September 2020 --- Volume 58, Issue 9
Porsche Off road ---- Photo PCA San Diego Region
From The Editor
Mike Willis
This months Masthead is a tickler for Collin's off road article below. SVR is venturing off into new territory for our SUV owners.
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone as there is a size limit for this of 5MB.
Also I will be filling in for our Treasurer, Bob Peake while he is make his recovery from surgery. So if you need any SVR Treasurer information, checks, deposits and etc. please contact me and/or send me the information forms etc.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
SVR Calendar
AX 4 Registration
SVR Logo Contest
Off Road Touring
Memoirs of a Past President
Skip Quain Riverside Racing
2020 Mendocino Tour
In The Zone
SVR Membership
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
SVR Board Members (link)
Gregg Plourde, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Dick Murphy, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
President's Message
September 2020
Steve Barker
Greetings once again to all members of SVR and a welcome to those new members joining!
At least one thing has been constant in this era of uncertainty and that is publishing The Drifter each month and on time! I want to say thanks to all those contributing articles giving us our monthly updates and especially to Mike Willis for compiling them into the monthly Newsletter! In case you aren’t aware Mike has been with SVR since 1974 and has served in many positions over his membership as well as on many committees. His experience and depth of knowledge have been key to making our club so successful. His vision for The Drifter has transformed it from the past ‘hard copies’ that entailed complex layouts, printing and mailings to a much simpler format and process bringing it to our members much faster electronically! Way to go Mike!
Our August Board of Directors meeting was via a Zoom video conference with great participation and I’m glad to report our Treasurer Bob Peake was also present and is getting well.
Some of the highlights from the meeting includes the introduction of Dick MacFarlane as our Charity Chair and Logo Chair. Look forward to more messages regarding his plans around the Logo change that will be coming. Dick has put together a team to work with him and I’d like to hail the volunteers that have stepped up to include Melinda Roles, Kim and Rachel Nelson, Mary and Dave Borden. Thank you!
Part of the process of developing a new Logo will include a contest so be on the lookout for more information on that.
Another topic that I’d like to cover is regarding the new SVR Bylaws.
Our Past President, Gregg Plourde informed the Board that the voting ended on July 29th and the results were tallied. The new Bylaws passed your vote to become effective on Jan 1, 2021! Thank you to all that voted and especially to those that voted in favor. This will mark the end of the Bylaws Committee at this time. I’d like to thank Mardi Quain for chairing this team along with Liz Houser, Gregg Plourde, Jerry Alter and Mike Dunn for their extraordinary effort, attention to detail and relentless passion. Enough cannot be said about this group that worked together for many hours editing, tackling and answering questions and reaching agreements on difficult and challenging laws to bring the club Bylaws up to date with PCA.
From all of us in SVR to all or you, Thank-You!
The next topic has to do with the Board of Directors election.
To kick this off our Past President Gregg Plourde will be chairing the Nominating Committee. All Board positions are technically open with many of the Board members just finishing up their first term. One position, being the Membership Director, having been held by Rebecca Plourde for the past two years will be terming out. I can’t say enough about Rebecca’s contribution as our Membership Director. She has provided leadership putting on the New Member Tours as well as New Member Dinners. Because those events go so well she gets to stay behind the scene. Each month Rebecca provides an update on our club membership that should be a template making the work for the next person much easier.
All candidates running for a position will need to prepare a Candidate Statement so if you have a passion to be part of the SVR Board of Directors, contact Gregg Plourde,
A couple of changes in the new Bylaws will make the Editor and Webmaster chair positions. These two positions are not voted on but are selected. Also the Competition/Safety Director position will become a chair as well. These changes will reduce the size of the Board of Directors from 10 positions to 7.
Look for more information from Gregg as he heads down the runway toward the election in November!
This brings me to our calendar. Our VP Rob Lee, Jr. has kept us all updated on events as they get canceled which doesn’t make Rob happy, nor our members that live to drive. With the exception of a few limited tours and small number of dinners Rob needs more to do! If it wasn’t for Auto Cross Rob would be spending all of his time playing golf and Julie wouldn’t have anything to write about! So, if anyone has some ideas on how we can keep Rob busy please send me an email titled, “Keep Rob Busy”, with your suggestions!
My email is Next month I’ll include the top 5 in my monthly message. If you have any comments or would like to tell us your story of what it’s been like to be a member of SVR please drop me a line! If you have had an occasion to have your vehicle worked on by any of our sponsors/advertisers we’d like to hear about your experience!
We’re all here to make our club a fun place to be a part of, meet others and enjoy our cars, and SUV’s! (Ed. note for our SUV owners be sure to look at the Off Road Tour information further down in this issue.)
Stay healthy and be sure to wear your mask!
Rob Lee
Vice President
Please contact me for recent calendar changes.
Also verify that event is happening with the event chair.
Late news October 10th tour and the November 15th are not happening
Also the CAM "cruise" (10-3) will now be a TOUR
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Member
Formula E and Porsche - 2020
The season is over. The TAG Heuer Porsche team finished in 8th place in their first year of completion. Porsche driver Andre Lotterer finished in 8th place (total of 28 drivers). The other Porsche driver, Neel Jani finished in 20th place and has since been let go, although he will remain with Porsche in other roles. Pascal Wehrlein will become the new driver for the 2020/21 season (not sure why they call it the 2020/21 season since the first race is not until January 2021). This season consisted of 11 events (shortened due to the COVID-19 situation) with the last 6 races being held on the access roads at the Tempelhof Airport in Berlin. The 2021 season will have 14 races in 12 cities. New York City will have an event in mid June and London will have the final 2 races in late July. Races are 45 minutes in length plus 1 lap. All of the races were broadcast live on Fox Sports --- not too sure what the US TV plans are for the 2021 season ----- which is the 7th season for Formula E. My how time flies.
