
Welcome Summer!    


Wincoma Memorial Day Observance

Wincoma Beach held a lovely heartwarming ceremony honoring our Village Resident Kevin Faherty for his service in the Army from 1966-1970. Visit our website to read about our heroic neighbor and see pictures from the ceremony.   

Visit our Website

From the Huntington Bay Police

Bicycle Safety

There are many winding narrow roads throughout the Village that create blind spots not only for drivers but bicyclists as well. It is important to speak to your children about bike safety. Delivery drivers and construction workers coming in an out of the Village are not familiar with the Village roads so please be alert. No matter what your age, it is always advisable to wear a helmet! Click here for Bicycle Safety tips  


Mailing Sent to Residents

A mailing was sent to some of our residents from a group called “Citizens Behind the Badge” supporting Police and asking for donations. The letter is referencing the “Brave Police of Halesite.” We want you to be aware that the Huntington Bay Police Department has no affiliation with this group or solicitation.   

Email Scam Alert!

Residents have contacted us regarding fake invoices being sent to their emails. Click here for more information on how to avoid these types of scams. 

Emergency Beach Phones

Our private beaches are equipped with emergency phones. If there is an emergency or you require police presence immediately, it is best to use the emergency phone.  It is as easy as opening the red box and pushing the button. The call goes straight to Northport dispatch who then contact our Huntington Bay Police directly via radio.   If you were to use your cell phone, there have been instances where the nearest cell tower to pick up your call is in Stamford, Connecticut causing confusion for all, making it a longer response to an emergency. 


Don't forget...LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS!


Village Election

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Village Hall 

12:00 Noon to 9:00 p.m.

Four Positions to be filled:

  • Mayor
  • Trustee (2 positions)
  • Justice

Dog Owners Please Read.

Blue-Green Algae Poisoning is a Canine Threat.  Dogs can develop poisoning when they drink from, or even simply swim in, contaminated water sources. Willow Pond located at the end of Vineyard Road has seen “algae blooms” which is toxic and very dangerous for pets. Often people allow their dogs to venture off the beach at the end of Vineyard and wander around and into Willow Pond. 

Click here to read an article containing additional information

Upcoming Meetings:

Board of Trustees

Monday, July 11, 2022 at 7:00pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Zoning Board of Appeals

No items on the agenda for June.

Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 7:30pm

At Village Hall, 244 Vineyard Road

Other dates:

Juneteenth observed June 20, 2022

Election Day is June 21, 2022.