Client Alert: OSHA 300A
Posting and Reporting Requirements
January 21, 2020
Each year, most employers must complete the OSHA Summary Page Form 300A - even if no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year - and post the Form between February 1 and April 30.

Certain employers also are required to electronically submit their Form 300A data to OSHA annually by March 2. 

Please follow the instructions below to ensure you are in compliance.
1. Post Your Form 300A: Engage has completed a draft of your OSHA 300A Form. Download instructions for how to retrieve your report here .

Please download your Form 300A, confirm it's accurate and sign and post it at your location from Feb 1- Apr 30, 2020. 

Employers with 10 or fewer employees, and employers in certain industries, are normally exempt from federal OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping and posting requirements. A complete list of exempt industries in the retail, services, finance, insurance and real estate sectors can be found on the DOL website, here .

2. Sub mit Your 300A Data Electronically to OSHA by March 2, 2020:
Applies to employers with 250 or more employees that are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records; and establishments with 20-249 employees that are classified in certain high-risk industries .

OSHA has a secure website for injury and illness reporting: The Injury Tracking Application (ITA) linked here . Follow the instructions on the ITA log in page.
Note: The information on the OSHA Form 300A is based solely on accidents, injuries or illnesses that you have reported to Engage and that have occurred since the date that you became a client. As such, please review any time periods prior to this date and any accidents, injuries or illnesses not reported to Engage, and add them to this form.

For more information about recordkeeping rules or completing the OSHA forms, please visit the OSHA website: or contact our Risk team at 1-888-780-8807 or .