2021 Niello Serrano Concours
The organizers have announced that they will have 2 events in 2021. The first one is scheduled for Sunday, May 16, 2021 and will feature Shelby Cobra and also celebrate the history of Sacramento Auto Racing. The second concours (and traditional time period) will occur on Sunday, October 3, 2021. Mark your calendar.
2021 Porsche Parade
French Lick, Indiana
The website is up ( but no details yet. It is scheduled for July 11-17, 2021. It will be headquartered at the same hotel location as was the case in 2015. I expect that online registration will open in January/February 2021. Phil Lawrence (from West Virginia) has already said he will be attending in his new Macan.
All-Electric Macan?
News sources say that you can expect an all-electric Macan by the end of 2022. They also say that the gas powered Macan will be available as Porsche watches to see how the new offering is received (i.e. sells vehicles).
SVR Autocross Schedule
AX #4 Sept. 12th - Thunderhill
AX # 5 & Zone AX Oct. 10th Thunderhill
Oct. 11th also Zone Autocross Thunderhill
John Leet
SVR Autocross Chair
AX4 Registration Open!
Registration is filling up fast.
Our past events have been at or near capacity, so don't delay!
SVR Autocross Links:
Be a part of SVR History
Dick MacFarlane
After nearly 60 years of loyal service to our SVR members we are retiring our logo and grill badge. The entire SVR membership has the opportunity to redesign our logo and grill badge for the next 60 years. Watch the Drifter for details in the coming months. Start working on your creative ideas.
Thank you,
Your Redesign logo/badge committee.
Melinda Roles
Rachel and Kim Nelson
Mary and David Borden
Dick MacFarlane
Off Road Touring
By Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Photos by Darrel Huckabay
What is Off Road Touring:
Unlike Porsche Club tours taken on twisty paved roads, off road touring is essentially touring on unpaved dirt roads and trails. Off road touring is specifically designed for Porsche SUV’s, and not for its sports cars or 4 door sedans. It is not driving through brush, between the trees or down uncleared paths. This obviously would not be good for our environment and keeping our fragile environment safe.
Off road touring for Porsche Club members is generally a tour where you will encounter both paved and unpaved roads. Unpaved roads can be defined as roads with no asphalt and with a surface of graded dirt or a combination of dirt and composite gravel such as US Forest service roads. Off road touring will give you a chance to experience the capability of your Porsche’s off road modes and its built in features such as hill descent control, locking differential, traction management (PTM), and the height adjustability of your air suspension, if so equipped.
Levels of Difficulty in Porsche Club Tours:
PCA Off-Road Rating Categories: CATEGORIES 1, 2 AND 3 ARE ACCEPTABLE
Level 1. Graded and maintained, dirt/packed, dry gravel, rock, ice, snow or sandy road. Suitable for all factory standard height 4WD/AWD Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) or trucks (not sports cars/sedans). Gentle grades less than 10 degrees or a grade of less than 17%. No ruts/rocks or mud under normal conditions. Road is at least two vehicles wide.
Level 2. Dirt, gravel, rock, ice, snow or sandy road with infrequent or light maintenance, with ruts or exposed rocks up to 5”. 4WD/AWD SUVs or trucks required (not sports cars/sedans). Grades up to 10 degrees or 17%. Two vehicle passing still possible along the entire route.
Level 3. Trails characterized by two vehicle tracks instead of a graded/lightly maintained road. Rutted washes or gulches with water up to 6” across track. 4WD/AWD SUVs or trucks required (not sports cars/sedans). Moderate grades between 10 degrees/17% and 15 degrees/27%. Vehicle passing only possible in select places. Some slick rock surfaces when wet. Exposed rocks up to 7”. Standard profile wheels may be damaged.
Level 4. Rugged track consisting of loose rock, dirt, mud and sand with some slick rock surfaces. Rocks up to 9”. Water crossings up to 12” possible. Loose surfaces with tight clearances possible. Side hill terrain up to 15 degrees and moderate grades up to 15 degrees or 27%.
Level 5. Rugged trail designed for high clearance SUVs with underside protection such as skid plates and low range gearing. 6” holes. Rocks larger than 9”. Water crossings of 12” or more. Parts of track may be entirely in a wash with loose sand and large rocks. Side hill terrain up to 20 degrees or 36%. Moderate grades of 15 degrees or 27% or more.
What Porsche Club Off Road Touring is Not:
The Porsche Club currently does not sanction tours classified level 4 or 5. Consequently, Porsche Club off road touring events will not have you fording streams more than 12 inches deep, climbing boulders, attempting steep inclines, or traversing deep potholed roads. Instead, the club has encouraged regions to take it light using level and easy to maneuver dirt roads. The following are some photos of roads that you will not encounter on a well- planned level 1, 2 or 3 tour:
What is Needed to Prepare:
Making sure your vehicle is in good working order, fluids checked, brakes in good working order, and tires with no less than 3 mm of tread are some of the things you need to check before participating in your first off road touring adventure.
