Maryknoll Lay Missioners - July 2022 mklm news


Peace Team leaders meet with Toposa chiefs at Kuron Peace Village in South Sudan; Maryknoll lay missioner Gabe Hurrish assists with the team's nonviolence and conflict-resolution initiatives.

Maryknoll Lay Missioners commits to new focus on nonviolence

‘Expanded Assembly’ updates mission, vision, values and focus for ‘mission at the margins’ in the 21st century

Maryknoll Lay Missioners recently completed a two-year assembly process that was designed “to establish a vision for how we can be effective in mission in the 21st century, given changes in our own composition as an organization, as well as changes in the church, U.S. society and the world.”

In February, the process culminated in a two-week Expanded Mission Assembly, during which delegates from every country where Maryknoll Lay Missioners serve gathered virtually to deliberate on the key questions that had emerged from the two-year assembly process.

The major decisions made during the assembly included:

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Re-imagining mission

Ted Miles invites you to join with us in praying with our new vision, mission and values, paying attention to what might be stirring within you. As we reflect on what it means to go to the margins, take time to imagine what these callings might look like for you.

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Living Maryknoll Lay Missioners' core values

Joanne Miya reflects on simple living, community, joy, inclusion and humility in the context of her AIDS ministry in Mwanza, Tanzania.

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Virtual discernment retreat July 22-24

In the midst of great changes and challenges in our lives — and in the world — what new seeds do you want to plant? Join us to pause, reflect, pray, and discern what's germinating for you.

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July 26 webinar

Learn more about Maryknoll Lay Missioners on July 26, 7 pm EDT 

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Apply today

... to become a Maryknoll lay missioner next year. 

 Application priority deadline:

Jan. 15, 2023

Apply here

Walk With Us

Join us in our renewed mission and “walk with us” and with people in marginalized communities around the world. Thanks to matching gifts, every $100 given to our ‘Walk With Us’ campaign in effect becomes $150. 

Donate here




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