Community Health Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)
weekly message from the Executive Director
By the Numbers
For the third week in a row, we mourn the loss of another consumer who had tested positive for COVID-19. This consumer was only 48 years and lived at home with family. This news is a continuous reminder that this virus is stealing away so many valuable lives who make a difference in the lives of so many others. Each week I personally get excited to see the great progress our state is making yet the national news is still alarming when you look at the "very high risk rates" in parts of the Eastern and some western states, and the "extremely high risk rates' in Michigan and Minnesota and Pennsylvania. If any part of the country is not safe then all parts are not safe ( As I always say, now is not the time to let your guard down.
The good news for the week however is that we reported only two new cases positive cases for consumers (the same we reported last year at this time) and two new positive cases for direct support professionals (last year at this time we still had no DSPs reporting positive).
Thank You to Our Administrative Professionals
Last Wednesday we celebrated "Administrative Professionals Day" and man were we extra thankful this year. When Valley Mountain Regional Center sent most of our staff home during the pandemic to work from home, many of our administrative professionals continued to come into the office every day. They continued to move our system along to ensure documents moved securely through our system ensuring consumers received their checks, ensuring providers received their payments for services, consumers and families received their reports and sometimes reimbursements, courts received their documents and hearing officers received their legal documents and so on and so on. Not only did our administrative professionals not miss a beat they also picked up new jobs and responsibilities along the way. The pandemic required so much of so many that our administrative professionals began making regular check-in phone calls to consumers, families, and providers to see how they were doing and if they needed anything. Many times, they were the only person our consumer connected with in that week. They became a huge lifeline and support through the telephone line. Thank you all we are truly a team in support of all our consumers with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our region.
With the Vaccinations now widely available to everyone 16 years and older in the community and the rate of the spread of the virus ebbing in much of the state, California is reporting a continual drop in the rate of testing (1.5%). Some may even wonder why should you get tested anyway and if you had the vaccine does that mean you don't need to be tested? First, none of the vaccines are 100% effective so there is still a chance a vaccinated person could get infected and spread to others. If you have not been vaccinated and you are anticipating that the herd immunity is in place because of the vaccinations and the high level of community exposure, it's important to remember scientist know a lot about this virus but they are still learning new things all the time. Public health professionals will tell you the way to beat this pandemic is doing all we can to ensure vaccinations are not the only way to stop the spread. The less reliant on vaccinations the more effective they can be in getting ahead of the variant spread and the testing helps our public health professionals know where the outbreaks are occurring so surveillance measure can stop the spread. We still need the full toolbox to beat this once in a lifetime global pandemic.
Tony Anderson
Executive Director
Valley Mountain Regional Center
Case Management Update
Modesto SC Publishes Children’s Book
During April, VMRC staff recognize both Autism Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month, including activities to reinforce Autism Speaks “Kindness Campaign.” With that in mind, I want to share that our own Anthony Ram, Children’s Service Coordinator in the Modesto office, is the author of a recently released children’s book that deals with bullying.
Anthony’s book, Dream Station, is about a young boy, Jordan, who is dealing with the challenges and trials of life as a middle school student. In this adventure fantasy, Jordan acquires the tools he needs to stand up for himself with a relentless school bully, as well as in other difficult situations.
Anthony’s book is published by Page Publishing, and is available through Barnes and Noble, and Amazon. It is currently being used in class at one of Modesto’s elementary schools.
Congratulations Anthony! -Pam Kidroske, Modesto Program Manager
VMRC Celebrates Administrative Professionals’ Day
National Administrative Professionals’ Day recognizes the professionals who keep an office running smoothly every day. VMRC celebrated our support staff on Wednesday, April 22. During the pandemic, we could always rely on our support staff to organize the documentation efforts necessary and ensure that newly developed processes occurred.
The day recognizes the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, and other administrative support professionals. Central to our agency, these professionals keep our office organized and efficient. Service Coordination is fully achieved due to the work completed by our support staff. Thanks to our Administrative Professionals!
SDP Registrations Happening Now
Learn more about the Self-Determination Program by attending an orientation. It is a requirement if you want to enroll. Spanish translation will be provided.
Register in advance for all webinars:
· Tuesday, April 27, 2021 from 9am-12noon
· Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 10 PM-1 PM
· Tuesday, June 29, 2021 from 9am-12noon
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining.
Please contact Angelique Shear at (209) 955-3294 or for questions.
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
If you don’t get rid of unused or expired prescriptions, they could end up lost, stolen, or simply misused.
On Saturday, April 24, drop off your unused or expired prescription drugs at the following San Joaquin County Drug Take Back Day locations:
· Code 3 Wear at Lincoln Center, 304 Lincoln Center, Stockton
· Stockton Police Department Operations Building, 22 E. Market Street, Stockton
· Lathrop Senior Center, 15707 5th St, Lathrop
· Financial Services Parking Lot, 310 W. Elm Street, Lodi
Cindy Mix
Director of Consumer Services
Clinical Update
VMRC is on a roll with its Drive-thru COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics!! Last week, through partnership with Safeway, we had 589 individuals vaccinated in Modesto! Today, we are having our Drive-thru COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the Stockton office. We welcome anyone who is 16 years and older and who lives in one of our 5-county catchment area: Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties. We still have slots for Sunday. Feel free to register in the link below.
Register for the Stockton Drive-thru COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic HERE!
1st dose Clinic Dates and Times (Pfizer Vaccine)* 2nd dose Clinic Dates and Times (Pfizer Vaccine)*
4/23/21 9am-4pm (Friday) 5/14/21 9am-4pm (Friday)
4/24/21 9am-4pm (Saturday) 5/15/21 9am-4pm (Saturday)
4/25/21 9am-4pm (Sunday) 5/16/21 9am-4pm (Sunday)
*If you see the dates grayed out when you register, click the back arrow or backspace and the system will ask you if you want to start over. Start over and it usually lets you pick out dates and times after that. This is a glitch that sometimes happen. If you don’t have SSN and the system is asking for one (sometimes the system does not ask for SSN), write “0000” on the space asking for this. You will be given a separate registration link for the 2nd dose on the day of vaccination.
Important Reminders
Participants are seen by appointment only.
- This will be a DRIVE-THRU event.
- No walk ups are allowed.
- Please only come 15 minutes early to your appointment.
Fill out the COVID-19 Immunization Consent Form prior to your appointment (attached is the consent form English and Spanish).
- Bring your driver license, medical and prescription insurance card and bring it to the appointment (Recommend making a photocopy of ID and insurance).
- Wear short sleeve shirt if possible.
- Do NOT attend clinic if you are feeling unwell or experiencing COVID symptoms.
Stockton Drive-thru flow of traffic:
Make sure you bring your COVID-19 Vaccination Card with you on the day of your appointment, and insurance card.
Latest Number on How Many of our Consumers who Got Vaccinated
We have 951 consumers who got the first dose, 1,496 who got the final dose, for a total of 2,447 consumers who got vaccinated.
FREE COVID-19 TESTING: We still do testing. The next one will be on April 29th, from 9-11 am at the Stockton Office. Please watch out for the registration link. This is a drive-thru testing event. Bring a copy of or your actual insurance card.
Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, FNP-C
Director of Clinical Services
Early Start and Education Updates
Early Start Webinar Series
- Tele-intervention and Private Insurance: Guidance for Families
Thursday, April 29, 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
- Using Technology to Connect and Engage with Families
Wednesday, May 5, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- Early Intervention “Post COVID”: Navigating Blended Service Delivery and Maintaining Mental Wellness
Tuesday May 25, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
For more information and to register for these events please go to: CPEI Online
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Children’s Memorial Day
To honor the young lives cut short by senseless violence, the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency (CSA), will fly the Children’s Memorial Flag at its main office on Friday, April 23, 2021. Other county buildings and community based organizations will also be flying the flag.
The event is part of Child Abuse Prevention Month activities to raise awareness about the problem and the important role the community can play to combat it.
Children’s Memorial Day began on April 24, 1997 with a statewide observance when the California Assembly passed House Resolution 25. The resolution declared that the fourth Friday in April be proclaimed “Children’s Memorial Day.”
The awareness campaign also led to the creation of the Children’s Memorial Flag. The flag is a powerful emblem. It’s red in color and features a simple, moving image depicting blue, paper doll like figures of children holding hands. In the center, a white chalk outline of a missing child symbolizes the children lost to violence.
Pinwheels are another symbol of the yearly observance.
In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America introduced the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign. The pinwheels represent childlike whimsy and lightheartedness and a vision for a world where all children grow up happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed in supportive families and communities.
This month at VMRC, we have recognized the importance of awareness of child abuse prevention. We all have a role in providing supports and services to our consumers and families to support this important work to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect in our communities.
For information on community resources and what you can do to help, please visit the Stanislaus County Child Abuse Prevention Council website at:
Or visit the San Joaquin County Child Abuse Prevention Council website at:
Tara Sisemore-Hester
Assistant Director - Clinical Services
Community Services Department Update
Weekly Residential Informational Session hosted by VMRC’s Community Services Department EVERY FRIDAY at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 921 3684 6701
Residential providers are invited to join to learn about important changes and trends as it relates to the COVID pandemic.