You should also familiarize yourself with some of the off- road vehicle modes that come with your Porsche SUV. You have invested in one of the finest SUV’s currently in production and yes, it can be used for more than transporting your children to school or soccer practice. Not only has Porsche made your SUV one of the finest handling SUV’s currently in production but finding out what it is like to take if off road will amaze you. Off roading will give you the confidence when taking it on that weekend ski trip with chain controls or traversing a lightly flooded local road in the winter. Be sure that you have read your owner’s manual and be familiar with all the electronic aides available such as hill descent. traction management, and locking differential, if so equipped. Here is a quick safety checklist you will want to consider for your first off road tour:
Here is a quick safety checklist you will want to consider for your first off road tour:
PCA Off-Road Driving Tour
Self-Inspection Safety Checklist
Effective 2020
The following items must be checked and verified by the driver prior to arriving at the staging area for all PCA off-road driving tours, then this form shall be submitted to the tour leader. Note: there is no intention that vehicle parts or components be removed in order to perform this inspection. The vehicle is expected to be safe to drive on the specified off-road route. The owner of the vehicle for this off-road driving tour understands completion of this checklist does not guarantee there will be no damage to his or her vehicle during this off-road event.
◻ Check overall tire condition, including spare tire, for typical wear, with no bulges, gashes or flat spots.
◻ Check all tire pressures comply with manufacturer’s recommended values.
◻ Visually check condition of vehicle undercarriage. There should be nothing loose or hanging.
◻ Visually check under the vehicle for fluid leaks – brake lines especially.
◻ From exterior of vehicle, visually check brake pads and rotors are in good condition. No brake pad warning lights on instrument displays.
◻ Check fluid levels are above the minimum level required (oil, coolant, brakes, power steering, transmission, windshield wiper fluid).
◻ Check condition of all visible hoses, clamps and belts in the engine compartment. There should be no leaks and/or deterioration.
◻ Check overall condition of vehicle exterior. No loose equipment.
◻ Check tow hook is readily accessible within the vehicle.
◻ Check interior of vehicle. No unsecured items, including in the rear cargo/storage area of the vehicle.
◻ Check auto insurance is current, and the insurance card and vehicle registration are in the vehicle.
◻ Check vehicle has sufficient fuel for the route.
Additional Items for CATEGORY 3 Off-Road Driving Tours
◻ Check condition of all wheels for no visible damage. Check all lug nuts/bolts are installed and torqued to their recommended value.
◻ Check the exhaust system integrity. Nothing loose, nothing rusted through.
◻ If battery is accessible without requiring removal of other components, check it is securely attached and cables are secure on the battery posts.
◻ If you will be a lead vehicle, make sure a 20,000lb-rated tow strap/cable (not rope) with hooks, a tarp or heavy blanket, a tire plug kit, an air compressor and two-way radios are secured in the vehicle.
◻ Lead or sweep vehicles make sure a shovel and a bottle jack are secured in the vehicle.
Printed Name if Driving a Category 3 Tour:
Date Inspected if Driving a Category 3 Tour:
Vehicle if Driving a Category 3 Tour:
PCA Tours Designed Specifically for Porsche SUV’s:
The Sacramento Valley Region has over 145 members who own Porsche SUV’s, Cayenne or Macan. This is only the number of vehicles reported to national. I think there are even more multi-Porsche owners in the club with at least one Porsche SUV in their garage. As such, no touring events in the past have ever been designed to encourage participation by our SUV members. There has always been the feeling among those 4 door Porsche owners that the club’s moving car events are mostly geared toward sports car owners.
In 2016, PCA national recognized the importance of these 4 door Porsche members and that Porsche sells more SUV’s than its cars.
In April-June 2020, Porsche sold 7,786 SUV’s and this represented about 64% of all Porsche vehicles sold in the US. In addition, Porsche SUV owners make up one of the growing segments of our club and to keep them engaged, PCA has encouraged all regional clubs to address activities that these owners can engage in. Notwithstanding, members who do own Porsche SUV’s are always welcome to attend our cars and coffee, monthly dinners, and tours. Although I have seen a few Cayenne and Panamera owners track and autocross their cars, this has been an exception. For the last several Parades, the Parade committee has introduced off road touring as one of the events that members with SUV’s can feel comfortable with participating in. Participation has been encouraging.
SVR has scheduled an off- road tour specifically for owners of SUV’s. The tour will be held on October 24th and will venture on some roads in the Sierras that can’t be accessed by Porsche sports cars or 4 door sedans. It will give owners a chance to test out the phenomenal engineering that has gone into the development of these cars and a chance to see what the utility in SUV means. We all know the superb capabilities of these cars are on the road but very few members who own Porsche SUV’s are aware of their prowess off road.
Registration for this tour will open on September 1st at:
Some of the highlights of the tour is a visit to the Oregon Creek Bridge just above the confluence of the Middle Yuba River, a water crossing of the river at Goodyear Bar, and some of the most majestic views of the Sierra Nevada not accessible to non-SUV’s.
Memoirs of a Past President:
I have belonged a decade in SVR
By Eduardo Ortega Jr.
Photos Eduardo Ortega Jr.
Hello SVR members. For those who do not know me, my name is Eduardo Ortega Jr. I was President of the club in 2017, completing a six-year Board service trajectory that culminated with the honor of being your President. Steve Jobs, the legendary Apple Computers founder, once said in his now famous 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech (here is the full speech
“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life”
That is what I am doing right now. I am looking back at that faithful day in August 2010 when I bought my Mocha Brown 1978 911SC Targa from Luxury Motorcars, back in the day in their very small showroom in Folsom Boulevard, kitty corner from Trader Joe’s.1978Porsche91106.jpg ] That was the day destiny had it in store for me to start my involvement with the Porsche Club of America-Sacramento Valley Region. I vividly remember two things besides the purchase of my Porsche: How small was the showroom and also admiring for the first time ever a Carrera GT, a gorgeous yellow specimen that was for sale with a prominent sign admonishing “Do Not Touch”. The showroom was so small, I remember when I finished the test drive, two people backed the car up by just pushing it backwards into place.
We all have our own story of how we got our first Porsche. In my case, I belonged to the afflicted group that had to wait a decade or two, as very eloquently narrated in a 997 Porsche commercial that showed a young kid finishing the grammar school day and then he bicycles to the local Porsche dealer. After he sits in a 997, he leaves and then asks for the salesperson for a business card. After he gets it, he proclaims “I’ll see you in about 20 years” Here is the link to the advertisement In my case, it was a-24-year wait, since I fell in love with the marque in 1987 when I moved to the USA to the island of Alameda, in the San Francisco East Bay. So finally, in 2010 I got my first Porsche automobile. Time stopped. The birds sang. Handel’s “Halleluiah” chorus played in my mind as I parked the Targa in my driveway for the first time. So what does a spanking new first time 41-one-year-old Porsche owner does when he just acquired his first 911? Join the Porsche Club of America. Like Sherlock Holmes used to say, it is elementary my dear Watson.
As I joined SVR, a quick look through “The Drifter” heralded the upcoming XXXII Carrera de Sierra Rally. I asked myself, a Rally, how hard can it be (for our veteran members, I see your wide open smirk as you read this)? Heck, I knew of flying cars competing in rally events in Europe with Audi Quattros, Lancia Strattos, Subaru WRXs, etc. But a club event, it should be a lot tamer, right? Well, I signed up for the Carrera De Sierra. I then got a phone call from event organizer Rik Larson, telling me I needed a navigator. What, is this a sailboat competition? No, rallies have detailed instructions that a Navigator must relay to the driver. It is a safety requirement. I called my godson Mario Alberto Gutierrez, and he was game. What is not to like? Ride all day in a 911 and have a swell time. Of course he was game!! We took this picture in the picturesque stop in Foresthill. Our fingers show the number “4”, my rally car number . Well, it was similar to the Celine Dion song “I drove all night”… except that in our case we drove all day. We skipped breaks trying to catch up with the group. When we arrived at the destination hotel somewhere close to Plymouth, we were a bit tired. But we were so invigorated after we have enjoyed great weather and heard that glorious turbine-like sound of a normally aspirated flat-six boxer engine, all day long!! And smelled that intoxicating mixture of motor oil mixed during the combustion of gasoline and gloriously released by the tail pipe. Like Ferris Bueler said in the famous movie “Ferris Bueler’s Day Off” here is the video quote and guess what? We got the consolation price for being dead last. Who knew! Our current Rally Chair Richard Wetzel was in charge of the administration of the rally and handed Mario and I our prize. Now, at that very moment I just described, now travel 5 years into the future. Who would have known that in 2017, as President,
I would appoint Mr. Wetzel as SVR’s Rally Chair. It is amazing, if you ask me. Like Mufasa told Simba in “The Lion King”, “We are all connected in the circle of life”.
After the rally, most of my club activities in 2010 were attending the monthly breakfast. Club breakfasts have a relaxed atmosphere and it is a great way for new members to know the club, activities and start new friendships. 2011 rolled around and in the spring, since I belonged to the New Members Group, and a pivotal event occurred that changed my life forever in the club and propelled me into Board service. In the New Members Tour of 2011, organized by New Member Chairs Lee Deter and Dan Rowland, an once-in-a-lifetime moment occurred to me. After a gorgeous 110 +/- miles tour over the Sierra Nevada, we ended up eating lunch at the Ice House Restaurant, compliments of the Club. After lunch, during the announcements, Dan said 2012 Board Elections were coming up and they encouraged us to apply. In an emotional, spur of the moment impulse I told Dan I was interested. Couple of days later I got a phone call from 2011 Past President Cookie Anderson, after which I officially accepted to run for Social Director. At that was it. A well-intended spur of the moment decision opened the door to the perennial rabbit hole, as famously quoted in “Alice in Wonderland”. Looking through the looking glass my future materialized as I served two years as Social Director, one year as Secretary, two years as Vice President and lastly, one year as President. But, if you are wondering right now, what did those six years of service meant to me? Well, I have heard from Collin Fat, my President when I was VP and now Zone 7 Representative that you get back from the club in the same proportion that you put in. It is a two-way, symbiotic relationship. The club benefits from your service, and in turn you also receive benefits from your own service! I always gave 110% to my Board Service, and likewise I received 110% love back from the club. Serving in the Board accelerated the making of my friendships within the club. It exposed me and taught me about club history, Porsche folklore and etiquette, social life in the club and many, many more things. I am grateful for all the people I have met along the way and the way they in turn enriched my life. In a very personal note, first generation immigrant families like mine sooner or later face loneliness and isolation in our country because the vast majority of our family groups still remain outside the USA. In our case, they are in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. In a very few years my wife Margarita and I will have left only my sister Karla that lives in Florida. That is it. We will have no other relative in a country of 330 million people. Then I sincerely see the friendships I have made in the Porsche Club as almost a second extended family, and from the bottom of our heart, we thank all the many people within SVR that has shown us their love, support and helped us if we needed it over this last decade. That is how fulfilling Board service can be and it was for me. I encourage all New Members to see my humble example and see how you can bring new blood to our club leadership. Renewal is a very important force in life. Water must flow to avoid stagnation. Blood must flow to prevent clots. New life force is needed to reinvent and reinvigorate our club.
