3 ... 2 ... 1 ... REGISTER!

It's time to register for our Virtual Hope Auction (we thought this moment would never come!)

To register:

Text HOPE to 71760 and click on the link that is texted back. Complete the registration form (name, contact info) and you will be provided with your Bid Number.

Upon registering, you will have full access to viewing item information. You'll also be able to add items to your Watch List (to make sure no one outbids you!)

Navigating the Virtual Hope Auction

If you need to return to the main menu at any point, click "Home" in the upper left corner of the screen.

My Bids
Click the "My Bids" button to see what you've bid on so far.

The "Deals" button is a list of items that have low or no bids. As bids increase, items will disappear from Deals.

Donate (see yellow circle in image to right):
To donate directly to Interfaith, click the "Donate" button and select a predetermined amount or enter your own

My Bill:
The "My Bill" button shows your total purchase amount, including items won and monetary donations. You will pay for items and donations when the auction closes.
How to Add Items to Your Watch List

The Watch List are items you want to keep a close eye on to make sure you're the one walking away with it at the end of the night.

Click on the item you want. Under the description, click on the button that says "Watch This Item"

Voila! You'll be notified when any bids are made on that item.

When the Virtual Hope Auction Ends

You will receive a text notifying you that the auction has closed and directing you to pay for all items won and donations made. At that point, you will follow the instructions to pay for your items with your credit card.

Receiving Your Goods:
Don't worry about picking up your items, either tangible or gift certificates. Instructions will be sent after the auction closes.

Questions? Please email info@interfaith-coalition.org

Why support Interfaith Coalition? Why do we need you? This is why:
We're off and running with $20,125 toward our Virtual Hope Auction Paddle Raise! Help us exceed last year's Paddle Raise amount of $100,000 by donating now.
Virtual Hope Auction Sponsors
Please Note:

Due to COVID-19 precautions, our staff is working remotely. You may call our office phone to leave a message, as we are checking voicemails, or email our general info email address.