When a police officer has their gun drawn on a person who is unarmed, posing no threat, and walking away and still proceeds to shoot him seven times in the back, it becomes clear that Jacob Blake was in fact armed- he was armed with “Blackness.”
American culture, has needlessly, fed us the narrative that Black Men are to be feared, are dangerous, and that violence accompanies their mere presence.
We MUST begin to dispel these stereotypes and these harmful ideas. Between 2013 and 2019, 17% of Black people that died as a result of police harm were unarmed - more so than any other racial group and 1.3 times higher than the average.
We have to put an end to the criminalization of Black men in this country. Being Black is not a crime. However, being raised on racist rhetoric has conditioned us to believe so. Black people have lived too long with these assumptions, with the trauma it causes, and the covert and overt racism it continues to reveal.
We have to do better!
We have to be better!
Please watch the videos below: