
Summer has arrived and we are kicking it off with June being Safety Month here in Florida! I want to thank each of you for your continuous support and steadfast dedication on establishing a safe and healthy workplace for your employees. Without you, we cannot move the needle forward in establishing Florida as the safest, healthiest and most sustainable state in America.

The Florida Chamber Safety Council continues its focus on training by offering more FREE Educational Webinars on a variety of safety and health topics as well as scheduling public safety training courses. In addition, we are now offering safety supplies to businesses throughout Florida, such as Eye Protection, Fall Protection, High Visibility apparel, Safety Inspection products, and much more to come. We want to be your one stop resource for all safety and health needs, be it trainings, customized safety programs, consultations, and equipment. We are here for you in every facet when it comes to establishing a safe and healthy workplace.

With June being Safety Month, we want to remind you the week of June 20 is National Trench & Excavation Safety Stand-down week! Unfortunately, so far in 2022, we have had multiple fatalities in Florida where workers have lost their lives working in unprotected trenches and excavations. The main causes for this is a lack of required training provided to employees in dealing with Trench & Excavation as well as not providing the required protective systems so employees can work safely.