Another pivotal moment occurred to me in the Spring of 2015. I attended a New Member Tour Event scheduled for a visit to the residence of Mr. Stephen Childs, to see his automobile collection.
I had recently bought my second Porsche, the car I drove to that Tour. It was a White 1987 944S. I loved that car (as a side note, it is too bad I had to trade it in 2015 when I got my Silver 1999 996 Carrera Coupe).
At the time in 2015, I had been experimenting making short 1 to 2 minute videos using iMovie within my iMac Computer.s, sales or promotions, personal bios, and more. Use images that complement your message, and link your images to supporting resources. The first video I ever made was a short one describing the event to Mr. Childs’ house. The magic of that moment is that I published it in my Facebook feed, and some club members saw it. Soon the musical group that played the music in so many of our club events, “The Speedsters”, asked if I was interested in making some short videos for the band, which I did. That simple request evolved into a five-year -video making career that now includes 40 videos posted in our SVR Vimeo channel, plus another 23 videos published in my own personal channel. My evolving career into cinematography had its genesis in this SVR club. Once again, the words of Mufasa resonate in my mind. We are all truly inter-connected in the circle of life. Here is the link to that first ever video that started it all for me, in our SVR Vimeo channel.
And that is a summary of my first decade belonging to SVR. I have attended CRAB 35, CRAB 36 and CRAB 37. I have made countless friendships. I have enjoyed my volunteer career serving at the Board of Directors. And I had the honor of being President for the 55th Anniversary of SVR. Until we met again, parting is such a sweet sorrow.
Stories & Salute to
the Cars & Fellow Racers at Riverside Raceway
My Second Vintage Race
by Skip Quain
Photos Skip Quain (scanned)
After completing “My Second Race at Riverside” article I spent some time reflecting on the people, cars and stories involved at the 1982 HMSA Riverside event.
Friday morning at the HMSA’s Driver’s Meeting at Start/ Finish was my first chance to see the number of drivers, pit crews and their friends involved in the weekend event. The group at the Driver’s Meeting was well over 120 people, all new faces. But over the weekend I became acquainted with many, some casually and others with whom I developed a lasting relationship.
The entries in my Group 5 consisted of 24 cars and drivers, of which I came to know nine of the drivers, becoming good friends with four. Under the “7 degrees of separation” category, is the story of three people, strangers to each other that weekend, meeting over time and becoming good friends. Walt Mathewson was driving a Ken Miles # 50 Cooper Porsche. He became a close friend with Len Campbell who was watching the races in the Turn 6 Grand Stands and was an eye witness to the Seifried accident in the Kurtis Buick, which occurred right in front of me. We were all at the races that weekend but did not know each other. A year later Walt and Len met at Laguna Seca while attending the Jim Russell Driving School. Then, several years later, when I needed assistance with various problems with the Lotus, I met them both at the track where they lent me a helping hand. Through our years of friendship we attended Vintage races together where they taught me a great deal about prepping the Lotus for racing.
In Group 6, Garry Miller in a Lola T70 Mk 111, and I were usually pitted close to one another. We both had our cars “On the grass” together at several Bay Area Concours, including Hillsborough, Palo Alto and Silicon Valley. Also in Group 6, was Wayne Lyndon in a Ford GT 40. Wayne sold the GT 40 and purchased a Lola Mk6 Prototype which became the test mule for the development of the Ford GT 40 for Le Mans. Next, Wayne sold the Lola Mk 6 and purchased Dan Gurney’s Ford powered Lotus 19B, the older brother to my Lotus 23. When Wayne purchased the Lotus 19B, he and his racing buddy Mike Blackie, driving a Gennie/Chev were in my class. We always had a great time racing together and at dinner later.
In Group 4, Marnix Dillenius, Alfa Romeo GTZ, and I competed in the Mid-80iies Fall Enduros’ at Sears Point.
In Group 3, Rick Bennewitz, the Driving Instructor at the Riverside event, became a good friend along with his sidekick Al Rogers. Rick was of great assistance coaching me at the Riverside event. Plus, he was my co-driver in the Lotus 23 in the first two Fall CSRG Enduros we ran at Sears Point. Rick and I had two very competitive races co-driving together placing 4th in our first Enduro, and 3rd in the second CSRG Enduro. Rick missed the third and fourth events due to conflicts with his schedule directing Day Time TV Soaps.
Another mentor in the early years of my racing career was Steve Cameron. Steve and I co-drove the Lotus in the third and fourth CSRG Fall Enduro at Sears and we finished 1st in both races. Our wins greatly irritated Marnix Dillenius in Group 4 to no end as we were out racing him. When I first met Steve, he was driving in the Formula Atlantic series. Several years latter he founded his own Formula Atlantic team, moving several of his drivers into the Indy Car series, one winning the Indy 500, NASCAR, and the IMSA series GTP class.
Group 5 had Dean Watts driving a Porsche Abarth GT Carrera. As I was developing this epilogue I received word that Dean had passed away.
