Summer Barbecue | July 17 | 6 PM | In the Parish House Garden
Our first Parish Barbecue of the season will be next Wednesday, July 17th! Join us as w
e celebrate together the joys of summer. Come and see friends old and new, and join the summer fun!
The July gathering will be hosted by the Hospitality and Membership committees.
Main dish and beverages are provided. Guests are asked to bring side dish, salad or dessert. RSVP to
if you can attend, and let us know what you will bring.
From the Sabbatical Minister
I participated in such an inspirational retreat in Iona, Scotland led by Jenny Rank
in and Tricia Brennan. It was a perfect addition to the labyrinth walk at Cynthia and Dick Perkin's house, in fact we took a pilgrimage walk to Columbo Bay and at the end there was another labyrinth made of stones on the white sands.
Tricia and Jenny led us in many different spiritual practices including Lectio Devina and Evening Examine. I spoke a bit about the Evening Examine in my sermon last week and several of you have asked for more information about the practice and or a copy of my sermon. The practice is ancient and comes from the
branch of Catholicism.
If you would like to reread my sermon from Sunday or if you missed getting to worship you can read it here. I hope you are all staying cool in this summer heat. I am back and available if you need me for any reason. My cell number is 617-459-5979 and email or set up an appointment with me online here.
I hope to see you in Church.
Summer Barbecue | August 14 | 6 PM| In the Parish House Garden
Our second Parish BBQ will be held Wednesday, August 14, and is hosted by the ARE and CAC committees.
Main dish and beverages are provided. Guests are asked to bring side dish, salad or dessert. RSVP to if you can attend, and let us know what you will bring.
1-5 PM |Makanda Project, UUUM (10 Putnam Street, Roxbury)
Wednesday, July 17
6 PM | All Parish BBQ at the Parish House, hosted by Hospitality and Membership Committees
Saturday, August 10
1-2 PM|
UUUM Roxbury History Tour 10 Putnam Street. (Tours are every Saturday in August. CAC Chair Amanda Pickett is attending the August 10 1:00 PM Tour. To join her on this occasion or to register for a different Saturday in Aug, please register
1-5 PM | UUUM Makanda Jazz Project
Wednesday, August 14
6 PM | All Parish BBQ at the Parish House, hosted by the Adult Religious Education and Community Action Committees
Sunday, August 18
10-11 AM | Sandwich making for
common cathedral
12:30 PM | Worship on the common with
common cathedral
Saturday, September 14
1-5 PM | UUUM Makanda Jazz Project
Sunday, September 15
Sunday, September 29
12:30 - 2 PM | Boston Athenaeum
Special tour for Kings Chapel of the Kings Chapel Library Exhibition
Habitat For Humanity Build
Thanks to all of King's Chapel volunteers who contributed such energy of brain and brawn at the HFH Built Out on June 29th.
Pictured in the upper photo are Stephen Courtney, Gary Riccio, Denise Konicek, Emaneul Genovese and Skip Lewan cheering
their delivery of a massive quantity of materials to the main storage site at Balina Lane in Dorchester.
The full contingent sans Denise, who had to leave early,
pose in the lower photo while at the work site for the day on Fairmount St. Dorchester. What a hardy bunch!
From the Community Action Committee
The Community Action Committee invites you to engage with the UU Urban Ministry this summer:
- The annual Makanda jazz concerts on the Roxbury green are 1 to 5 pm July 13, August 10, September 14 (all Saturdays). They are seeking volunteers to offer children's games and other activities. If you are interested in helping, please contact Monique Marshall-Veale at And also, please just come and enjoy the music under the trees!
- Take a youth-led tour from the UUUM young Boston historians! Please look up the tour dates here. Summer tours will take place in August on Saturdays. (Join CAC Chair Amanda Pickett for the 8/10 tour!.) If you have questions about the tour program, please contact
The UU Urban Ministry is one of King's Chapels three Community Action Partners. Learn more about the UU Urban Ministry at
Please join us in thanking the History Program staff who worked over the July 4th holiday. During this year's Harborfest celebration, from July 1 through July 7, the History Program welcomed 12,902 visitors, with a whopping 3,872 people on July 4! Thank you for all the hard work you do as stewards of our historic building and sharing our history our many visitors.
Are you traveling this summer? If so, we'd love to travel with you vicariously through photos! Please send us pictures of where you're visiting and tell us of your adventures.
To start, here is a photo of the view from my deck after an afternoon summer storm. Happy summer!
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
- The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
- The Rev. Rali Weaver, Sabbatical Minister
- David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
- Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
- Thomas Gregg, Soloist
- Michael Bergeron, Head Usher
- Stephen Courtney, Usher in Charge
- Julie Hyde, Becky Wittenburg, Ushers
- Clark Aitkins, Verger
The Readings:
- Psalm 82
- Deuteronomy 30: 9-14
- Luke 10: 25-37
The flowers on the chancel are given by Louise Perkins in loving memory of Anne Hervieux and Arthur Wellington Perkins on the 70th anniversary of their wedding.
At the communion rail following the service, Jim Power
will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, please join us for punch on the bricks, hosted by Carol and Emmanuel Genovese.
Each Sunday, 10% of the plate collection will go to our Community Action strategic partners:
common cathedral, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, and the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministries, to do works of mercy, justice, and healing. All cash and checks not specially designated will be considered a plate offering.
The music this week cross-references itself and our hymns every which way. Soloists Thomas Gregg will sing hymn texts Rock of Ages and Still, Still With Thee in newer settings by James Woodman (written for the Evening of Premieres given at King's Chapel for Dan Pinkham's 75th birthday) and John Ness Beck. The organ voluntaries are by Danish composer Jesper Madsen; the postlude is based on the tune for our closing hymn, Not Only Where God's Free Winds Blow.
12:15 PM, 58 Tremont St.
July 16
J. Nixon McMillan plays the C.B. Fisk Organ
Buxtehude, Pahcelbel, Scheidemann
Tuesday Morning Meditation | Tuesdays 7:30 AM| Little Chapel
An early Tuesday Morning Meditation meets in our beautiful Little Chapel at 7:30 to 8:30 AM each Tuesday, including approximately a 20 minute meditation. We explore and experiment a bit, so if you have some ideas or are a little adventurous, this brief coming side by side with others in your church community may bring some welcome fun, joy and/or peace to your day. This is for "drop-in" participation - no long term obligations. Never meditated before? Drop by and give it a try. Feel free to contact Gary Riccio at, or Stephen Courtney at for more details.
Want to know
what's going on at
King's Chapel?
to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:
Volunteer: Sign up for Hospitality
Anyone can help!
Enter your email address and select a spot to fill. New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy.
Questions? email
We are grateful to those who provide for flowers each week, during our Morning Prayer service.
If you would like to give flowers in honor of a loved one, please contact Anne Sexton, chair of our Chancel Committee at . The cost for an arrangement is $85; a check can be mailed to the Parish House, indicating the date you have chosen and the inscription you would like.
We have the following dates open for the remainder of the year:
DECEMBER 1ST, 8TH, 15, 22ND, 29TH
Contributing to Between Sundays
Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon. Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
We will not publish on Thursday July 4. We will resume publications on Thursday July 11.
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary was designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754. To make our services and programs more accessible, one of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those wheelchair users to that pew. Additionally, we have installed an accessible bathroom on our main floor. An usher can direct you to the vestry.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.