United Way of Tucson Commits Additional $500,000 to Relief Fund
Brings Total to over $1 million for Southern Arizona
United Way of Tucson is pleased to announce that we have raised an additional $500,000 for the United for Southern Arizona COVID-19 Relief Fund this week. This matches the previous $500,000 raised earlier this year bringing the total amount raised for 2020 to $1,073,817 which will be distributed to our 25+ community partners for immediate and direct assistance for our community. The additional half-million dollars will go towards the most pressing needs for individuals and families to help bridge the gap in federal support, scheduled to end this December. The need continues to be great as so many in our community are seemingly on the edge of a cliff. This additional funding and support will still be needed for months to come, but big challenges call for big solutions and we are ready to step up to help create those solutions with the support of our community partners and donors like you.
United Way of Tucson has raised
$1,073,817 to help individuals and families in our Southern Arizona community.
United For Southern Arizona
COVID-19 Fund Updates:
As the pandemic stretches on, now more than ever before our community's big challenges call for big solutions. With many federally funded programs coming to an end in December, additional funding and support will be needed for the tough months ahead. In the face of these challenges, your United Way continues to provide emergency funding for community members through the United for Southern Arizona COVID-19 Fund. Funds raised are used to help local individuals and families in crisis due to COVID-19. It is only through your generosity that we are able to create a positive impact in the lives of others. We need your help to continue providing essential services to the most vulnerable populations. This week as you read the stories below, remember that Tucson needs you to GIVE BIG and GIVE UNITED. Read on for individual stories of impact, volunteer opportunities, and other important updates.
*Total Funds to be allocated through the end of the year
Partner Agencies:
Community Stories
Now, more than ever we need the support of our funders and donors like you. Additional funding and support is needed as United Way of Tucson continues to provide emergency services for individuals and families in conjunction with our partner organizations. To those who have given, THANK YOU for Giving Big and for Giving United. Below you will read the stories of how individuals suffering during the COVID-19 crisis have been directly assisted by the dollars raised for the United for Southern Arizona COVID-19 Fund.
Elder Care during a Pandemic
From Pima Council on Aging: “Karla* is an older woman who lives by herself on a limited income of about $700 per month. Despite some health issues, Karla has always managed to get by rather independently, including shopping for herself and preparing her own meals. In the past few months though, right as the pandemic began, her health started to deteriorate. She injured her foot at the grocery store when someone ran into the back of her foot with a cart, and consequently, her mobility was been greatly affected. She also needed to undergo substantial cancer testing with multiple doctors across the city, which affected her stamina. Ultimately, her doctors advised her to switch to a special, diabetic diet. She is understandably frustrated and struggling to keep up with shopping and her new food requirements. Our home-delivered meals program is ready to help, but her diet requires meals outside our usual scope. Additional support from the United for Arizona COVID-19 will help us make sure Karla receives the meals she needs, directly to her home, as she heals.”
United Way of Tucson Response:
ELDER Alliance
When the pandemic hit in March, the United for Southern Arizona COVID-19 Fund immediately started providing older adults with housing, utility, and food support. Our ELDER Alliance, along with their partners and action teams, also adapted their work to identify and address emerging needs. United Way’s ELDER Alliance is a broad collaboration of non-profit organizations, businesses, government agencies, community partners, and age 50+ residents. The ELDER Alliance had already established a strong system to support the rapidly growing older adult population, allowing older people to stay healthy longer, remain active and involved, and maintain maximum independence. Over the past few months, the ELDER Alliance’s action teams have further mobilized around social isolation and other critical issues affecting older adults, including work in the following areas:
  • Housing Action Team – Housing disruptions for seniors became even more pronounced during the pandemic. The Housing Action Team has worked to help plan the Affordable Housing Summit: Building a Housing Plan for Older Adults, scheduled for January 25-28 and February 5. Panelists will present innovative and best practices, unique funding possibilities and propose changes in policy and regulation to reduce costs of providing expanded housing choices for older adults.
  •  Voices Connectors– Five community-based mobilizers from across Pima County - including Tucson, Sahuarita, Green Valley and Amado – are working directly within their communities to identify and meet immediate challenges. Since the pandemic began, these Connectors have led education and communication efforts on COVID-19 transmission, safety precautions, testing sites, and basic needs resources. They were also instrumental in a coordinated effort between UWTSA and Valley Assistance Services in Green Valley to create and deliver baskets with a holiday meal, other food, activities, and goodies for 175 residents in southern Pima County.

  • Social Engagement – COVID-19 has spotlighted the social isolation that many older adults were struggling with, even before the pandemic. The Social Connection Network is a new community coalition, convened by the Pima Council on Aging, focused on identifying and creating safe engagement opportunities for older adults online and in-person. This coalition includes a diverse set of representatives from local organizations including healthcare, consumer groups, faith communities, service providers, advocates, and leadership from UWTSA. 
Additional Resources
Now, more than ever our community's
Big Challenges call for Big Solutions
We need your continued support to provide life saving services to our community as we struggle through the COVID-19 Crisis. For nearly 100 years, your United Way of Southern Arizona has been fulfilling our mission of mobilizing the community to solve real-time problems. Your gift to this fund will quickly support a child, family, or older person with what they need most during this difficult time. Together, we can help each other and our community emerge from this stronger than ever. Whether you’re able to give $25, $2,500 or contribute your time volunteering with us, we need your help to continue providing essential services to the most vulnerable populations. This year Tucson needs you to GIVE BIG and GIVE UNITED.
*All photos taken without masks were either prior to the pandemic or while maintaining proper social distancing.