There was an interesting legend from “the pits” involving IMSA. During the late 70ies and early 80ies several of the IMSA competitors were based in Florida. One of these teams, the Whittington Brothers, was known for carrying a leather satchel filled with $100 dollars bills to pay for their
racing expenses. Several other IMSA teams based in Florida also used this method of covering racing expenses. Eventually, IMSA became known as the International Marijuana Sales Associates.
During a post-race gathering several of us were discussing the strange happenings that occurred to us as we towed our race cars to and from racing events. One of the best stories was from Phil VanEK, who drove a 1954 D.B. Renault in Group 1. He told about his experience towing back from another event at Riverside. After a beer or two Phil bid the group adios and hit the road. After several hours towing he stopped for fuel. Phil’s 1954 D.B. Renault with a 745cc motor, was light weight with an Aerodynamic body built for Le man’s index of performance (the number of miles raced /amount fuel
used). As Phil was filling up with fuel he looked back at his car and was stunned to see the Renault was gone from his open trailer. He said he stood there wondering where thinking, where is my Renault? Immediately he got back on I 5 South to find his car. Late Sunday night, after fruitlessly searching he stopped at a motel to rest, and called the CHP to explain his plight. They put out a “look for” alert for the Renault. After another day of searching without success Phil headed back North on I 5 and home. After hearing nothing from the CHP Phil hired a helicopter to continue the search, but the car was not found. Finally, after many months Phil received a call from a friend down South. “Why did you sell your Renault” his friend asked. Phil’s response – I didn’t sell the Renault it fell off my trailer. The friend then told him someone has placed an ad selling the Renault. Phil called the advertiser, and this is what he was told. The advertiser’s business was in a building next to an on ramp.
On Monday morning after the HMSA event he went out to the back of his building and there was Phil’s Renault parked against his building. After a long discussion this is how they think the Renault left the trailer. Leaving Riverside Phil did not firmly tie down the Renault and the restraints became loose. Going up the onramp the tie-downs holding the Renault on the trailer slipped, so that as Phil drove up the ramp the Renault slid off the trailer, rolled down the onramp and into the back of the building. Phil and the finder of the Renault worked out a “finder’s fee” and Phil got his Renault back. Phil rolled the Renault onto his trailer, properly tied it down and headed home. All’s well that ends well.
The next time I saw Phil and his trailer he had a 2 X 4 mounted to the trailer with lights and rear-view mirrors. After hearing Phil’s tail, we all agreed he had the Best Trailer Story.
I have been fortunate to have very few towing problems, but there was one that stands out. I was towing South on I 5 several years after my first Riverside race. It was between 9 and 10 pm and the trip was going smoothly. As I neared the Grape Vine a car pulled up next to me and honked his horn and gave me the roll down your window sign, which I did. The driver shouted “Your Trailer lights are OUT. I thanked my fellow motorist and headed for the next Grape Vine exit with a number of gas stations. I asked the attendant if anyone was available to check out the wiring of my trailer? But no, as none of the station’s service bays would be open until morning.
I needed to be at Riverside early Saturday morning, so I thought what can I do. Ah, then I remembered that when I showed the Lotus at a Concours the rules required I have working head lights. I opened the front body piece, disconnected the head lights, turned on the Lotus’s light switch on the dash for the running lights which became the trailer lights. The brake lights on the back of the huge-mobile would be all I needed to continue to Riverside and my motel.
Finally, in reference to the article that told about the Lotus’s front lift during the race, while going through a box of old photos I found a photo of the Lotus going through Turn 9 at the 1982 Riverside event. It shows the Lotus and I working hard going around Turn 9 with its 12 degree banking. The Lotus’ left side suspension was compressed by the centrifugal force going through the banking, causing the right side of the body to rise, and fully showing the entire right side tires, which were normally hidden by the Lotus’ body.
If any of you have had interesting trailer experiences, no matter what type of trailer, submit them to Mike Willis, Drifter Editor
Click on the AD above for Eventbrite reservations
2020 Mendocino Tour
by Rik Larson, Event Chair
When given lemons make lemonade
Yes, the Mendocino Tour is back. Last year we cancelled due to the fires. This year we are hopefully going to make it past the COVID-19 pandemic. The dates are November 6-8th. And did we mention that everything is optional? We already have 30 cars signed up. There is no limit.
The weekend format is the same as it has been for the past 10 years:
- Friday tour to lunch (bring your own) at Pedroncelli Winery in Geyserville
- Then tour from lunch to the Mendocino Coast via CA 128 (the Mendocino Highway)
- Friday social; then a free night to enjoy the restaurants and sights
- Saturday miniature golf in the morning in Fort Bragg
- Saturday kite flying on the Mendocino Headlands in the afternoon
- Saturday social and miniature golf awards (before adjourning to go to dinner)
- Saturday dinner (no host) at Silver's at the Wharf in Fort Bragg
- Sunday breakfast at St. Anthony's Church in Mendocino ($8 - all you can eat)
- Sunday return home (at your leisure); some folks stay an extra night
Room Reservations ----- Special Conditions!!
Because of the local COVID-19 guidelines, the local inns have instituted some unique room reservation requirements. Most inns are leaving the room vacant for a day or two both before and after usage. So this makes booking of a room NOW if you plan to participate in the tour. Many folks who signed up for the 2019 tour just moved their reservation by a year and hopefully have already heard from their establishment about their reservation (with the correct date?).
