Church of the Redeemer
 A Message From Fr. Charleston

Dear Redeemer Family:
Many of us have been following the news about COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus. As Christians our first response should always be prayer. Your Clergy ask that you pray for those who have contracted the virus as well as their caregivers. 

It is also important to keep in mind what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Florida Department of Health have stated: "The overall immediate threat to the public remains low." The best place to get clear, up-to-date information is the CDC website
My purpose in writing you today is to provide some practical and pastoral information. 
From an abundance of caution, you will notice these responses immediately at Redeemer:
  • The "passing of the peace" will be suspended. You will be invited to exchange a sign of peace without person-to-person contact. 
  • The Blessed Sacrament will continue to be offered in both kinds at Redeemer. According to the American Journal of Infection Control, "no documented transmission of any infectious disease has ever been traced to the use of the common communion cup." This fits with a report in The Journal of Infection, which stated, "Currently available data do not provide any support for suggesting that the practice of sharing a common communion cup should be abandoned because it might spread infection." This means the "common cup" will continue to be available at Redeemer, but you certainly may choose to receive only the Bread of Communion. The full, sacramental grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is fully present in either the Bread or the Wine. If you choose not to receive Communion, you may receive a blessing from a priest by crossing your arms over your chest. You should do what is most comfortable for you and your family. 
  • You will notice, and we invite you to utilize, hand-sanitizing stations around the parish. In addition to hand-washing before the mass, those distributing Communion will use an alcohol-based sanitizer before and after distributing the Sacrament. 
  • If you are sick or exhibit any symptoms related to the flu, or any communicable disease, do not come to mass or any parish function. Stay home when you are sick. Our 9 AM Sunday mass is live-streamed on the website.
  • Please keep in mind the best way to prevent the spread of any communicable disease is to frequently wash hands, avoid going out if you are symptomatic, and to use common sense. 
  • If you are ill or shut-in for any extended period, please let us know so that we may bring the Blessed Sacrament to you. 
Finally, because the risk to the public is very low at this time, Redeemer will continue the nearly 2,000 year practice of offering daily prayer and praise in the midst of all circumstances: " And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers" (Acts 2:42). 

With prayer and every good wish, I am:
Yours in Christ,

(The Reverend) Charleston David Wilson
Senior Priest Associate for Evangelism & Parish Development 
For all that is happening at Redeemer, link  here .

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