Weekly news & announcements
April 15, 2021
Your faithful giving support our mission and serves Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Give online.
Food Bags Needed for B-Love at St. Stephens
Christ Church Needham signed up to provide 25 food bags for delivery on May 6 for the B-Love program which provides food to 300 families in Boston a few times per month. We have 22 bags signed up for so we have three open slots to fill. Sign up here. Please contact Donna Vello if you have any questions (617-584-2939). Thank you. 

Bags can be dropped at Donna Vello's (141 Hawthorne) or Virginia Carnahan's (671 Great Plain) before May 4.
In Minnesota service, Presiding Bishop calls verdicts in George Floyd’s death steps in ‘long walk’ to justice
Many of us have experienced strong feelings around the trial that recently concluded in Minneapolis. I know that I felt relief at the verdict. But I learned an important distinction in listening to the broad conversation in response to the jury’s decision. That distinction is between accountability and justice. Derrick Chauvin was held accountable under the law for his actions. But George Floyd—a son, father, friend, brother—has not been returned to life. True justice, Biblical justice. includes a sense of restoration to wholeness. This a much more complex and long-term proposition than a a single verdict can deliver. “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” That is the question to us Episcopal Christians from our Baptismal Covenant. “I will, with God’s help.” Click here for Presiding Bishop Curry’s response to the verdict.
Today is Earth Day!
As Christians, we give thanks for the earth that God has made and has given in to our care. (Genesis 1). Too often we have exploited this gift, rather than nurtured it. At Christ Church we have worked to lighten our carbon footprint, particularly in our solar panels, our switch to gas heat, and just recently, completely switching to LED bulbs. Our Bishops have recently declared a Climate Emergency. Read their statement here, as well as learn about concrete ways we can cherish this ‘fragile earth, our island home.’ (Eucharistic Prayer C). Nick+
Regathering for Worship in our Sacred Spaces
The Diocese of Massachusetts released a pastoral letter last week with updated Covid-19 guidelines. Our Worship and Arts Team, Regathering Team, and Vestry will be incorporating this latest guidance from our Bishops in the planning of our worship for the coming months. In the next week or two, stay tuned for a plan for Christ Church, grounded in our desire to be together as well as in best current scientific understanding. 
Be a Lector From Your Home
Our technological capacity is growing! We can now import recorded video into our live-streamed services. If you would like to lector, but aren't comfortable coming into Church, you can record from home and send us the video. Email the office to learn more.
Holy Hike, Batman! May 19
Mark your calendars--looking to get yourself (or your kids!) out of the house? Gather with other Christ Church families for a hike in God’s beautiful earth as she blooms for spring on Wednesday, May 19 at 3:30pm. Meet at the Needham Town Forest across from the dump. Sign up here so we know the age ranges to set up the proper distance and activities. Email Alyssa Kence with questions.
Beyond the Parish
Family Storytime - This Sunday, April 25 4pm-5pm
Join the monthly Family Storytime Sunday, April 25 4pm-5pm with celebrated author and illustrator of The Dot, Peter Reynolds. Peter will read his latest children's book Say Something! Register here. Sponsored by Equal Justice in Needham for Families.
View Regathering Team and COVID-19 Updates here.
If you or someone in your family is in the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please call the church office so that our clergy or the Pastoral Response Ministry team may be notified and tend to the need.
The office number is (781) 444-1469, and you can reach Nick at ext. 113.