Resource Development
Please go to our website to see current needs and Community Resource Development Program Grant projects
Current Needs Includes:
- Behavior Instructional Services
- Occupational Therapy Services
- Functional Vision Assessments
- Early Start Autism Intervention Programs
VMRC has been awarded the following Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) / Community Placement Plan (CPP) Projects for the current Fiscal Year:
Specialized Children’s Residential Group Home in Calaveras or Tuolumne County
Specialized Children’s Residential Group Home in San Joaquin or Stanislaus County
The Community Services Department
An Announcement from VMRC's Cultural and Linguistics Competency (CLC) Committee
The Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI), which is intended to raise awareness of the health related inequities facing Black and African American women that lead to maternal and infant deaths, has officially launched!
Thank you to San Joaquin County Public Health Services for launching this important awareness campaign!
April is Autism Awareness Month
Stanislaus County Transition Fairs
· English - Tuesday, April 27th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Webinar ID: 994 6107 7808
Passcode: 945239
US: +1 669 900 6833
· Spanish - Thursday, April 29th, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Webinar ID: 952 1136 1938
Passcode: 814425
US: +1 669 900 6833
Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne County Transition Fair
· Thursday, May 6th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Webinar ID: 977 7016 1596
Passcode: 759652
US: +1 669 900 6833
April COVID-19 Drive Through Testing
VMRC will be hosting another COVID-19 Drive Through Testing Event on Thursday, April 29th, from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at our Stockton Office, located at 702 N. Aurora Street, Stockton, CA 95202. Registration is required, and will open in our Health Advisory that comes out on Friday, April 23rd.
Self Determination Advisory Committee (SDAC) Update
VMRC's Self Determination Advisory Committee invites you to join us at our 1st quarterly "Meet and Greet" to talk about the Self Determination Program! This is open to current Self Determination participants, and anyone interested in learning more about the Self Determination Program!
We will share ideas, struggles and successes.
DATE: Monday, April 26, 2021
TIME: 5:00 pm-8:00 pm
On Zoom
Meeting ID: 996 2300 2784
Passcode: 604313
Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833
Spanish interpretation will be available.
Agenda for the Meet and Greet
North Valley Hills Update
Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager (209) 473-6930
Our SCDD Sacramento Regional Office, North State, and North Coast Offices are collaborating with Anthem Blue Cross to host a 6-part series of workshops on Health Topics for adults with disabilities. The sessions will be in English with simultaneous Spanish translation and Closed Captioning. Please register for the topics that interest you. If you are staff at a day program, please encourage your participants to register and participate. A self-advocate will be participating in each presentation, and all workshops will be interactive on Zoom.
Our target audience is teens or adults with disabilities in California, but anyone is welcome. You do not need to be a member of Anthem Blue Cross to participate. And, participation is free.
Update from Family Resource Network
Family Resource Network is providing the workshop “The Birds, the Bees, and Your Child with Special Needs” on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, from 6:30-8pm virtually on Zoom. David Demetral, Ph.D., LCSW, Professor, Division of Social Work, CSU-Sacramento, will lead information sharing and promote discussion around the sensitive topic of issues related to sexuality. This workshop is for parents and family members, caregivers, or professionals living and working with children, youth, and young adults with disabilities or special needs. Registration is through Eventbrite and can be found at this link:
Lisa Culley
Executive Director
Family Resource Network
Self-Advocacy Council 6 (SAC6)
Join SAC6 for Our Weekly Chat!
Let’s Check In with each other!
WHEN: Friday April 16, 2021
TIME: 11:00 AM -12:15 PM
WHERE: ZOOM - computer, tablet, cell phone
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 2095 9498
Passcode: 762292 (MUST ENTER PASSCODE) OR you can call in:
TOLL FREE NUMBER TO CALL IN 877 853 5257 US Toll-free
Topic: How to Be a VMRC Board Member with Dena "#1" Pfeifer and VMRC Board President Margaret Heinz
ALSO at each CHAT: A VMRC update by Tony Anderson, Executive Director and a Mental Health Tip of the Day by Dr. Dave Demetral!
Five County Data Update
as of April 22, 2021
San Joaquin County
· 7.7 new cases per 100,000 people and 3.0% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....2nd Most Restrictive)
Stanislaus County
· 10.6 new cases per 100,000 people and 4.5% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....2nd Most Restrictive)
Tuolumne County
· 1.9 new cases per 100,000 people and 1.0% positivity rate (Moderate/Orange....2nd Least Restrictive)
Calaveras County
· 5.8 new cases per 100,000 people and 2.5% positivity rate (Moderate/Orange....2nd Least Restrictive)
Amador County
· 6.7 new cases per 100,000 people and 2.2% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....2nd Most Restrictive)
State of California
· 5.0 new cases per 100,000 people and 1.7% positivity rate
Valley Mountain Regional Center
· 727 positive consumer cases and 27 deaths
· 34 positive VMRC staff cases
· 4 positive volunteer cases
· 290 positive provider cases and 1 death
Local County, State and National Public Health Resources