Just follow the link above
or go to the Christ Episcopal Church Kensington FB page.

Virtual Festive Coffee Hour to follow on Zoom at 10:45
(or a bit earlier. Cathedral folk join us before the 11:15 am Service.)
Don't forget your coffee, tea, and that festive snack remaining in your pantry!


11:15 am Service of the Resurrection 
Live broadcast from the Washington National Cathedral,  
The Most. Rev. Michael Curry, preaching


Joining us on Zoom?

It is best experienced on computer, iPad, or smartphone,
but you can also dial in from your telephone.

To join by phone:
Dial:      +1 301-715-8592 .

It will ask you for the Meeting ID: 626 256 7637 followed by the # sign .

The password is: 20895
Alleluia! Christ Is Risen!  
The Lord Is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

The Children’s Ministry invites and encourages families to join our parish Easter liturgy on Sunday morning at 10 a.m.  As we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection and our participation in New Life, we think of the butterfly, emerging from its cocoon-- transformed! In honor of our children, we will record the release of butterflies from our columbarium and share those images during the 10 a.m. Easter service.

We also will email parents a link to a private YouTube video of our traditional Easter Egg homily . Watch as Miss Ann reviews important events and teachings from the life of Jesus, culminating with the empty tomb. Email attachments will include Children’s Worship Bulletins and Easter coloring pages, including a beautiful butterfly and the Lord's Prayer . If you have not received this information and would like to be included, please email Ann Enkiri at  sundayschool@ccpk.org .

Alleluia! Alleluia!
THANK YOU to everyone who donated toward Easter flowers this year! We look forward to seeing their beauty adorn the altar when we can once again gather in our sanctuary. Click here to see the Easter Flower Dedications as of April 10.
Love in Action:
Supporting our Neighbors at Arcola Elementary

For many years Christ Church has had a partnership with Arcola Elementary School in Wheaton. Many of the families are struggling now. Our liaison, Community School Coordinator Indra Martinez, indicates that while Montgomery County is providing meals for the children for pick up, parents really need help with other non-food essentials.

THANK YOU for the overwhelming outpouring of support from Christ Church families to date! The picture above is just a small sample of donations received in the last week. The need continues.

How can you help?

Read the List of Needed Items - and the number of families who need them - in the Linkages to Learning program. It gives you an idea of the needs.

**In addition to the specific needs listed, families need donations of gift cards for grocery stores so that each family can shop for needed perishable food items.

Here's the plan. 

Option 1 : G o to their Amazon Wish List ("CCK supplies for LTL"). If you order from this list, supplies will be shipped directly to Linkages staff who will distribute them to families in need. A lot of items may be sold out or have ship dates that are well past April 17th. These are just suggestions. People are encouraged to buy other similar items, or things of the type that appear on the Linkages list mentioned above. The Wish List will be updated as new needs are identified. 

If you want to purchase something not through Amazon, here are other options for helping:

Option 2: Order an item on the List of Needed Items and have it delivered to:

 Liz Quinn
3303 Geiger Ave
Kensington, MD 20895-1804

Option 3: Purchase items or gift cards marked with their value in an envelope and drop them off at the Quinn's home. There is a box on their porch.

As items are collected, they will be delivered to Arcola. Families who need them will pick them up there, or in some cases, Staff will deliver them.

Again, needs may change over time and our contacts at Arcola will let us know. 
Thank you so very much!

Questions? Contact Outreach Chair Liz Quinn at webethemom@aol.com or 
Office Hours Easter Week  
Even though we are not onsite right now, we have been keeping regular office hours. Please note that the week after Easter, next week, the office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, then open Wednesday - Friday, 9am-5pm. In case of a pastoral emergency, Emily Guthrie can be reached by calling the office and pressing 2.
Easter Season Bible Study - Revised Plan

We will be studying the  Acts of the Apostles  as a tool to help build and strengthen community in this time of unpredictability.

Why Acts? Acts is about how the church became the church in an unprecedented time. In Acts the Holy Spirit shows up for a group of scared and uncertain disciples. The Holy Spirit is showing up, even now. By attending to how the Spirit has worked in the past, we can better discern the Spirit’s comforting and life- giving presence in the present. 

The  Acts in Easter  Reading Plan begins on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 19th. In a separate Constant Contact we will make available that reading plan, which includes a daily meditation.

Starting April 26 and continuing through May 31, time TBA, we will have online group discussions about each week’s previous readings. If you have questions, contact Lee Puricelli at  leepuricelli@yahoo.com .
We raise to God those who are on our hearts and are in need of prayer always, but especially in this time of our collective lives.
If you would like to add someone to our prayer list, please email emily@ccpk.org .
Ways To Give While We Are Apart

A number of you have asked for guidance on how to give remotely during this time. There are several different options for you make contributions and help Christ Church to maintain financial health.
Christ Episcopal Church Kensington
4001 Franklin Street
Kensington MD 20895

Gracious God, we give you thanks that no building can house you fully
and no place of worship can contain your majesty.
Teach us to create altars in our homes and in our world,
and to see them in acts of compassion and in the beauty of creation,
that we will know that you are indeed present everywhere. Amen .

We're open online!