The message below was posted on the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy yesterday. Please continue to check the website for the most current information.
Kentucky Board of Pharmacy Important Message

Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-243, the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy approved the following modifications to KRS 315 and 201 KAR Chapter 2:

Pharmacists licensed by the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy may perform the practice of pharmacy remotely providing the on-site pharmacy has a pharmacy software system with a closed network and a pharmacist present to conduct the final verification and in-person counseling to their patients. All patient personal health information will be protected with the same confidentiality laws in effect today. In addition, pharmacy technicians registered with the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy may perform all duties and tasks authorized under current statutes and regulations remotely. A licensed pharmacist shall provide oversight of all tasks and duties performed by the pharmacy technician. This modification does not interfere with the requirements of KASPER, which remain in effect. These items shall remain in effect throughout the duration of the State of Emergency.

Pharmacists and ancillary staff are encouraged to minimize contact with patients and maximize social distancing by operating through their drive thru windows, by allowing curbside pickup, mailing and home delivery. If this is not possible, please ensure waiting patients maintain a safe distance from others waiting. We want pharmacists and staff to remain healthy and able to serve their patients.

Pharmacists and staff are welcome to use PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] but are encouraged to read the CDC guidance documents on appropriate PPE use. Pharmacists and staff are encouraged to wash their hands frequently and clean and disinfect counters, credit/debit card machines, waiting areas and any other areas on a regular and routine basis.

It may be necessary to reduce pharmacy hours. Pharmacies are not required to notify the Board of a temporary change of hours during the State of Emergency. Pharmacies are required to notify the Board of temporary closure of a pharmacy during State of Emergency; however, the fifteen day advanced notice has been waived. Pharmacies are required to submit notification of closure within 72 hours.

For information about coronavirus in Kentucky visit .
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