26th Edition • April 20, 2021
Golf Included in Group Sport Restrictions
It has just been brought to my attention today that the provincial government has added golf to the list of indoor and outdoor group sports not permitted at this time.

For the past few weeks many golf courses had assumed that golf tournaments were not permitted under the current gathering limit of 10 people maximum for outdoor gatherings. Today that information was verified and has been listed on the British Columbia Government website. Please see below for a screenshot of the relevant section.
A maximum of 10 people may engage in outdoor sports with one another and a maximum of 2 people for indoor sports.

Your Association will continue to monitor announcements, seek clarification, and provide updates. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. 
Regional Director, British Columbia
Tel.: (778) 726-1200
515 Legget Drive, Suite 810 | Ottawa, ON | K2K 3G4