Much-appreciated Gregorians,
Through a combination of pandemic + illness + Kenneth Taylor’s move to Americus, our parish has a plethora of available leadership opportunities. If you’re already skipping to the next article in this newsletter, because you know this isn’t a good time for you to take on One. More. Thing., please hold up a minute and consider who could fill these roles instead? We’re still a relatively small church (but growing, even in pandemic!), and there just aren’t a lot of us to all the work we as a parish have determined is important. There’s enough work to be done by everyone in our community, and most of the opportunities available honestly don’t take much time. Please at least consider volunteering to do any of the following:
- Scheduling lay readers for services, a once/month job or even once every other month
- Chairing the Parish Life Committee. Parish Life is pretty quiet right now, so it’s a good time to jump in.
- Serving as an acolyte (performing ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles and processing at the beginning and end of our services). Young and old and in-between can be acolytes every week, biweekly, once/month, . . . .
- Scheduling acolytes for the 10:30 services, once/month or every other month
- Serving as our parish librarian
- Chairing the Spiritual Formation Committee (scheduling adult Sunday school presenters and the Wednesday evening Lenten programs)
- Serving on the Altar Guild (setting up and disassembling the altar for services), 20-30 minutes. Two-3 members are assigned to cover each month and may be scheduled just a couple of months/year.
You might volunteer to do any of these things by yourself, but in the spirit of many hands make light work, you might ask your partner, offspring, friend, or frenemy to share the opportunity with you. You’ll get back more than you give, and I will guarantee that.
Jane Hudson, Senior Warden
NEEDED: Children's Clothes
Our Outreach Committee is sponsoring a parish-wide clothes drive to support our neighbor Barnett Shoals Elementary School. Although the Barnett Shoals children do not wear uniforms, the school does have a clothes closet that is in dire need of replenishment of some items. The school counselor there has indicated a need for the following clothing items.
- Underwear in all sizes (XS, S, M, and L) especially in XS and S (or sizes 4-8)
- Pants/sweatpants/shorts in sizes (XS, M, and L)
- Shirts in sizes M and L (already set for everything smaller)
- Note that the school is well stocked with socks.
- Underwear in all sizes (XS, S, M, and L) especially in XS and S (or sizes 4-8)
- Pants/shorts/leggings in all sizes (XS, S, M, L)
- Tops in sizes S, M, and L
- Note that the school is well stocked with socks.
This year you can contribute to the Clothes Closet in three ways:
Make an online donation through REALM by Sunday, October 31. Select the Outreach option when making your contribution. Include Barnett Shoals Clothes Closet in the memo line.
Write a check to St. Gregory the Great and bring/mail to the Parish so it is received by Sunday, October 31. Include Barnett Shoals Clothes Closet in the memo line.
Bring clothing to the Parish anytime Monday-Friday (10am-5pm) or on Sunday when you are here for church. We will be collecting these items in bins located in the lobby of the Parish Hall building from now through Sunday, October 31.
Thank you for your support,
St. Gregory Outreach Committee
MENS GROUP Latest news:
I was gone for three weeks to California, missing my regular meeting of the Mens Group. When I returned last week, I was greeted with this crowd of revelers: From left to right Peter Rice, Evan Powell (he did not get the message!) Chris Wilson, Hank Fowler, Jim Wren, Mason Sommerville, Luther Rogers, and Bruce Bowman. My challenge was to guess the characters they represented.
We meet at the Sommerville residence on Doe Run every Saturday at 9:00 am.
Peter Rice
though i want
to be my best
doing so is
my constant test
being present
for those i meet
or know or love
a daunting feat
with attention
i do begin
to listen and
take their words
but then my mind
can drift away
to think and plan
what i will say
alice mohor
Altar Guild
The altar guild needs volunteers! No experience is needed and training will be provided.
Anyone who is interested can contact Barbara Dean at
Zoom Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom:
Sunday yoga ! for fall (Aug-Dec), via Zoom, 4:00pm, 30-45 minutes. Chair Yoga taught on the first Sunday of each month. Contact Anna Hiers ( for more information. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 977 4536 6532 Passcode: 3195
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
Threads of Prayer will be on hiatus for the month of October!
** group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: