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Coronavirus Update--March 2020

What Are We Doing at Little Bit in Response to the Coronavirus?

Dear Little Bit families, volunteers, supporters, and staff:

With the news about the coronavirus continuing to unfold in our area, I know you're all worried about your own personal safety and that of your family members.

I want to let you know right away that we have had no cases of COVID-19 appear in our Little Bit community, of which we are aware. We are in communication with the Washington Department of Health and Seattle and King County Public Health  to make sure that we are taking the necessary prevention precautions and that we have a plan in place in case of a regional outbreak. We are also planning on or our response in the event there is a case in our community.

What We Know
Changes in the status of those identified with the outbreak are happening rapidly. Please check the  Washington Department of Health website for up-to-date information. 

The Washington Department of Health recommends the following procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Staying home when you or your rider of family member is sick. If anyone has an elevated fever, we ask that you stay home until they have a normal temperature for over 24 hours without the use of medication. 
  • Frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing noses. Help young children do the same. If hands are visibly dirty, use soap and water to clean hands.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Covering coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash and cleaning hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not readily available).
  • Getting flu shots for anyone six months and older during the flu season. (CDC)

  • Washington Department of Health FACT SHEET
  • Washington Department of Health Call Center: (If you have questions about what is happening in Washington State or have symptoms, please call 1-800-525-0127 and press #)
  • Seattle and King County Public Health WEB SITE

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Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center | 425-882-1554 |
18675 NE 106th St
Redmond, WA 98052