Important Virginia Health District Vaccination Resources

Dear Members,

Yesterday, I sent a broad update on vaccination procedures in Maryland and Virginia. With that in mind, please see below for a detailed outline of the current distribution status in each health district in Northern Virginia, along with ways for you to register for vaccinations on behalf of your employees, either now or in the near future.

In Virginia, essential transportation workers fall under phase 1C, Group 5. And as we previously noted, this VDH health district tracker is a helpful way to monitor the vaccination phases and progress for each district.

It is unclear when health districts will open the vaccine to the 1C transportation and logistics group. For perspective, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has authorized health districts to move into 1B to vaccinate through Priority Group 2 (Corrections and homeless shelters). However, moving forward, local health districts will be responsible for announcing and authorizing plans to vaccinate the remaining essential worker priority groups.

Please note that Northern Virginia's health districts generally correspond with the counties they are named for. That said, the cities of Falls Church and Fairfax are part of the Fairfax Health District, while the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park are part of the Prince William Health District.

Sign-up Information per Health District

Local health districts are responsible for distributing the vaccine, and they each have different ways that employers can contact them to sign up for the vaccination list. Below are instructions from the health districts in the most heavily-populated parts of Northern Virginia.

Alexandria Health District Alexandria offers an online survey for employers with employees, including those in Phase 1C. After signing, up, Alexandria will then contact the employer and provide instructions on how and when to set up vaccination appointments for employees. The vaccination survey form is available here.

Arlington Health District – Similar to Alexandria, Arlington also has a vaccination distribution pre-registration form for employers. Because this form is open to priority groups 1A, 1B, and 1C, dealerships are eligible to submit their information. Here is the link to the form.

Fairfax Health District – Fairfax just started vaccinating some initial subcategories within 1b. I have not found a pre-registration form yet for Phase 1C. However, the guidance will most likely be available here under “how do I get vaccinated if I am eligible?”

Loudoun Health District – Loudoun has only released instructions for Phase 1B. As more information about Phase 1C becomes available, updates can be found here.

Prince William Health District – Prince William has not released a sign up opportunity for employers with employees in 1C. A recent press release suggests that employers within Phase 1B will be contacted by the health district to provide a list of employee’s names and email addresses in order to schedule appointments.

We will continue working with our contacts in Richmond and the local governments for more information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or Joe Koch ( at any time.


John O'Donnell
WANADA President and CEO