Special Notices for March 15, 2020
Dear Epiphany community,

As I reminded you in yesterday’s email, the church is the people, not the building, and our worship as a community was able to continue today, even in the midst of the coronavirus.

We had 98 logins today for Morning Prayer, many of those representing multiple people, which means well over 100 people worshipped together online.

I was moved by seeing your faces and hearing your voices during the intercessions as we were reminded of how deeply connected we all are, even when we are not able to be in the same space together. 
Evan Bassett preached a timely sermon this morning and you can listen to it here .
The clergy and staff will offer Morning Prayer at 9 a.m. each morning, Monday through Friday, on Zoom, using the same link we used today. The information on how to login is below.

You might consider adding this as a spiritual practice during Lent and as a way to connect to your community while we are apart. 

Grace and peace,
The Rev. Amy Dills-Moore
Priest in Charge
Click the link below and it will take you directly to our group meeting. it is also posted at the top of the homepage of epiphany.org.

FOR WEEKDAYS: Login at 8:50 to get oriented before we begin Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.

ON SUNDAYS: Log in around 9:50 a.m. and we will begin Morning Prayer at 10 a.m.

You don’t have to sign up for Zoom. Just click the link above and it will take you to the appropriate place. 
You may also choose to call in if you don’t have a computer or would prefer to join by phone. The number to call is  646.558.8656.

If you are calling in, you will be prompted to enter the  meeting ID which is 532385901.

You will hear instructions: “Please enter your participant ID and press #. Or just press #.”

After those instructions, press #.

The host will add you to the group. 
The host will be muting and unmuting participants at the appropriate time. You do not need to do that yourself. If too many people are speaking at once, the noise becomes distracting so the host will take care of that.
If this technology is new to you, you can watch a brief tutorial on using Zoom ahead of time by clicking the link below.

If you are having technical issues or are concerned about how to do this, please  email Amy  and she will forward your help request to someone in the parish who will call you and talk you through how to use it.

While the office is closed, we will be working from home and checking our email and voicemail messages regularly. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 404.373.8338 and press extension 14 for Amy and leave a message. She will receive notices at home and call you back.