Inns/hotels that we recommend:
- Little River Inn, Little River (site of the Friday and Saturday socials)
- Hill House, Mendocino (the less expensive of the recommendations and very popular with many of our participants)
- You are welcome to stay anywhere you like on the coast
This event would not be possible without the support from:
- Tom and Tambra Kroetz, Hill House coordinators (for questions)
- Mike and Emily Willis, miniature golf coordinator
- Ray Fiore, Friday lunch stop and Saturday dinner coordinator
- Rik Larson, tour chair, Little River Inn coordinator (for questions)
Click on the AD above for Eventbrite reservations
In The Zone
September 2020
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photos Collin Fat
Sierra Nevada Region Celebrates 55th Anniversary:
The Sierra Nevada Region celebrated their 55th anniversary at a Show and Shine event at San Rafael Community Park in Reno on August 2nd. Due to local restrictions related to Covid 19, attendance was limited to only 25 cars. Club president, Millie Smith, received a letter from national president, Tom Gorsuch presented to her by myself and national club treasurer and SNR member Craig Kugler helped to present their award plaque as well as a notebook with copies of the club’s original application for its charter as well as their original set of club bylaws.
It is significant to note that the first club president of the Sierra Nevada Region was Burt Propp, who later served as national club president.
Congratulations to the members of Sierra Nevada Region and wishing you all another 50 years!
Zone 7 Concours Series Suffers Another Setback:
With Covid 19 cases starting to flatten but with the death rate rising, nearly 38 counties in California are still under monitoring by the State. That being said, many regions have struggled to secure sites and permission to schedule their concour events. Recently, Al Price, Sacramento Valley Region Concours chair notified me that the Niello dealership location that he had secured was no longer available due to concerns with Covid 19. This cancellation follows Redwood Regions cancellation of their annual concours at the spectacular Ledson Winery.
This leaves just 3 events scheduled for the 2020 Concours season. October 4th, hosted by Monterey Bay Region, October 11th hosted by Loma Prieta Region, and October 18th hosted by Golden Gate Region. It is the hope of the Zone concours chairs, Roy Schauben and Simone Kopitzki, that these three remaining regions will be able to continue with their events as planned. Should just one of the remaining concours events be cancelled due to Covid 19 issues, the Zone 7 Concours series awards will be cancelled. The regions which do hold their events will continue as scheduled but without counting toward any year end awards.
Zone Autocross Series Update:
The Zone Autocross series is off to a great start with 7 events scheduled for the series and 3 events completed. Sacramento Valley Region held the first Zone event at Thunderhill Raceway in Willows, California with nearly 60 drivers competing for year end awards while Loma Prieta and Golden Gate Regions held their dual events at the Cow Palace in Daly City to a group of 50 drivers on both Saturday and Sunday. The county of San Mateo has instituted strict large group gatherings to no more than 50 persons. Registration for the Cow Palace events opened on August 11th and sold out in less than 3 minutes. At the time of this writing, Loma Prieta Region has 2 openings remaining, but I believe they will also reach their capacity of 50 drivers by the time of the event.
National News and Event Updates:
The PCA National Awards ceremony was held virtually on August 19th and can be seen on PCA’s You Tube channel. The following Zone 7 regions received recognition for their efforts:
Newsletter Contest, 3rd Place Class III (regions with 200-399 members): Prieta Post, Loma Prieta Region
Website Contest, 3rd Place Class II (regions with 100-199 members): Yosemite Region
Website Contest, 2nd Place Class III (regions with 200-399 members): Loma Prieta Region
The Executive Council recently announced at its August Zone Rep meeting that it is in beta testing for a new software product called File Cabinet. File Cabinet will allow for all regions in PCA to store their electronic data such as copies of their bylaws, policies and procedures, waivers, past newsletters, and all sorts of club information that can often get lost between one chair or board to another. Expect it to be available sometime in 2021.
West Coast Series Race:
The West Coast Race Series will get a restart at Sonoma Raceway in August after having several events cancelled due to the Covid 19. The following are events scheduled for the series.
August 22-23rd Sonoma Golden Gate Region
September 5-6th Laguna Seca Golden Gate Region
September 19-20th Rocky Mountain High Plains Region
September 26-27th Thunderhill Golden Gate Region
October 10-11th Sonoma Golden Gate Region
Events of Interest:
1) West Coast Series Races, August 22-23, Sonoma Raceway, by Golden Gate Region
2) Loma Prieta Region 50th Anniversary Gala; August 29; rescheduled to March 2021
3) Zone 7 AX, August 29, Cow Palace, Daly City, by Golden Gate Region
4) Zone 7 AX, August 30, Cow Palace, Daly City, by Loma Prieta Region
5) West Coast Series Race, September 5-6, Laguna Seca, by Golden Gate Region
6) PCA Fall Treffen at the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia; September 16-19; SOLD OUT
7) Zone 7 Concours, September 20, Ledson Winery - Kenwood, by Redwood Region; CANCELLED
8) West Coast Series Races, September 19-20, High Plains Raceway, by Rocky Mountain Region
9) West Coast Series Races, September 26-27, Thunderhill, by Golden Gate Region
10) Zone 7 Concours, October 4; Carmel Valley, by Monterey Bay Region
11) West Coast Series Races, October 10-11, Sonoma Raceway, by Golden Gate Region
12) Zone 7 AX, October 10-11, Thunderhill, by Sacramento Valley and Redwood Regions
13) Zone 7 Concours, October 11, Porsche of Fremont, by Loma Prieta Region
14) Zone 7 Concours, October 18, Porsche Redwood City, by Golden Gate Region
15) Zone 7 AX, October 24, Cow Palace, Daly City, by Golden Gate Region
16) Zone 7 AX, October 25, Cow Palace, Daly City, by Loma Prieta Region
17) PCA Tech Tactics West, November 21-22, Southern California
18) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, March 2021
19) PCA Spring Treffen at the Marriott Scottsdale, Arizona; May 5-9, 2021;
20) Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17, 2021
21) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17, 2021
22) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
23) Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little
as one hour due to their growing popularity.
