Firstfruits Health COVID - 19 Update
Facing this Crisis with Love, Kindness & Faith
First and foremost, it is my sincere hope that this communication meets you and your loved ones in good health. You're a valued member of my Natural Health Consulting Practice and Firstfruits Health Family , and your health and safety is of the utmost priority. As the spread of the SARS–CoV 2 virus that causes COVID –19 continues to be a growing concern with devastating impact across the country and our local community, I’m taking extra precautions to protect myself and all the clients I serve. I am continuously monitoring the situation and am following closely the emerging science and current state of the disease progression. I am also in personal communication with experts in the field of functional medicine, immunology and nutraceutical product development to provide you with the best preventative and treatment options.  

Here is a snippet of the emerging information
  • Furin Cleavage in the Spike Protien of SARs C0V 2 makes it 1,000 times more transmissible and pathogenic than SARS CoV1. It has a long survival on several surfaces (2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel and 24 hrs on cardboard) per a recent study published in the NEJM.

  • The role Melatonin is playing as a potent inhibitor of the NLRP3 Inflammasome implicated with SARS CoV2 and responsible for Lung tissue destruction and acute respiratory complications

  • Nitric Oxide and Vitamin C optimization showing efficacy to mitigate the damaging inflammatory cascade

  • The involvement of the ACE2 Host Receptor and strategies to mitigate the cardiovascular system damage

  • The Role WiFi/Radiowaves are playing in opening the calcium channels resulting in the massive and dangerous cascade of pro inflammatory cytokines aka Cytokine Storm. Take measures as I advocate all the time.

  • Special Pro Resolving Lipid Mediators that some of my clients are on and the role in quelling pulmonary inflammation.

Translation - There are many available options.
Doing nothing is not one.

Many of you have taken advantage of the
Acute Viral Immune Protocol product recommendations on my Fullscript Online Dispensary .  

I have recently added a Children's Viral Immune
Crisis Mitigation Protocol
for those needing support in those areas.

For those of you that have done so, I applaud you for taking a proactive approach. If not, I encourage you to delay no further. As many of you know, we have seen an enormous increase in demand and shortages of top products are widespread. Some products on my dispensary are on back-order. I continue to modify my recommendations based on availability and validated research and promising treatment approaches. Today I am launching my FFH E-Store and will be adding additional products specifically to support you at this time. Contact me for available options.

Promising interventions are being considered and tested including Convalescent Plasma/Antibody Therapy from recovered individuals, however this requires blood banks, apheresis etc. Is this truly viable?

With respect to Coronavirus vaccine – per Dr. Peter Hotez, MD, PhD out of Baylor and expert on viral diseases, there is a risk of immune enhancement which in vaccine nomenclature means that the vaccine could actually make things worse. This was seen with the 1960's RSV vaccine. Plus the development and trial process is being compressed. Is safety truly being determined?

As you can imagine, that is NOT where my trust and optimism lies.

Getting on an evidence-based natural support protocol for immune function and overall mental and emotional wellness is what I'm advocating and practicing myself.

I’m excited to report the arrival of Hypochlorous (HOCl) spray and oral swishing solution.  It is a potent germicidal with antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties that is safe for all mucosal contact including direct topical application to the face and body. In our bodies, HOCL is produced by white blood cells when facing a pathogen, infection or injury.  It is part of our own defense mechanism. When produced outside the body, HOCl is an electrolyzed, antimicrobial, biocide solution that inactivates pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, spores, and fungi. This provides a germicidal barrier and a first line of defense. This technology has recently been brought to the forefront and now more than ever we can benefit from this safe and efficacious strategy against the world’s most dangerous and hardiest pathogens like the one we are facing with this current SARS CoV2 pandemic. I have started to distribute to medical colleagues and friends however, this product is for everyone making contact with others. This is one of the several preventative measures that I am implementing to make sure I am keeping myself protected in order to continue to provide each of you my committed excellence and expertise. I recommend that you spritz this on your face, inhaling and allowing it to enter you nasal passageway. Unlike other germicidal products that you may be using, this is unique and perfectly safe to apply to your body.
 You can purchase through my FFH e Store. See below.     

I will continue to see clients in the office as I deem appropriate applying strict hygiene practices, and a long list of recent steps taken to protect all clients and myself. I will continue to provide clinical support and guidance via teleconferencing to established clients.

I am accepting new referrals.

Although much of my normal business may be interrupted, there are still many options available for me to continue offering quality functional medicine and naturopathic healthcare to my clients. Due to the current situation, I have decided to reinstate my FFH 360 Program now with Remote Testin g offering monthly Comprehensive Scans and Custom HP Remedies starting on May 1, 2020 .  

My goal for these programs, is to offer established clients that require or choose to self quarantine, cost effective options for their continuity of care while complying with the directives of our state and local authorities and our Presidential guidelines for the nation.

The CDC has made it clear that people most at risk of COVID-19 complications are those with underlying health conditions.  Many of my clients fall into this category. Drop shipping of testing kits to my patients will be available during this time. Patients who receive drop-shipped tests can easily collect their specimen at home and send it back to the lab for immediate processing. This will allow you to comply with social distancing CDC recommendations without disruption to your ongoing healthcare needs. This may be an opportunity for many of you to pursue functional medicine testing such as the Organic Acids Test, GI MAP, Mold Mycotoxins and much more from home.

I appreciate your support and patience during this very trying time. I believe that this current health crisis will offer an opportunity for many of us to self reflect, transform our lives where needed and to show compassion and love to all of those whose lives are being devastated by this health crisis. Let's not have a spirit of fear but of confident hope and faith for a better tomorrow. I pray a Hedge of Protection around each and everyone of you and your loved ones. Until then, please remain vigilant in combating the spread of this disease, and take every precaution to ensure the health and safety of your families. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Dr. Val

Interested in buying HOCl and becoming a FFH360 Member?

Firstfruits Health

600 Rinehart Rd, Ste 2136
Lake Mary, FL 32746