Rebecca Plourde, Membership Director
SVR New Members August 2020
SVR Member Anniversary August 2020
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director at:
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
August 12, 2020
Board Members: Steve Barker, President, Rob Lee, Vice President, Julie Lee, Secretary, Bob Peake, Treasurer, Gregg Plourde, Past President and Webmaster, Rebecca Plourde Membership Director, Mardi Quain, Social Director, Mike Willis, Drifter Editor & Acting Treasurer
Guests: Rik Larson, Dick MacFarlane, Al Price, Alma Thompson, Gary Thompson
Excused Absence: Greg Zajic, Competition and Safety Director
Call to order 7:00 p.m.
Old Business:
Minutes from the July 8, 2020 meeting. Approved via email vote on July 15, 2020, final Minutes distributed on July 15, 2020.
New Business:
a) President’s Report:
-Steve Barker introduced Dick MacFarlane as the new Logo Chair as well as the new Charity Chair. Dick stated that there will be a contest for members to submit renditions of a new logo and the new logo with the most votes will win a prize. There will be an article in the upcoming Drifter and subsequent articles outlining the contest. The new logo will be rolled out at the 60th Anniversary celebration in 2022.
-Dick also state that there will be a charity auction held at the Octoberfest celebration to be held in 2021.
-Steve discussed new member communication and asked that all Board members reach out to new members via email or call to welcome them to the club. The Social Director will call each new member, as well.
-Steve gave an update on the Nominating Committee. Gregg Plourde will lead this effort and will provide more information future communications. The following Board positions are open: President, VP, Treasurer, Social, Membership, Secretary. Members interested in any of these positions will need to submit their candidate statements. According to the new By-laws passed, the Board positions will be for a term on 2 years beginning January 1, 2021. Additionally, the following positions will be considered “Chair” positions: Competition, Editor, Safety, Webmaster.
-Vice President’s Report:
-Rob reported on the calendar for the remaining year. There are very few things scheduled at this time due to the Pandemic.
Treasurer’s Report:
-Mike Willis stated that all bills are paid up.
b) Social Director’s Report:
-Saturday Breakfasts continue to be canceled due to Covid.
-the following events are still scheduled: Yosemite Tour (9/18-9/20), Fats Dinner (9/28), Detail Maniac (10/17), Off Road Tour (10/24) and Mendocino Tour (11/6).
c) Membership Director’s Report:
Rebecca Plourde reported the following membership numbers:
Membership Report for July:
Primary Members – 855
Affiliate Members – 524
Total Members – 1379 (includes 7 New Members, 2 Transfer In, and 1 Transfer Out)
d) Safety and Competition Director’s Report
-No Report
e) Web Master Report
-Gregg said all was going well. Motion to approve the purchase of Dropbox space for one year, made by Gregg Plourde; seconded by Rob Lee. Motion Approved.
f) Drifter Editor Report
-Deadline for the submissions to the Drifter is August 20, 2020.
g) Past President’s Report/Comments
-Gregg Plourde stated the By-Laws were approved – 96 members voted (94 yay, 2 nay). Implementation plan will be discussed in September.
h) Other Topics
-Email blasts and Opting out will be discussed in September.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:08
Next Board Meeting: September 9, 2020, 7:00 p.m. ZOOM CONFERENCE CALL
Respectfully Submitted – Julie Lee, Secretary
Board Reconvened in Special Session at 8:10
Steve Barker discussed Board Communications and the need to ensure that information, e.g. Names, emails, and phone numbers are up to date as needed but also when a new Board is elected. Motion by Steve Barker to add a section to the Policy Statement that would provide definition to the club communications lists for Board of Directors and Chairs regarding who to include in these communications. (The General category includes Board of Directors and Chairs and member directory, etc. Adding this Motion would fit as an addition to this category)
The Web Master will give an updated list of email addresses to the Board of Directors for approval by the first board meeting in December of each year for the following year. The list will be updated on a continuing basis as vacancies occur, and in accordance with our Bylaws, for the following positions:
Board of Directors: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Social Director, Competition & Safety Director
Drifter Editor, Webmaster, Past President
Chairs: Advertising, Autocross, Breakfast, Charity, Concours, CRAB,
Event Liaison - Niello Porsche, Historian, New Member,
Rally, Social Media, Technical, Tour & other chair positions if added
Motion Approved.
Motion to have an updated list of current Board/Chair members as of 8/12/2020 and provided immediately, made by Mardi Quain; seconded by Bob Peake. Motion Approved.
Meeting adjourned 8:41
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TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.
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PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Price: $72.99
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Price: $104.99
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Price: $33.99
2020 West Coast Race Series Calendar
as of April 17, 2020
September 19-20th High Plains Raceway
September 26-27th Thunderhill Raceway
October 10-11th Sonoma Raceway
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Rebecca Plourde at
or call her at 530.210.9686
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
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